

@secrettoplover / secrettoplover.tumblr.com

Straight No Chasers! Enjoy and have fun! :)

Girl You Really Got A Hold on Me

I was browsing Pinterest when I saw this and felt immediately that I had to paint my OTP in the exact pose. The people closest to me know I’m completely obsessed with Spock and Lt. Uhura and have been since I was a child. As someone raised on Star Trek (specifically the Original Series) who also happens to be a Black woman, Star Trek represents the promise of a utopian future that exists because of the inherent value of people of color. I have eight billion things to say about how important the original intention for Spock and Uhura to be a romantic couple is, but suffice it to say I love them. The title of this piece comes from a song I always associate with these two, Childish Gambino's "Me and Your Mama". Painted with Clip Studio Paint in one session because I have no impulse control.

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finally got around to watching into the spider-verse and wow, it is as good as everyone said. what's wild is how good sony is at making these spider-man compared to how bad they are at making the live-action spider-man movies. clearly, the strategy moving forward should be to put some of the animated people on the live-action movies because this is head and shoulders above everything they're doing in live action.


Can't wait til the next one comes out 🙌🏾

yea probably won't see that until 2026 because of madam web haha.

Thomas Jennings was a free man born in 1791 in New York City. He was 30 years old when he was granted a patent for a dry cleaning process. In his early 20s Thomas Jennings became a tailor, and later opened a dry cleaning business in the city. As a tailor. Jennings' skills were so admired that people near and far came to him to alter or custom tailor items of clothing for them. Eventually, Jennings reputation grew such that he was able to open his own store on Church street which grew into one of the largest clothing stores in New York City. While running his business Jennings developed dry-scouring. He had many customers complain of their clothes being ruined by stains and so he began experimenting with cleaners and mixtures that would remove the stains without harming the material. He earned a large amount of money as a tailor and even more with his dry scouring invention and most of the money he earned went to his abolitionist activities. In 1831, Thomas Jennings became assistant secretary for the First Annual Convention of the People of Color in Philadelphia, PA. Thomas L. Jennings Dry Scouring technique created modern day dry cleaning. Jennings was fortunate that he was a free man at the time of his invention. Besides all the other indignities and cruelties slaves had to face, they were also ineligible to hold a patent. Under the US patent laws of 1793 a person must sign an oath or declaration stating that they were a citizen of the USA. While there were, apparently, provisions through which a slave could enjoy patent protection, the ability of a slave to seek out, receive and defend a patent was unlikely. Later, in 1858, the patent office changed the laws, stating that since slaves were not citizens, they could not hold a patent. Furthermore, the court said that the slave owner, not being the true inventor could not apply for a patent either. Thomas Jennings died in New York City in 1856.

McCarty was born on March 7, 1908, in Shubuta, Mississippi. She was raised in nearby Hattiesburg by her aunt and grandmother. McCarty, who never married and had no children, lived frugally in a house without air conditioning. She never had a car or learned to drive, so she walked everywhere, including the grocery store that was one mile from her home. When she was 8 years old, McCarty opened a savings account at a bank in Hattiesburg and began depositing the coins she earned from her laundry work. She would eventually open accounts in several local banks. By the time McCarty retired at age 86, her hands crippled by arthritis, she had saved $280,000. She set aside a pension for herself to live on, a donation to her church, and small inheritances for three of her relatives. The remainder—$150,000—she donated to the University of Southern Mississippi, a school that had remained all-white until the 1960s. McCarty stipulated that her gift be used for scholarships for Black students from southern Mississippi who otherwise would not be able to enroll in college due to financial hardship. Business leaders in Hattiesburg matched her bequest and hundreds of additional donations poured in from around the country, bringing the total endowment to nearly half a million dollars. The first beneficiary of McCarty’s largesse was Stephanie Bullock, an 18-year-old honors student from Hattiesburg, who received a $1,000 scholarship. Bullock subsequently visited McCarty regularly and drove her around town on errands. In 1998 the University awarded McCarty an honorary degree. She received an honorary doctorate from Harvard University, and President Bill Clinton awarded her the Presidential Citizens Medal. McCarty died of liver cancer on September 26, 1999, at the age of 91. In 2019 McCarty’s home was moved to Hattiesburg’s Sixth Street Museum District and turned into a museum.

white people man……

But the English settlers came legally to colonize the new land


What the fuck are you smoking?

