
@zoetica / zoetica.tumblr.com

☽ Intergalactic Naturalist and Cosmonomad ☾ London. Interplanetary, multidisciplinary artist. This is my scrapbook and shorthand chronicle. Documenting intergalactic beastly flora in a series of concept drawings entitled "Alien Botany".

On May Day morning, I woke up to the puzzling combination of an onerous jet lag and a blog post bouncing at my fingertips. In various ways I'm beginning a different chapter, including a new iteration of the Alien Botany art series gestating after a period of recalibration. Plus, this quarter positively brimmed, and in these increasingly unsettled days it’s worth commemorating while I can. The result is this Postus colossus, illustrated with images entirely from my phone; I'm hardly on social media these days and the captures do add up. 

Anonymous asked:

Hello Zoetica! I was just wondering, what happened to the beautiful Alien Botany specimens that were rendered on a large, black-painted canvas? I believe you were working on it around the time of your D4RT expedition. I love your Alien Botany work, but am an especially big fan of AB pieces that are in full color. This one really stuck with me because of the wonderful color choices, the realism and the way they popped out from the black. If this is a sensitive topic, please excuse my question. 💚

Thank you! I destroyed much of my older work before moving to the UK, with the exception of these two early pieces. Silver lining: a new branch of the Alien Botany series is currently in development, and it's in colour. Stay tuned 🌺


hey! i was a coilhouse fan a while ago, it’s cool to find you on tumblr after all these years.


Hello! I'd say I never went away, but that would be inaccurate, considering all the places I've gone since then. Welcome to the latest iteration!


CW: consensual rope play. A sunny afternoon spent at a dark Tokyo club amidst flying rope, imprinted skin, and some of the best kinbaku practitioners on Earth. In particular, nawashi Kazami Ranki with Kazami Hina left me with lasting impressions through top-calibre skill and interplay, as well as a collection of treasured photos, which I compiled in a glossy, 90-page zine. I’ve been sharing 𝕄𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕖 privately with friends, and now you can get it here. It’s print-on-demand and decent quality, which is not cheap. I’m turning zero profit from this, though; I conceived it as simply a rare time capsule for those who appreciate the art of rope bondage, not as a product. 


RoseRed ⎯ Zoetica, Septembre 2006.


There's been a recent influx of youths following my various socials and faving swathes of my older fashion images on flickr. My curiosity was piqued! Was there a blog/telegram/discord, or an RPG (wouldn't be the first time) that's mentioned me or my fashion columns over the past few months? I asked a few of the people* saving and sharing my images where they'd found me, and stumbled upon a whole world of gen z tumblrs and Pinterest boards excavating ye olde flickr mines for 2000s inspiration. Although my style has evolved, I continue to love playing with fashion, so it's a delight to see my past efforts be perceived with fresh eyes in a new decade. *Thanks for having good internet manners and crediting me, @hibiscusthirtheen ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗


Chimeric Variable Mantle. Conceal, reveal, and stun with abandon – this polymorphous object’s limit is your imagination. Symbols and specimens from my Alien Botany series adorn your body and evolve into something of your own design. At nearly three metres of luxe, creaseproof chiffon, this might be the most extravagantly-proportioned scarf on Earth, guaranteed to impress the most discerning of interdimensional trend-setters. Shawl, dress, kimono, tapestry, sari, cape, sun cover… You decide.


Harbour 2022 🌸 An invocation of safety, belonging and peace on this restless vernal equinox. Rapt regeneration in chorus with the surging tides of spring. You know where to find it. This image came to me in a February dream and working on it got me through the past month. Available until April 20 in a signed open edition.


Meet Rodrigo. He was the first to visit the rooftop, and the first to get comfortable around G and I. He greets us when we first emerge in the morning, and he makes it known when he thinks his treats are too close to us. He's pretty big and has a white fluff on his chest, as well as majestic pantaloons. He *always* dips his cashews into water. https://www.instagram.com/p/CAiOFAcBrxd/?igshid=3fxya2ksd0dn


First mint harvest from the sky garden. Some of these will be today's tea, and the rest shall join watermelon and cucumber in salad at lunch. https://www.instagram.com/p/CAZ5tI-BSA4/?igshid=716uv6e6r05t


Chatterton Revisited, Zoetica Ebb, London 2020

The Death of Chatteron, Henry Wallis, London 1856

I visit this painting at Tate Britain with some regularity, perhaps for obvious reasons now, but I'd been infatuated with it long before G and I met. This humble recreation is something I've been meaning to do for ages, perhaps even in the very room this was painted, but this quarantine version in my bedroom will do for now. 

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