
Rain of Truth

@shinjitsu-no-ame-blog / shinjitsu-no-ame-blog.tumblr.com

♀ ♠ From Berlin ♠ Fashion ♠ Jewelery ♠ Reptiles ♠ Black Stuff ♠ Melancholie ♠ Music ♠ Horror ♠ Creepypasta ♠ Mori/Fairy Kei ♠  ♦♪ amber Gris ♦♪ Deathgaze ♦♪ Sel'm ♦♪ Lynch. ♦♪ Merry ♦♪ emmurée ♦♪ Ruvie ♦♪ Sukekiyo ♦♪ Liphlich ♦♪ Cocklobin ♦♪ Kagerou ♦♪ Crossfaith ♦♪ MUNIMUNI ...

I didn’t know there were twenty thousand vegans on tumblr!!!

You can be against animal cruelty and not be a vegan

You can be against animal cruelty and not be a vegan

Also given the fact some vegans wilfully neglect their pet’s diet for personal belief reasons you can in fact be a vegan and be ok with animal cruelty when its convenient for you.


^^^^ Reblogging especially for that last comment.

So many people enter and leave your life! Hundreds of thousands of people! You have to keep the door open so they can come in! But it also means you have to let them go!

Jonathan Safran Foer (via quotemadness)


月に抱かれもうこのまま 全て消えてしまえばいい・・・・・・ Held by the moon, just like this It would be fine if it all disappeared……

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