
[Disgust In Gucci]

@bungeegumbitch / bungeegumbitch.tumblr.com

Devin ||| 23||| He/Him ||| Leo
IG: jayhardt_cosplay

My favorite catholic lore is that anyone can make holy water in a pinch but the church puts dumb restrictions on us like ‘do this only if someone needs their last rites’ like I WILL bless this McDonald’s sprite and I WILL enjoy the crispiness of our lord and savior


Another bit is that holy water cannot be diluted. When I went to the Vatican the tour guide was explaining this, if you put any amount of holy water into any amount of normal water, the whole bunch becomes holy. This is how they sell Pope Holy Water in the gift shop. This is how I've been drinking only holy water for two months now. I am immune to demons.


Homeopathic holy


It’s not actually any amount of holy water- according to the Church, the water has to be more than half holy water by volume. So if you take a half gallon+a few drops of holy water and a half gallon of secular water, you get one gallon of holy water, plus a few drops. You can then add a gallon of secular water to that and then you have two gallons of holy water. We’ve got a couple jugs of Pope Water in the linen closet at my parents’ house, because my mom used the heck out of this loophole after a trip to Italy in 2008. It was more than a decade ago at this point and we still have Pope Water. We no longer have that Pope, but by god do we have his water.


gotta love the space sibs

i’ll have this as a mini print at SAC! ♥


saw a picture of a white guy who went to a Cuban supermarket, and ordinarily they go "LOOK AT ALL THESE EMPTY SHELVES" except all the shelves were completely full, what they were complaining about now was the fact that there was only one brand. It goes to show you that no matter what, they'll say anything, it doesn't matter what the argument is, as long as they can blame socialism for something.

Yeah cause there’s any difference between that and this

He claimed that there were huge lines to get into the store yet somehow had no photos of the lines and there are no other people in the photos he took in that store completely stocked full of food.

The thing is, it is very difficult to acquire sometimes even basic food items in Cuba. It isn’t because of socialism but because of embargoes and sanctions that the U.S. places on Cuba.  Here is a link to an article on it from The Conversation.

Choice and competition are an illusion in the US. As a side note, this isn’t even actually a “supermarket”, grocery stores do exist in Cuba, but this isn’t one of them, this man is lying. From what I’ve read these types of places are known as restaurant supply wearhouses, which is common in Cuba. The grand majority of Cubans don’t shop in these places (which is why I know he’s lying about the long lines he couldn’t even show proof of), most get their groceries from farmers markets/local vendors, which in my opinion is pretty neat. Also, this man has never clearly been to Costco or Trader Joe’s.


Was waiting on the embargo being mentioned before reblogging 😎


How to help Amazônia:

You can donate to SOS Amazônia which is one among the 100 NGOs selected as “The Largest NGOs in Brazil”.

> > > ( ENGLISH: //doe.sosamazonia.org.br/en ) < < <

And remember: - 1 USD is 4,04 reais. - 1 EUR is 4,47 reais. If you donate only $2,50 USD (10 reais) you’re helping a lot.

If you donate only $2,30 EUR (10 reais) you’re helping a lot. About people saying “the minimum value is $10”: Even if you’re not from Brazil you can donate in REAL instead of donating in USD or EUR via Paypal, so… YES, you can donate less than 10 dollars or euros. (Just don’t change the currency to USD or EUR, Paypal converts your dollars/euros to reais.)

Please. Boost if possible, this is REALLY important.

Things that are terrifying to me that I assume aren’t terrifying to cis people:

  • Person looking at me as I figure out where the door is on this weird stall
  • Person who was leaving the bathroom as I entered suddenly deciding now is a good time to go back and stand by the sink after they see me go in a stall
  • Literally any middle aged to elderly person looking at me in public
  • A small child old enough to talk staring at me in public
  • Anyone who looks like the type to live on a farm or in a gated community staring at me in public
  • Going clothes shopping
  • Showing my government photo ID in any situation
  • Laughing people leaving the restroom after they see me
  • Shopping anywhere on the edge of town or in one of the surrounding rural towns
  • People who knew me before the age of 18 being around when I introduce myself to new people
  • Buying deodorant, soap, and shaving supplies in the store
  • Walking out of a public restroom

Yeah cis people can reblog. Just don’t go “Uhm actually” on me or imply that I’m being paranoid. If you do that you’re part of the problem.

Hey can cis people with social anxiety stop trying to relate to this post? I get that you have anxiety but it is not the same as a trans person’s anxiety. You are not nervous in the bathroom for the same reason that I am. I have a very real fear of being grabbed, punched, kicked, sexually assulted, publicly embarassed, or stabbed in public spaces specifically because I’m transgender. Your nervousness in a grocery store is not the same as my twinge of fear when another man eyes me with suspicion in the soap aisle.


Are you really going to scroll past without saying Спокойной ночи, мистер Флеймгатор


The bit in russian says “Good night mister flamegator”


i CANNOT stop thinking about this job ad. i am absolutely losing it over the implication that someone is going to apply to this job who 1) loves chasing birds and 2) is disturbingly competetive about it


I heard my brother say he was going to dairy queen so I suck into his car and he has no idea I’m in here

he asked his friend what he wanted and I popped up from the floor ‘I was thinking about a milkshake’ I have never heard two teenage boys scream louder

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