
The Cahrolian Alien

@cahrolian-alien / cahrolian-alien.tumblr.com

Alien - Landed in Europe - NSFW - Minors be gone

A friend of mine who’s been married for 10 years and has 2 children confessed to me yesterday that she’s tired of being a wife and a mother.

This isn’t the first time someone has said this to me. It’s mostly from women who got married and had kids in their early 20’s before they got a chance to realize the woman they really are. And they grow to hate their life and resent their family. And it’s heartbreaking to see how heavy their guilt is.

Marriage and having children is not the ultimate goal for some women. Many do it because they feel it’s the natural order of things and those women usually realize one day that if they had the chance to do it all over again they wouldn’t.

If you have doubts about wanting kids, wait. Don’t pressure yourself to have children because you feel it’s what’s expected of you.

And don’t marry someone either because you feel you must by a certain age or if you feel obligated.

It’s OK if you don’t want to ever get married or have children. It’s OK if you don’t want to become someone’s wife or mother. You’re not less of a woman. Live your life for yourself.


Kim Kardashian was almost shot at gun point tonight. And I’ve seen a few people make jokes about it and that really disgusts me like I know not everyone likes the Kardashians but I don’t think it’s at all okay to make jokes at someone who could have been killed. Kim K is a wife and a mother of two kids, those kids could have grown up without a mom. Kanye literally stopped his show tonight 30 minutes early to make sure she was okay. You don’t have to like her but honestly please have some compassion for someone who was almost killed.


“I’ll always love watching you fap.~” 😉 THANK YOU SO MUCH #ZoneArchive for giving me the opportunity to show my bikini #cosplay version of your pervy, and sexy mascot, ZONE-TAN! This was such a BIG SUCCESS and I hope to make and put together more cosplays of her just for you!! 💜💋 If you guys haven’t checked out the website, you don’t want to miss out on their amazing hentai-cartoon parodies! Http://zone-archive.com

#BlackCat #cosplayer #PixelVixen #ZoneTan #purplebikini #thickthighs #purplehair #pervert #lewdgirl #woc #cosplaymodel


shout this from the rooftops

Why doesn’t this have more notes?

the lie is nowhere to be found

It’s that simple.


Please read this

I don’t care how many times this is posted, white people still thing “hurt feelings” is the same as racism…

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