
Polytheist In Training

@fia-beag / fia-beag.tumblr.com

Just a little blog to collect pictures, text, tutorials, and general knowledge pertaining to Irish polytheism and secular witchcraft on my journey.

ok can we stop fuckin pushing the whole “santeria/voodoo” or anything that originates from the islands and africa in terms of spirtuality is inherently demonic or evil as if thats not something white imperialists ingrained in everyones head

anyone can rb this im just sick and tired of hearing people say “hell no i dont mess with demon shit” when they see someone practicing any form of these religions/beliefs



If you’re a Norse pagan that sympathizes with the alt-right/neo nazi movement or is a neo nazi that uses Norse pagan symbols, please smash that unfollow button and block me.

I don’t want that filth here.

I’m looking at other  pagans here and begging y’all to reblog this and help us Norse pagans take back the symbols that have been twisted into a mark of hatred

White supremacists and neo nazis have no place on my blog. Please stop tainting my heratige with your bigotry, thanks and have a shitty day.


If I ever don’t reblog this, assume the trolls have come back for me

I’m a queer, brown, female with immigrant parents. If you sympathize with Nazis/the alt right/Trump & Pence, GTFO

They’re more and more infiltrating Gaelic Polytheism spaces, too. We can’t afford to be lazy about this either.


People Confuse Morrigan with other War deities

I feel like some of the discussion of Morrigan tends to lump her in with European or Norse ideas of war deities and she’s just so different. She’s arguably not even a war deity in the traditional sense.

The Morrigan rarely fights herself. She’s a talker and a planner and a prophet and poet.

She inspires heroes and sets up leaders.

She’ll go in disguise to judge your merit.

She’ll appear like a monster to test your resolve.

It’s not a case of not fighting, but choosing the moment carefully.

She crosses between this world and the next. She knows death, knows what the cost of fighting can be.

She knows the power of words in battle.


A Gaelpol prayer against Nazis

I pray to Brighid, Airmed, and Miach: heal those affected by white nationalism, racism, and anti-Semitism

I pray to Lugh, the Dagda, and Ogma: give us the skills to fight Nazis, and defeat them and their hatred

I pray to Manannan Mac Lir: cloak and protect everyone affected by white nationalism, racism, and anti-Semitism

I pray to Flidais: provide encouragement to those who counter-protest and fight back against the hatred produced by Nazis

I pray to Nuada: lead us in battle against the Nazis taking over our country.

I pray to Na Morrigna, the sisters of war: provide us with the strength to endure these horrifying times. Provide us with strength to fight back.


I couldn’t get it how it came out of my face. I couldn’t get all of it. I did get some of it. It needs to be preserved. 

I wish there were words to contain the sublime wonder of the sea god himself but how can there be when we have not even scratched one tenth of its depths from which we crawled all those years ago and which we are dragged down into with sickly salt water stinging at our throats and noses stifling the breath and life itself as he deals in both life and death in equal measure as that is the sea and which we do not even understand one tenth of its wisdom and cannot hope to except that we may for finn did and fedelm too and we must only find the ways of poetic frenzy that reveal the way in rambling rantings roads of words upon words that sing of the truth of the waves that curl and pearl like living jade shining in the sun liquid and resplendent is his cloak that we catch sight of and hear the foams crackling from for that is the way of the sea that is life and death itself at once and anger and love and fear and courage and sadness and joy and dullness and levity in equal measures that call us to ride upon its waves and pull up sustenance that has fed one nation and many for this year and many before and many more to come both present and future and that is the way of the sea which shall uplift us and that is the way of the sea which shall crush us both in equal measure for that is the way of the sea and its son whose song we sing in the vain hopes that we shall know him fully in the future which we shall know him fully let us sing of the sea’s son and wonder if there words which can capture his radiance and endless regal might and know that there are not and yet there are both at once as that is the way it is with poetic frenzies and how it shall always be if only we choose to let it and who can choose not to be run over by the sea’s furies when they come knocking and there is no one who can and if they say they are able then they are liars for certain revealed to us by the point of a sword which cuts only the liars among us wielded by the sea lord for whom we search for the grandest of words and which we hope not to disappoint as he visits us for a cup of tea and a joke and a jape as that is his way before he rushes out to punish the foul for their crimes and teach lessons to us all through storm and thunder and death and pain but that which is life too all at once for that is the way of the sea and we cannot know but one tenth of it except that we can if only we search if only we search


Hey all, I’ve got an actual cocktail recipe for you today centered around the summer solstice/Litha on June 21st!

