


“Demon Slayer Corps, Insect Pillar, Shinobu Kocho. I may be the only swordsman among the Hashira unable to decapitate demons, but as i’ve created a poison lethal to demons, i’m also rather awesome.”

IG: ColdIndulgentRevenge

Twitter: ColdIndulgentRevenge

FB: theoriginalcir

Original concept by @crumsart 🦋

Costume from @miccostumes 👘

Anonymous asked:

Is Sakura really useless? And she been so since part 1

The first part of your sentence is a question, the second part is a statement, so I’m a little confused.

But in any case, I’ve heard many people say that if Sakura wasn’t in the story, nothing would have changed because she was so useless, yet they (predictably) ignore the fact that had Sakura been excluded:

  • Sasuke may have lost himself to the darkness as early as The Forest of Death.
  • Sasuke would have been killed by Gaara.
  • Naruto and Sasuke may have finished each other off on the hospital rooftop, depending on Kakashi’s main incentive for getting involved.
  • Kankuro would have died from poison.
  • Chiyo wouldn’t have been able to defeat Sasori.
  • The Zetsu impersonating Neji wouldn’t have been caught.
  • Naruto would have died on his way to Minato.
  • Sasuke would have remained trapped in the other dimension.
  • Naruto and Sasuke wouldn’t have been able to land the decisive blow on Kaguya.
  • Sasuke may have died in his initial encounter with Shin, depending in how lethal Shin’s attack was when Sakura intervened.

But you know, Sakura was nothing but a useless bitch who did nothing but chase after Sasuke’s D, and had no relevance to the plot whatsoever. Because everyone knows that the only important traits for a main character to have in mainstream battle shounens, is their ability to blow things up without making a single mistake, ever.


Ok so I rly fucking need to clean my house. Do any other People With Depression™ have any tips or ways you motivate urself to clean? Because this feels like the hardest goddamn thing in the world even tho I know it’s not and I’m just continually frustrated with myself and have been for the past two weeks.


in no particular order (because I have depression and executive dysfunction):

1. If something sensory about cleaning bothers you, eliminate that before you start. For example, I wear gloves to do the dishes. If the sound of the vacuum bothers you, wear headphones and turn up the music. etc.

2. If you can, make a list of everything that needs to be done. Then acknowledge that you probably can’t do it all, and circle all the things that absolutely, no matter what, have to be done. Pick one (ONE! ONLY ONE! START WITH ONE!) of those things and break it down into smaller steps. Then even smaller steps. Seriously, if step one is “stand up” and step two is “walk to closet” and step 3 is “get mop”, that’s fine. It can be that small.

3. Take a break. “But I literally only started five minutes ago!” Don’t care. If you want a break, take a break. “At this point I’ve spent more time on breaks than I’ve spent on cleaning.” Ok, but you’ve spent more than zero time on cleaning, so you’ve accomplished more than you had at the beginning. “If I take a break it won’t get done!” If you burn out it won’t get done either. Take a break.

4. If nothing is working, try what I call bin cleaning/box cleaning. Take a big trash bag and a box. Pick up the first object you see. Step 1: Is it trash? Put it in the trash bag. Step 2: Will you use it in the next 2 days? No? Put it in the box. It’s a problem for Future You. If you’ll use it in the next 2 days, take time to put it away. Rinse and repeat.

5. Did you get distracted and forget what you were doing? Don’t worry about it. Just clean a thing. It doesn’t matter if it’s the thing you were cleaning before. You have to clean lots of things, so just pick a thing and clean it. Eventually you’ll get around to the thing you forgot.

6. If you have to do a thing you really hate, do a thing you like afterwards. I hate doing dishes, but folding laundry soothes me, so that’s a nice one to do afterwards. YMMV. If there are no cleaning things you like that you can do afterwards, see number 3.

7. Make it fun. Play loud music and dance while you’re cleaning. Wear something that makes you feel cute, or if you prefer, something comfy. Light your favorite candle. Whatever.

