

@namiwami / namiwami.tumblr.com

♥ they/them IM 27

Israelis really don’t seem to understand that they are a vassal state. You do not get to have internal affairs that aren’t approved by the hegemon, moron!

This is so funny. Imagine if the US interfered in another country's internal affairs. How shocking that would be.


The cackle that I just cackled.


Funny what a little bit of Holocaust denialism will get you trending with.

Also, worth noting that calling it "Holocaust denialism," as Aye and Alejandra Carabello (and myself) have, is not hyperbole.

JK Rowling is denying that trans people were targetted by the Nazis, and promoting the tweets of known anti-trans activists screeching that any insistence that we were is "the LGBTQ+ lobby" revising history. That is, by a 2022 ruling on a case regarding similar tweets by the Regional Court of Cologne, (translation) "a denial of Nazi crimes."

She is, by German court precedent, quite literally engaging in an element of Holocaust denial.


Fuck small businesses and landlords

Idk why you can understand large corpors doing exploitation is bad but if you thinly coat the exploitation in "mom and pop" suddenly everyone swoons

I fucking hate small businesses most of them have been scum of the earth and are CHUD landscaping companies or suburban sexual harassment factories on top of the standard set of exploitation they do. Unlimited genocide on small businesses

literallyyyyy this. small businesses typically treat their employees even worse than larger businesses because small businesses tend to experience greater precarity and less consistent revenue, leading to practices — such as wage theft and ignoring necessary safety protocols — that minimize overhead at all costs. larger businesses obviously engage in the same practices, but small businesses do so more often because their existence is often predicated on doing so.

and like this isnt even getting into the relationship between fascism and the petite bourgeoisie


I just posted a thread on the history of colonialism and ongoing oppressive Indonesian occupation of West Papua. If you have time, please read the educational slides. This is absolutely horrendous, and has been going on for decades. The Indonesian government and military must be held accountable. Free West Papua.

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