This is an original recipe. Sun Seeker Cocktail 2 oz bourbon 1 tbslp honey 3 oz ginger beer (refrigerated) Cinnamon stick Grater or microplane Sprig of rosemary

In a mixing glass pour bourbon and add honey. Stir until honey is dissolved and fully incorporated. Add ice and shake to chill. In a copper mug or lowball glass, pour ginger beer and strain bourbon honey mix into glass. Grate cinnamon over the top. Press rosemary to release oils, and rub around rim of glass (counter clockwise to reverse negativity) and place sprig in glass for garnish. Sip and feel the refreshing warmth deep through you and enjoy!

Whiskey for fire, rosemary for the sun, cinnamon for the warmth of summer, ginger for its healing and deep roots.

Tomorrow I’ll post the recipe to use the rose vodka ;)


The Irish kings, they say, had to be without blemish. Some days I look at the mirror and cry at the shape my life has taken. Today, instead, my routine is interrupted by a bumblebee.

Its form is so unlike my own, yet exquisitely crafted for its purpose. Who am I to stare the countless generations that formed us in the face and declare that I too cannot fly anyway?

The Irish kings, they say, had to be without blemish. What they so often fail to add was that this was not a safeguard against outer ugliness, but internal failings. A loophole to depose terrible rulers with measures that stopped short of outright war in an age without much other recourse. There were, after all, those who lost an eye or a limb and kept ruling anyway.

Because there are many shapes a worthy life can take. Who am I to deny the battle-scarred sperm whale his domain over the abyss? To disparage the grim duty of the vulture? We all participate in life’s dance, as we can. We all play a part in its stewardship, as we must. And that, that, is beauty.

The original sin, so far as there is one, was to look at this beauty and declare that it needs to be earned.


Hot Toddy for Good Health and Cheer

So, hot toddies are my absolute fave drink (read: alcoholic drink) for those cold nights where your hands are freezing and you’re feeling a little run down. They’re also a remedy for colds in one of my friend’s family, and who am I to argue with folk remedies? But I also like to put a little ~woo~ spin on it.

So, what you’ll need:

  • A large cup of tea (my favorite is chamomile, for its healing and sleep-inducing properties)
  • Honey (again, something I associate with healing in the magical as well as mundane)
  • A lemon slice (purification)
  • A cinnamon stick or a little sprinkle of cinnamon, if you can’t find cinnamon sticks (healing and strength)
  • Whiskey! Or liquor of your choice. I mean, you don’t have to, but this really gives it a kick. (originally distilled for medicinal purposes, I think whiskey is great for a healing drink)

Brew your tea like you normally would. Squeeze the lemon into the drink, and visualize it purifying you of any illness; add the honey (maybe in the form of a sigil if such is your jam), and focus on how it will trap any negativity and bring sweetness. Add a splash (or two or three, hey I don’t know your life) of the whiskey, thinking of it killing any foul microbes that might be lurking (this is not how it actually works in the body, though I think it’s a great visualization) and filling you with warmth (it may just be vasodillation, but it’s still a great feeling on cold nights).

Finally, take your cinnamon stick and stir either clockwise to bring in good health and happiness or counterclockwise to banish illness and negativity. Whichever feels right for you is the one I would recommend. For some reason, I tend to do clockwise when I’m just in it for the whiskey and good feelings and counterclockwise for my common colds.

Add or modify to your desire, but this is the basic outline of my hot toddy for good health and cheer!


What....what happens when you burn hydrangea?


Oh, the plant contains a cyanide compound that’s only released when it’s burned. The smoke is toxic. It can cause anything from dizziness to fainting spells to symptoms of poisoning if you breathe it in.

And that applies to pretty much all the Hydrangea species, so it’s best just to keep them away from your fire spells. Better safe than sorry!

(And yes, that means side-eyeing the articles claiming that Panicled Hydrangea can be safely smoked like cannabis. Spoiler alert: No. Do not do the thing.)


Meditation for the Wild-Minded Witch

do you have ADHD? are you easily distracted? do you daydream constantly abt everything and anything? when you hear the words “you might fall asleep” in a post abt meditation, do you sigh and roll your eyes?

if you answered “yes” to any of the above, then this is the post for you!!

as someone who has type one ADHD and a crazy imaginative mind, I haven’t seen a single Intro To Meditation post that pertains to me. they’re always abt tips for visualization, or tips for not falling asleep within 5 minutes. I have insomnia you guys, I ain’t gonna be asleep in any less than 2 hours smh

without further rambling, here’s some tips and tricks for people who just can’t fucking meditate

1) listen to some goddamn music. preferably stuff you’ve listened to many times before, songs you have basically memorized so you don’t get distracted by how unique this new sound is, or how cool that voice was right there. listen to your favorites!! listen to songs in foreign languages, so you aren’t focused on the words but more the feeling they give. blast that shit through your most comfortable earbuds, tune everything else out

2) don’t sit outside. trust me. too many extra sensory bits and shit that you just don’t need rn. miss me with that wind and bugs and prickly grass.