8. If it’s nice out, open a window. Seriously, it helps.

1. People will promise to never leave you. They will. It’s okay to be sad when they do. 2. It is always okay to cry. Always. Find a bathroom, bury your face in your pillow, and let it out. Cry in the shower. Cry in the car. Cry when you need to. 3. Boys will flirt with you for a while and then ignore you. Then, they will flirt with you some more. It will be confusing. You have every right to stop putting up with it. 4. Pay attention to what people say when they’re angry. When you make up and they tell you they didn’t mean any of it, know that they did. Also know that they wish they didn’t. Forgive them. 5. Never pretend to be someone you’re not. If you don’t like tea and classic novels, don’t act like you do to impress people. If you don’t want to wear leather jackets and combat boots, don’t wear them to please someone else. 6. People will be mean to you; they will spread lies, call you names, and talk about you behind your back. Eventually you will realize that it is petty and stupid and not worth your time. You’ll be right. Move on with your life. 7. Your friends will not always be there for you. When you really need to talk, they will sometimes not want to hear it. That’s okay. Take a deep breath and remember all the times you felt the same way. Exhale. 8. You will wait and wait and wait for your first kiss and your first date and your first relationship. The anticipation will kill you. You will keep trying to find the right person in everyone you meet. Relax. There’s no rush. The best things happen unplanned. 9. Enjoy being young. Love that everything is spontaneous. As you get older, things become more and more scheduled out. Embrace the fact that you aren’t there yet. 10. Tell people how you feel. It will be terrifying in some cases and gratifying in others. It will create relationships and ruin them. But speak your mind, even if your voice shakes, because your thoughts may never otherwise be heard. 11. Sleep. If you go to bed late, sleep in. If you’re still tired when you wake up, go back to bed. If you can’t stay awake during the day, take a nap. Sleeping is a foolproof way of getting rid of your problems for a little while. Utilize it. 12. Talk to people. Talk to your sister about the guy she likes. Talk to your mom about her childhood. Talk to your dad about his favorite books. Talk to your grandparents about their families. Talk to your friends, talk to your pets, talk to the cute waitress at the restaurant. Learn things from them. Be inspired. 13. Always bring a sweater. Even if you think it won’t be cold. 14. Try new things. Eat a new food, try a new kind of juice, switch up the way you dress. You never know what you might end up loving. Life can get boring. Mix it up a bit. 15. Take care of yourself. Wash your hair with that good smelling soap you love. Eat fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of water. Go for long walks in pretty parks. 16. School is important. Try your hardest. If you don’t get something, ask for help. Do your homework. Show your teachers that you’re willing to work hard, and when it comes time to apply to colleges, you’ll be glad you did. 17. There will always be someone prettier, smarter, funnier, or more popular than you. The beauty of it is that it isn’t a competition.

17 things I learned by 17 (via jane-eyyyre)


hey guys psa regarding hospital bills

don’t just pay it. do not automatically pay the hospital bill when you receive it. call your health insurance provider and POLITELY say, “excuse me, i just received a bill for $1200 for my hospital visit/ER visit/etc., is that the correct amount i’m supposed to pay?” because hospitals bill you before your health insurance and they will take your money no matter how the amount due may change based on your health insurance looking at it. 90% of the time, if your health insurance is in any way involved in the payment of that bill, you do not have to pay as much as the hospital is billing you for. call your health insurance provider first, and POLITELY request clarification, always remember that the person you are talking to is human and this is just their job, and then you will very likely find out you actually only owe $500.

don’t shout at anyone about it, don’t get mad, just understand that this is The Way Things Are right now and call your health insurance provider before paying the bill your hospital just sent you. there’s a chance the hospital bill might be correct, true, but call your health insurance provider.

THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT. after my car accident last year the hospital billed me ~$8000. They sent me letters asking me to pay, and I called them back saying my insurance was processing the claim. This is also what I told the collection agency when they kept calling me about the $1000 emergency room fee (billed separately from the hospital fee, mind you). Once everything got straightened out, all I was actually liable for was my $200 emergency copay.

