i love bread. i love bread.

@fieriwap / fieriwap.tumblr.com

marissa. she/her. 21. honestly jc was the best dancer in *nsync and we all know it. hockey sideblog is @dumouwin, baseball sideblog is @jasonbaeward.

honestly, the best thing that helped me with my anxiety in interacting with other people was realizing that for the most part, everyone you meet in day-to-day life is pretty much on your side

the cashier at the mcdonald’s who takes your order? you want to get food, they want to help you get food. i’ve worked that type of job before, they don’t care if you stutter or can’t make eye contact. they just want to hear your order and put it through. no big deal if you mess it up a little.

or you’re calling the doctor’s office? the receptionist on the other end wants to help you make an appointment. they’re not trying to keep you from getting one, they’re just trying to find the solution that works best for you. i could come up with more examples, but you get the idea. it’s collaborative.

my life became a lot easier when i realized these sorts of interactions aren’t one-on-one conflicts, they’re teamwork.


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