3) tired of the “visualize a door” method? visualize yourself dancing! find one good dance song that you’ll only use when trying to meditate, and choreograph your own little routine! imagine urself dancing outside on a chilly autumn day- the air smells crisp and the leaves crack and almost hurt beneath your feet and every once in a while your arms hit a twig or branch. imagine it’s spring and there’s cold dew on the soft new grass and the sun is making your bare arms tingly, a warm breeze tugs at your hair and clothes. get creative! the hardest part is imagining yourself *in* your body, looking out, instead of watching urself dance like it’s a movie.

4) sit in the car!! oh my god!! do this!! the passenger seat of the car opens a world of possibilities, and you probably won’t even have to close your eyes because damn, look at you, you’re already off daydreaming abt god knows what and completely ignoring everything around you!! if cars are good for anything, it’s daydreaming. now all you gotta do is figure out how to switch your daydreaming off and turn meditating on.

5) school age witch? meditate in the morning on the bus. if you trust the other kids riding with you enough, do it on the way home too (warning: may suddenly find urself interrupted by flying paper balls or gross laughing. this is why we meditate in the mornings when everyone’s half asleep still)

6) it’s okay if a stray thought drifts in every once in a while, so don’t get upset over it.

7) your leg bouncing? scalp itch? eye twitching? keep bouncing it! scratch your head! rub your eyes!! trying to ignore these things will take more effort than it will to just take care of them. make sure youre comfortable

8) extending on that point, if you find your overall position uncomfortable, just move dude. it’s okay, just cause you aren’t laying with ur arms at ur sides and legs perfectly straight doesn’t mean you won’t get some meaningful meditation in

I was hoping to get 10 points but I’m suddenly lacking motivation and getting bored with typing this. guess that’s the proof for you that I have ADHD? I hope these help! feel free to add on your own tips for meditation! and like always, don’t beat urself up if nothing seems to be helping. I’ve been trying for three years and I still struggle very much to meditate, and be confident that what I’m seeing isn’t just my Wild Wild imagination, and is instead the astral or whatever else I’m looking for. take your time, and good luck! ✨🌊🥀


I just learned that according to the Lebor there was a battle between the Fomorians and Tuatha de Dannan where 300 Fomorians were slain, including their leader, and I’m 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀

We already know the priests who wrote the Lebor totally lifted stories from the Bible and the Oddessy and like…. did they take from history too??????



While they most likely would have known about the battle of Thermopylae, I don’t think they were drawing inspiration from it there.

For one, the Formorians are the bad guys. They don’t really play up how brave and honorable the Formorians are anywhere else–the opposite, if anything–so it would be kind of weird for them to do it in that passage by making a parallel with the sacrifice of the Spartans.

Also, three is a sacred number in Gaelic religion. It would be totally in line for them to have picked 300 just because that’s what you do in myth. (See how the Bible uses 40 all over the place, or how Norse myth uses nine.) It’s not an arbitrary amount, so we don’t really need to look outside of Irish myth to explain its use. 

^^^Numerology in History is one of my favorite things to explain to students!


Water is a good offering. Olive oil is a good offering. Flowers are a good offering. Written poetry is a good offering. Singing is a good offering. Milk is a good offering. Drawing is a good offering. Wine is a good offering. Candles are a good offering. Incense is a good offering.

The ancient Greeks used what they had around them as offerings, use what you have around you. Yes, the luxurious offerings are great to give, but many of you have asked us what you can do for offerings when you’re short on money. Use what you have around you. Be creative, or just offer some water. You have options and no limits to give an offering.

Witchy tip:

Washi tape!

Are you in a dorm or other place where you can’t burn candles, but the healing spell asks for a blue candle? Use washi tape to turn your electric candle into a blue one! Do you want to burn a rose candle on your Aphrodite altar but you’re not allowed an open flame? Well, it doesn’t smell like roses but it’s pretty and has pink flowers!

Do you want the tealight in forest-themed travel altar to match the rest of the aesthetic? Washi tape!

Washi tape is removable, so you can keep changing the colour to whatever you need. And you can write on it, so instead of carving candles, you can draw your sigils or runes on the tape!

Happy Crafting!

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