!!!!!!! things my ass didn’t know !!!!!!!!


Yes this is a life lesson my adulting ass didn’t know I needed and I’m out 80 bucks for an anti-nausea pill. 😒😒😒😒😒


The “Sakura is Useless” claim needs to go and the reason is simple.

Because it’s a false claim. It’s been a false claim since part one, and it’s a false claim to the end of Naruto and onward to the Boruto series. It’s a popular statement that’s been passed on from sheep to sheep, from bandwagon to bandwagon (cough, certain Youtube manga reviewers) and it shows not sign of letting up. Which is “annoying” af.

If I’m a Walmart Associate and I’m a good one at that, and I enter a Math Lab, and try to crack an equation, and fail, I may be useless to the cause, which would be cracking the equation. That does not mean I am a useless person. Why? Simple. Am I useless to that customer who needs to know where the Cookies are? No. Am I useless for tagging items with a price tag? No. Am I useless for cashing out a loooong ass line of people, taking care of the Lay-Away Center during the hecktic Christmas Season, and cleaning up on Aisle 5? No, no, and no. Doing something and having my attempt end up rendering useless to any cause does not make me a useless person if I am able to be useful in other aspects in life.  Hell, what if you suck at every job you have and you mess up all the time, yet somehow manage to support your kids and let them know they’re loved? Are you useless to your kids? Gtfo of here if you think so, please do. 

Now there’s Sakura “Haruno” Uchiha. Remember that time Naruto needed help controlling his chakra in order to climb those trees in the first arc? That was useful to Naruto because he was then able to climb the trees to the top, which led to having better chakra control, which led to walking on water, which led to controlling the Rasengan, which led to developing the Rasen-Shuriken, which led to mf controlling the Nine Tails and so forth. Am I saying Sakura is the reason Naruto is OP as hell? No, what I’m saying is because of that useful advice she gave, Naruto learned to gain more control of his chakra. Even Sakura herself was wrong for saying she was useless. she never was! She just wasn’t as strong as her peers, and could not perform certain tasks due to lack of strength (of course, that’s changed for the most part now).


Every moment she did something, from waking up Shikamaru’s lazy ass, to helping to save Kankuro’s, Hinata’s, Naruto’s (Etc.) life, to helping out in the Final Ninja war AND MUCH MORE (DO THE RESEARCH), you’re gonna tell me because she couldn’t keep up with Sasuke and Naruto once they hit their Demi-god, reincarnated, plot-armored status that she’s useless?

Ok, then what about these guys?

(Excluding Naruto and Sakura) They’ve all done some useful things that were important to their missions and or plot of the story. But because they’re not all powerful and or get everything right 100% of the time, they’re useless?

Hell, what about these guys!?

(Excluding those who are still alive) These guys DIED. THEY’RE DEAD! Obviously  when they tried to KILL their enemy, they FAILED or they had NO CHOICE but to sacrifice their life. So they’re useless people now!? Even at they’re dying breath!? (even when Jiraiya gave his Intel to Tsuande before dying)??? I mean, goodness man, even Pain recognized Deidera when he died, saying he would be missed. You think Pain was all “Ah he died, fk that useless blonde closeted chick with his crappy art” ????? o_O

I’m just sayin y’all. I ain’t trying to put Sakura on some perfect pedestal and say she’s perfect in every way because she’s not, and I would have loved to see more from this character in the series, but I am sick and tired of this broken logic, man. Sht do’t make sense, man. 

Makin’ a video on this soon, smh…


for carefree black girls

Here’s to the carefree black girls who make mistakes. To the girls who drown their depression with one too many shots and throw up at their ex’s feet, the girls who reblog natural hair but tug at their 4c roots, wishing it were long, straight, good.

Here’s to the girls who might like girls and who tell other girls that ‘It gets better!’— Meanwhile they’re healing the bruises of their mothers’ ‘God can change you!’

