

@tout-cela-et-bien-plus-encore / tout-cela-et-bien-plus-encore.tumblr.com

Ici, pêle-mêle assez bordélique de ma vie, une jolie journée à toi 🌿

Hello tout le monde! Ça fait quelque temps que je n’ai pas posté et je reviens pour une petite requête (sans aucune honte) : j’ai réalisé un questionnaire en cours de sociologie sur la littérature de jeunesse et la loi de 1949 (promis on vous l’explique!). Si vous avez 5min, ce serait avec plaisir de voir vos réponses!


100% TRUE

Pro tip: If you copy and paste a link that said “no free articles” into a private/incognito browser, it will let you read the whole thing.

also if u press the “esc” (escape) key on ur laptop before the page fully loads, it won’t load any pop-ups blocking u from reading. if the article has images, then this method sometimes does not u see them. but! the words will be fine :)

If the site is particularly badly designed, you might just be able to delete the overlay itself. Right click > Inspect element and delete the line of HTML (it’ll be highlighted automatically)

hey kids there is a website called outline.com that will let you read from pretty much any news site with a paywall for free


outline.com is amazing - it hasn’t failed yet on any site that I’ve tried it on.

Look, these are all Cool Facts, but it doesn’t change the fact that most people won’t go to this level of trouble, and that those people are more and more likely to get radicalised by all of the right-wing media who aren’t behind pay walls.

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