
And Furthermore...

@liathwen-slays-dragons-blog / liathwen-slays-dragons-blog.tumblr.com

When I have fears that I may cease to be before my pen has gleaned my teeming brain, before high-piled books, in charactery, hold like rich garners the full ripened grain; when I behold, upon the night's scarred face, huge cloudy symbols of a high romance, and think that I may never live to trace their shadows, with the magic hand of chance; and when I feel, fair creature of an hour, that I shall never look upon thee more, never have relish in the faery power of unreflecting love; - then on the shore of the wide world I stand alone, and think till love and fame to nothingness do sink. --John Keats

So sad Carrie Fisher is gone. She was one of my icons because of how outspoken she was about her diagnosis of bipolar disorder and about mental health in general. The light in the world is a little dimmer without her.


i’m not even the mum friend, i’m like the grandma friend. evidence: - falls asleep a lot - confused about most things - loves baking for people - exasperated at the Youths™ - u never really know what i’m on about but i mean well so u smile and nod anyway


Bulimia isn’t a long haired pretty girl bending over a toilet with a tragically beautiful face on. It’s a puffed miserable face with vomit dripping from it’s chin and a fucking nose bleed. Anorexia isn’t a slim figure shyly refusing a cupcake. It’s hair growing over your freezing malnourished body. Depression isn’t a model with running mascara staring into the sunset. It’s staring at the fucking ceiling at 4 in the morning with burning eyes because you can’t even find the motivation to close them. Self harm isn’t lovely boys kissing your arms telling you you’re still beautiful. It’s nasty fucking scars that will be there forever and showers that sting. Panic attacks aren’t burying your face into your lovers chest and them telling you everything will be okay. It’s feeling out of control and like oxygen has been taken from you. Mental illnesses aren’t beautiful. They don’t make you special and don’t make people suddenly care about you. They’re monsters that destroy lives. So stop taking them lightly and promoting them to impressionable teenagers on the damn internet.

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