
✨negative perspectives✨

@massima-lei / massima-lei.tumblr.com


On a serious note, I really need for you all to boost this. A Black trans woman named TeeTee Dangerfield was found shot to death in College Park, Georgia this past week. Her death was obviously unexpected and caught her loved ones off guard and now her family needs help burying her.  So far they’ve only received $1,665 out of the $10,000 they’re trying to raise. PLEASE boost this.

Her family has raised $3,958 out of the $10,000 they need!! Please boost this y’all they already lost their daughter they shouldn’t have to go into debt to bury her!!!!

[GoFundMe Currently: $5,441 of $10k goal]


Mike Lester Cartoon from 2017-07-18

Libertarians: Get a job and contribute to society!

Also libertarians: We can automate most minimum wage jobs away if workers demand higher wages, so it actually has nothing to do with “contributing to society” and everything to do with poor people knowing their place in society below the divine job creators. Scarcity is fabricated and most jobs are pointless and are only about extracting profit for a capitalist, but it’s okay because liberty doesn’t play favorites sweaty =)


Only under capitalism would the idea of robots doing most of the work for us be considered a bad thing.

Only under capitalism would your very survival be dependant on whether or not walmart needs cashiers.

The fight for 15 will turn to the fight for life, we got ourselfs a revolution brewing as fast as those robots take jobs


A post-capitalist democracy would allow us to automate labor wherever possible, cut out unnecessary work that only exists to line the pockets of the already-rich, and divvy up the otherwise necessary jobs among the population so that each person has a greatly reduced workday/week.

Production-for-profit means that the rich scope out profit in every avenue of life and privatize and accumulate at the expense of the rest of us. That means arbitrary workloads (for the boss’s benefit) and warped ideas about what “contributing to society” means. A robot that can exponentially improve upon productivity is a threat used to keep the working class in their place, but in any truly rational society the increased productivity would mean vacations and a less grueling workday. Capitalism puts the accumulation of capital (by a small elite) ahead of the needs of human beings, in theory and in practice.

Production-for-use bypasses all of that, especially when people are granted agency and democratic say in the social bodies they contribute to. Cover the material necessities of people within a directly-democratic use-based economy and then step back and watch the magic happen. Art, scientific pursuits, culture, education – there would be constant creative booms in a society where most people weren’t weighed down by resource insecurity, long/alienating workdays, and harmful social hierarchy. For all its talk of innovation, capitalism deprives the grand majority of the means to innovate – whether it be a lack of education, limited free time to pursue interests, or a class system that reproduces cycles of wealth and poverty, capitalism does *not* cultivate innovation and creativity among the general population unless it is profitable for the rich to do so (and it usually isn’t). Technologies that help humanity and reduce toil would be a major facet of a use-based system beyond capitalism.

The fight for life is recognizing that only a system change can liberate us; it’s recognizing that there is so much more to life than productivity and competition. The fight for life is a fight for genuine human freedom.


Warehouses of goods exist, owners fence off these resources in order to extract profit out of people in dire need. Capitalism corrupts our human instincts and emphasizes our capacity to be horrible to each other.


When you actually agree with an implication Trump is making, for once. Take them all down – no more monuments to slaveowners and imperialists!

Trucost’s third big finding is the coup de grace. Of the top 20 region-sectors ranked by environmental impacts, none would be profitable if environmental costs were fully integrated. Ponder that for a moment: None of the world’s top industrial sectors would be profitable if they were paying their full freight. Zero.
That amounts to an global industrial system built on sleight of hand. As Paul Hawken likes to put it, we are stealing the future, selling it in the present, and calling it GDP.
This gets back to what I was saying at the top. The notion of “externalities” is so technical, such an economist’s term. Got a few unfortunate side effects, so just move some numbers from Column A to Column B, right?
But the UNEP report makes clear that what’s going on today is more than a few accounting oversights here and there. The distance between today’s industrial systems and truly sustainable industrial systems — systems that do not spend down stored natural capital but instead integrate into current energy and material flows — is not one of degree, but one of kind. What’s needed is not just better accounting but a new global industrial system, a new way of providing for human wellbeing, and fast. That means a revolution.
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