World history facts

Are you sure it isn’t weed? Because they came over stole land from the natives.

English Spanish and Dutch settlers all came and began to colonize United States when there were native Americans here was it right? No. But they all got boats and money and supplies from there country so it was not illegal

So you’re saying you’d be totally cool with as many immigrants as want to come into the country as long as their native country paid for the planes, boats, and automobiles to get them here? Just so we’re clear.

No that doesn’t make any sense we have a government we’re a developed country a whole bunch of tribes just chilling somewhere does not. When the European settlers came here they weren’t going through any immigration process because the native Americans didn’t have one.

Ummm? The native Americans were as developed as the Europeans at that time. They certainly weren’t “just chilling” there, that’s kind of an absurd assumption and frankly, pretty racist.

Native Americans were no where near as developed as the Europeans where the hell did you get that information from. They were living there farming and building not striving towards technological advancements like Europeans were. There is nothing racist about my statement what the hell is up with tumblr and the race card

Where did I get that information from? My AP textbook, actually. The only reason Europe was the first to discover other lands was because they had a largely merchant style economy which required travel to support.

The native Americans were not as developed as the Europeans that came not by a long shot my dude you should get a refund for your textbook if it’s that inaccurate

Sure I’m going to ignore my textbook because some guy on the internet told me to, that makes perfect sense. Also where are you getting your sources, since you’re so quick to contradict mine?

You’re retarded my dude I’m sorry it’s okay I forgive you. Me in just pulling facts out of my ass of course. Yep the native Americans were as developed as the Europeans settlers. Bush did 9/11. The earth is flat and the moon landing was faked. Vaccines cause autism and there are no more real chickens. I’m on an airplane so this will be my last response for two hours.

Do you want a photo? I don’t have the book with me but I can get you evidence Monday.

Sure show me a photo on Monday. The plane is still boarding I’ve got time to waste on some more stupid tumblr debates

the fact is even if the English were more civilized then the Native Americans that doesn’t give you the fucking right to bombard their land and KILL ALL OF THEIR PEOPLE. We’re talking about the fucking 1500’s here they didn’t even have laws on the subject so no, it most fucking certainly was not “legal”

and there’s not a goddamn reason in this world you can give me that MAKES ME THINK STEALING LAND AND KILLING AN ENTIRE POPULATION IS OK BECAUSE YOU’RE “more advanced” what kind of fucked up asinine shit is that

Oh I never said it was okay. It was terrible a tragic event in our nations history. But it wasn’t illegal if there’s nothing that says it’s illegal than doing so is legal my dude.

