
Lunatic Paradise Craft

@lunaticparadisecraft / lunaticparadisecraft.tumblr.com

Craft and Dolls

Latin phrases to use as incantations.

This is gonna be a long list.

  • ab intra - from within
  • ab origine - from the source
  • absit iniuria - “let insult be absent”
  • absit invidia - “let envy be absent”
  • absit omen - “let omens be absent”
  • ab uno disce omnes - from one, learn all.
  • abyssus abyssum invocat - deep calleth unto deep
  • a capite ad calcem - from head to heel
  • acta non verba - actions not words
  • ad altiora tendo - “I strive to higher things”
  • ad astra - to the stars
  • ad fontes - to the sources
  • ad meliora - towards better things
  • ad oculos - to the eyes
  • ad undas - to the waves
  • ad victoriam - to victory
  • adsum - I am here
  • a fortiori - from the stronger/from strength
  • a mari usque ad mare - from sea to sea
  • audeamus - let us dare
  • audentes fortuna iuvat - fortune favors the bold
  • audi, vide, tace - hear, see, be silent
  • beatae memoriae - of blessed memory
  • bona fide - in good faith
  • bono malum superate - overcome evil with good
  • capax infiniti - holding the infinite
  • carpe diem - seize the day
  • carpe noctem - seize the night
  • cave - beware
  • ceteris paribus - all other things being equal
  • circa - around
  • citius, altius, fortius - faster, higher, stronger
  • clavis aurea - golden key
  • cogito ergo sum - I think, therefor I am
  • compos mentis - in control of the mind
  • concilio et labore - by wisdom and effort
  • concordia cum veritate - in harmony with truth
  • concordia salus - well-being through harmony
  • coniunctis viribus - with connected strength
  • consummatum est - it is complete
  • corruptus in extremis - corrupt to the extreme
  • crescit eundo - it grows as it goes
  • de novo - from the new
  • de profundis - from the depths
  • dies irae - day of wrath
  • dona nobis pacem - give us peace
  • ego te provoco - I challenge you
  • esse est percipi - to be is to be perceived  
  • esse quam videri - to be, rather than to seem
  • esto quod es - be what you are
  • ex animo - from the soul
  • ex luna scientia - from the moon, knowledge
  • ex scientia tridens - from knowledge, sea power
  • ex silentio - from silence
  • ex undis - from the waves of the sea
  • experientia docet - experience teaches
  • fac et spera - do and hope
  • fac fortia et patere - do brave deed and endure
  • faciam quodlibet quod necesse est - I’ll do whatever it takes
  • faciam ut mei memineris - I’ll make you remember me
  • facta, non verba - deeds, not words
  • fortis et liber - strong and free
  • fortis in arduis - strong in difficulties
  • gloriosus et liber - glorious and free
  • hic abundant leones - here lions abound
  • hic et nunc - here and now
  • hic sunt dracones - here there are dragons
  • hinc illae lacrimae - hence those tears
  • hinc itur ad astra - from here the way leads to the stars
  • igni ferroque - with fire and iron
  • in memoriam - into the memory
  • in nocte consilium - advice comes over night
  • libra - balance
  • littera scripta manet - the written words endure
  • locus standi - a right to stand
  • luceo non uro - I shine, not burn
  • luctor et emergo - I struggle and emerge
  • mare liberum - free sea
  • memento vivere - remember to live
  • more ferarum - like beasts
  • natura non contristatur - nature is not saddened
  • nec spe, nec metu - without hope, without fear
  • noli me tangere - do not touch me
  • ophidia in herba - a snake in the grass
  • pro se - for oneself
  • propria manu - by one’s own hand
  • quaere - to seek
  • quod abundat non obstat - what is abundant does not hinder
  • resurgam - I shall arise
  • semper ad meliora - always towards better things
  • semper anticus - always forward
  • semper apertus - always open
  • semper fortis - always brave
  • semper liber - always free
  • stet - let it stand
  • tuebor - I will protect
  • vera causa - true cause

Owning a (BJD) business it’s not only about sculpting and selling, but also thinking about new ideas, reply mails, dealing with suppliers, paying taxes, improve yourself as an artist and a brand, preparing events, dealing with failure, and lots of other chores that are mentally draining. Personally, my mind thinks about work from the moment I wake up in the morning until I go to sleep, from Monday to Sunday. But don’t get me wrong, I love my job. And I am so grateful everyday to have such a wonderful, loving and supportive customers (and followers) that make it possible. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much to all of you who support artists over theft ♡

#merrydollround #merrydollroundmota #bjd #art #dollartist

“Lie close,” Laura said, Pricking up her golden head: “We must not look at goblin men, We must not buy their fruits: Who knows upon what soil they fed Their hungry thirsty roots?”

A wolf goes for a walk in the woods and meets a dog for the first time


There is more to doll life than Buying More Dolls.

There is SO much more to this hobby than what dolls you buy, which to buy next, the wishlist, the new releases. Acquisition is the start of course, to get a doll or even a FEW to participate in the hobby but ONE DOLL is all you really NEED to partake of nearly everything in this hobby, a pair even more so. 

So when did developing and changing the dolls that people already have start to take such a back seat to just buying more-more-more? To talk in groups or on forums mostly of the wish to buy more and more and the unhappiness when we can’t have a 5th, 10th, 20th doll, or even desperately trying to ghoulishly buy up their heads, becoming ANGRY at the makers when dolls are discontinued before we have a chance to get them, rudely bitching that OUR CHARACTERS have already become these still unpurchased dolls?

That’s crazy, hugely entitled and very out of line! Please just think about it for a moment and see! Where did your happiness with what you already have go? Why do you start planning ‘the next’ often before the one you just bought gets home? How many do you need to be satisfied finally? When Volks called Dollfie ‘Another Yourself’ do you think they imagined someone relentlessly driven to chase doll after doll FOREVER? I get it that SOME people in the hobby ARE 'collectors’, they have the extra money, they have the room, the time…everything to accompany their collecting, including the willingness to devote an entire room sometimes to a beautiful doll collection…but there are so many other things within this hobby to focus on as well.

To everyone who has a shelf (or more) crowded with dolls: look at it honestly. Is it amazing and all you thought it would be when you first discovered bjd, brought your first doll home? Cause I’m seeing a lot of jammed up shelves full of unfinished dolls that nowhere resemble a well-curated, well done 'collection’, and the owners still pining for MORE.

What would your collection look like in a year if you STOPPED CHASING NEW DOLLS and devoted your time, attention and spending to your existing dolls?

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