
Home of Dorkus Mcgorkus

@mozaikrole / mozaikrole.tumblr.com

I'm gay af

your periodic reminder that “golem” is not a word you can throw around without context. i know golems are pretty ingrained as earth/elemental spirits in a lot of fantasy settings now, but i wish more people understood that golems are extremely important to jewish people in an extremely specific way. 

the legend of the golem is a direct response to antisemitism in europe–specifically the blood libel; it was the golem’s job to expose asshole christians who tried to frame jews for child murder. the golem was a uniquely jewish response to a uniquely jewish problem: a sort of proto-superman who could come to our aid when all else failed. the golem is for the most part a benign protector (though there are legends of them rampaging after their rabbis lost control of them, but really, that one’s on the rabbi for not being specific enough). it is a positive and much beloved figure in jewish folklore.

so i want you to understand the full extent of jewish revulsion when we see people throwing around the word “golem” in regards to trump. 

trump is not a golem. you do not get to use that word. it does not mean “vaguely human-shaped unfeeling lump of excrement trying to pass as a person.” If that’s what you’re trying to convey with the word “golem”, please just use those words instead.

Thank you for saying it! I was seeing everyone posting Cards Against Humanity’s thing and I was very unsettled by it

(Though, I was told the CAH creators were Jewish? Is that true? The usage is still incorrect and I still don’t like it, but that would put it in a less malicious light)

The head writer of CAH is Jewish and is a member of my synogogue. I didn’t see what they posted but I do know that she’s Jewish


Why the fuck is everyone shitting on Nancy???? Y'all keep screaming #JusticeForBarb but Nancy worked her ass off for her!! She took on a demogorgon multiple times for her!! She ate dinner with Barb’s parents every week for a year!! She took on the fuckin government, risking her life, so that Barb’s family could get some closure!! You asked for justice and justice stormed in like a goddamn hurricane and HER NAME IS NANCY FUCKIN WHEELER


An Ohio family sits on the picket line during the 1981 air traffic controllers strike. It ended after the federal government fired all 11,300 striking workers, banned them from ever being rehired, legally dissolved their union and sent in military air traffic controllers to replace them.

via reddit


Ronald Reagan was a evil bastard


(also an object lesson in just how far “legally” gets you, sometimes)


A gifset wouldn’t do justice for this work of art.

he’s so talented!

who knew eggman could spin like a fucking deity 


i dont understand this at all and america scares the fuck out of me

This is the america they don’t want you to see

i love america

This is what you call Waffle House at 2 am when the bars close and everyone is drunk and hungry

*group of people having fun* this site: wtf this is so scary

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