Here’s to the girls who have stopped going to church but not stopped looking for God: to the girls who lie awake panicking that they’re going to hell.

Here’s to the girls who can’t bring themselves to watch Sandra Bland, who’ve stopped reblogging Black Lives Matter because they’ve gone numb. Here’s to the girls who clench their fists when white people walk by and the girls who secretly wonder if black girls deserve it.

Here’s to the girls whose mothers have given them containers of sticky yellow skin bleach. Here’s to the girls who use it ‘only to clear acne scars’ but who relish in the fact that their new skin glows in the darkness.

Here’s to the girls whose acne scars form angry red constellations, the girls who sleep in makeup and the girls too afraid to wear short sleeves; no one told you that those scars can reach the elbow.

Here’s to the girls who wish they were boys but never want to be men, and the girls who squeeze their legs together whenever a man walks by. Here’s to girls who flinch in the mirror.

Here’s to the girls who are so damn tired. Here’s to the girls who are so damn manic.

Here’s to the girls who are so damn fat and so damn skinny on the same day.

Here’s to the girls who can’t go on but go on, who preach forgiveness but can’t forgive themselves.

Here’s to the carefree black girls whose freedom comes at a price. Here’s to the carefree black girls who never feel carefree.


What to do if you suddenly find yourself homeless


  • Find your nearest food bank or mission, for food
  • grocery stores with free samples, bakeries + stores with day-old bread
  • different fast food outlets have cheaper food and will generally let you hang out for a while.
  • some dollar stores carry food like cans of beans or fruit


  • Sleeping at beaches during the day is a good way to avoid suspicion and harassment
  • sleep with your bag strapped to you, so someone can’t steal it
  • Some churches offer short term residence
  • Find your nearest homeless shelter
  • Look for places that are open to the public
  • A large dumpster near a wall can often be moved so that flipping up the lids creates an angled shelter to stay dry


  • A membership to the YMCA is usually only 10$, which has a shower, and sometimes laundry machines and lockers.
  • Public libraries have bathrooms you can use
  • Dollar stores carry low-end soaps and deodorant etc.
  • Wet wipes are all purpose and a life saver
  • Local beaches, go for a quick swim
  • Some truck stops have showers you can pay for
  • Staying clean is the best way to prevent disease, and potentially get a job to get back on your feet
  • Pack 7 pairs of socks/undies, 2 outfits, and one hooded rain jacket


  • first aid kit
  •  sunscreen
  •  a travel alarm clock or watch
  •  mylar emergency blanket
  •  a backpack is a must
  •  downgrade your cellphone to a pay as you go with top-up cards
  •  sleeping bag
  •  travel kit of toothbrush, hair brush/comb, mirror
  •  swiss army knife
  •  can opener

Reblog to literally save a life

Anonymous asked:

I know you hate naruto to your very core but I hope you don't stop drawing Sakura I really love the way you draw her and she's my favorite character

i will never stop drawing the queen don’t worry


Juushiko Matsuno’s refs and plans

Sooo yes! I have started my journey on actually doing the cosplay… I have planned to do the dress-shirt thing she is wearing from 4 pieces… ;aybe or then I will make the collar seperately, we’ll see, got to cut the patterns and see first.

Her dress is really simple and I plan to keep it that way. The fabric I have for this dress is shiny-ish and stretchy so the pattern can be really this simple;

Since the fabric is stretchy, I can pull the collar down over my hsoulders. I’ll see how the fabric behaves and might make changes to the collar.

(also ofcourse I need 4 pieces of the sleeves lol)

Shes too cute… I cant…

I agree!


(no rly i’d like a man k)

Anonymous asked:

i dont know why you waste your time in suckra, she is the worst character in naruto, is flat, ugly, useless with no curves and ennoyed, always hit naruto, thats why people hate her, hinata ino tenten temari or karin are better than her

Each to their own. I think Sakura is adorable strong and amazing (have you seen her eyes? Boy what’s wrong with you.). All of the female characters are great in their own way (I like them all) so chill out and stop being a bitchbaby.

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