

@artichokemonkeys / artichokemonkeys.tumblr.com

Pao // she/they // 23

nothing more embarassing than when you develop personal beef with a piece of media thats entirely petty. like sorry no i cant talk about that show it. bit me.

this is by far the most fun Ive ever had reading tags on a post that blew up


you might bethinking "its so over" but the sun will rise tomorrow and youll be like "omg. its so back." remember this


Ideal work schedule:

  1. I show up and am given a list of cognitively engaging but achievable tasks
  2. I complete the list
  3. I leave immedietly

Yeah this can't be left in the notes


i feel like the boeing whistleblower case should radicalize more people. a major airline company is producing planes with less and less regard for safety and it's starting to get noticeable. man takes them to court, which would reduce profit at the cost of public safety. he fucking dies the night that boeings legal team asks him to stay an extra day. if nothing happens about this, i hope it gets through to people that america would literally kill you for a few extra cents

worth noting US companies do this quite commonly as well as fund terrorist organizations to protect private property. it's common with fruit companies from the US in latin america. they target activists and union leaders. chiquita has been fined before (yes, only fined) by the US government for these types of crimes.

Anonymous asked:

Is there any frog species you have a grudge against?

Meet Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) pseudoasper

Peak calling activity? Between 3 and 4 am 😡

Its preferred perch? The canvas of my tent 🙃

The decibels of its call? Jet-engine levels 🫨

The sound? Fuckin' Star Wars lasers.


do not understand people who get bored of seeing common animals. understand even less when they act with annoyance or hostility just because they're common animals. a deer or a sparrow or a field mouse is like a sunset to me


"why don't you focus on your own country?" is the dumbest attempt at shutting down criticism of america. maybe when you cunts stop putting military bases everywhere and trying to micromanage the entirety of global politics. do you not think people would fucking love to not have to think about america for 5 minutes?


when my mutuals change their icons that means they have changed their entire body. my beloved mutual gerard way has transitioned into lisa frankenstein

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