The idea that “discovery” of this continent by Europeans gave European countries ownership of Native lands is a myth that has been very detrimental to Indian and Alaska Native nations.  Countering this false idea has been part of Indian life for generations.  Yet many government officials, including judges, still believe this nonsense, partly because it is repeated so often.  Like all racist ideas, this one is simply not true.  The Europeans did not discover this land, and they did not gain ownership of Native land by reason of discovery.
The idea that “discovering” nations gained ownership of Native lands when they arrived has never been accepted as a legal rule in United State law or in international law.  It has always been the law of this country, even in colonial times, that the “discovering” country did not gain ownership of Native land but only the exclusive right to buy or acquire the land if the Native owners should be willing to part with it.  Chief Justice John Marshall understood this and made it part of federal law in 1832.  Indian nations held the full rights of ownership to their lands, and in many situations, these rights were recognized and guaranteed (not granted) by treaties with the United States.
In international law, discovery gave rights only to uninhabited lands and did not diminish the legal rights of Indians and Alaska Natives to lands and resources.  The so-called “discovery doctrine” should not be used to justify any such diminishment today.  "Discovery" of this continent, inhabited entirely by Indian and other Native nations, gave only the exclusive right to buy the land from the Native owners if they were willing to sell.  This right is now called the right of pre-emption.  This right governed the relationships among “discovering” nations, and had no effect on the land rights of Native nations.
The Supreme Court has accepted and reaffirmed this body of law even in modern cases.
Indian nations own millions of acres of land today, most of it lands that they have always owned and lived on.  Obviously, they did not lose their lands upon discovery.  As flawed and unjust as federal Indian law is, it generally protects Indian land ownership and does not regard “discovery” as taking away these lands.
It is disturbing to see statements by some Indian advocates saying that the “doctrine of discovery” actually took away or denied Indian land rights as a matter of law.  If this were true as a matter of law, Indian nations would have enormous problems maintaining any form of ownership of their present lands and would seldom or never be able to make claims for the return of lands illegally taken.  Fortunately, the doctrine of discovery did not, as a matter of law, actually take away any Indian land, and we should not say that it did.
The “doctrine of discovery” is undoubtedly racist and unjust.  It’s main point is to claim - falsely - that Native nations lost their land rights to the “discovering” countries.  But this is not true as a matter of law or as a matter of history, and we should be sure not to suggest that it is true.  Despite this, we can and should continue to attack the “doctrine of discovery” as a completely false and unjust idea that has no place in our law or our country.

i wasn’t going to get into this because i love watching white ignorance play itself and i’m not posting this for this white dude who got his bleached history lessons down cold. you can continue in your ignorant bliss mayoboy, this is for everyone else. 

the idea that the lands of the natives were up for grabs and thus it was legal for the settlers to just come up on it and take has been disproven time and time again but the racist idea persists. why? whiteness. whiteness is built on lies and so we shouldn’t be surprised by this. 

know this, “vacuum domicilium” is the doctrine the settlers adopted and it has been ruled to be illegal. “vacuum domicilium” states that the settlers merely thought the land was vacant, they can take and call it their own. fuckouttahere. nope. those fuckers even tried to pass this fucking logic off:

Native land is wasteland or a savage wilderness that no one owns, uses, or wants and is available for the taking by colonists—therefore any aboriginal interests in the land are extinguished as soon as British subjects settle the area.
Native peoples have no concept of property, do not claim any property rights, or are incapable of owning land.
Christians have a right to take land from non-Christians because heathens lack property rights.

first of all natives always maintained both political and cultural rights to their native lands. always. they never relinquished it. not one time. second, fuck you with this “no concept of property.” the fuck you think they were able to split land amongst tribes? you can’t do that without a base concept of land, property and ownership. lastly being of another religion doesn’t give you the right to steal shit from people. 

Why do these lies persist? The act colonization requires the defaming of those who are being colonized as a means of justifying the criminal acts when questioned. If you can convince the populace that natives had no concept of land ownership, then your theft was not theft after all. If you can convince the world that natives had no advance thinking or practices in any area then you can justify forcing your way in and destroying their culture. Moreover if you convince yourself and everyone else that natives were just savages then you can justify your actions of raping, plundering and murdering them and that’s the bigger goal. That’s the crime that most important to cover and recast however to do you must do those smaller acts of defamation.

i could go on but you get the gist. when your education comes via the americanized “educational system” which primarily focuses on white western malehood with much willingness to lie, twist the facts, spout half truths and worse, you’ll end up like this fucker right here.

recommended readings:

  1. A Critical Pedagogy for Native American Education Policy 
  2. American Indian Nations: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
  3. In the Courts of the Conquerer: The 10 Worst Indian Law Cases Ever Decided
  4. An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States (ReVisioning American History)

and any excuse to post this gif is always welcomed.

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