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Main blog: try-to-find-the-light

I'm sorry guys, but I'm leaving this blog and my main blog @try-to-find-the-light for the time being. I don't know if I'll be coming back to them, but if you need to contact me, I'll be at @penny-n-dime


Words cannot express how much I love Gideon in Antipasto. He may be limbless and cornered but he owns Hannibal every second. Hannibal is visibly discomfited when Abel refuses to be cowed (”you still have to eat” -desperate, much?) and later when Abel defiantly taps his utensils Hannibal recoils as if scalded; he’s not so much miffed as pained. And to Abel’s incisive “why do you think I’m allowing this?” Hannibal can only dumbly repeat the same words, because as he well knows, it’s Gideon who’s humouring him, who’s indulging a pathetic man staging a grim mockery of a dinner party because he can’t stand being alone. It’s a far cry from Hannibal in Aperitif, when we first saw him eating his secretary’s offals, basking solo in his superiority. Now, with Will having smashed through his defences and taken ransom his heart, he’s reduced to slogging through joyless meals with Gideon who hurls truth at every chance to his face. Gideon went down triumphantly, and I hope he scraped deep enough welts in Hannibal’s heart to bring the arrogant bastard down a peg or two. 

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