
| the rest is just confetti |

@worst-curse-forbidden-love / worst-curse-forbidden-love.tumblr.com

I ship a shit ton of queer ships • 26, butch non-binary lesbian dyke, they/xem, polyamorous • gaymer • critter

Do people realize that Israel is so unrestrained that it’s now launching attacks in Lebanon and Syria as well. Do people realize how little Arab people mean to these genocidal maniacs that they are now killing people in three Arab countries. Can genocide apologists pause their pure hatred for Arabs to at the very least admit this. Or are we going to pretend that Israel has a reason to be intensifying attacks in Damascus right now


trans girls not tucking needs to be seen as a completely normal and nonsexual thing. chasers go die.

trans women’s genitals are not so repulsive that they need to be totally hidden through our clothes at the expense of our health and safety and for the sake of your comfort.

if cis men don’t have to tuck then neither do trans women.

Tucking is way more dangerous than people seem to realize. Tucking can cause irritation, blisters, urinary tract infections, and may increase the chances of getting testicular cancer.

Forcing trans people to tuck is violence.

all of this!! it can also cause inguinal hernias, which is basically when the abdominal muscles in the inguinal cavity (where the testes go when u tuck) weaken and part of ur intestines slip through that wall and either get the blood supply cut off or worse. its fixable with surgery but if left alone can be life threatening.

and like you say, its violence. its society forcing many trans women to choose between either self inflicted violence or violence from a hate crime. trans bodies need to be normalised and accepted. we deserve to live safely and happily.

This includes if said trans girl is wearing a swimsuit/leggings/short shorts


Remember this viral post? Wanda and Jamal and her husband Lonnie are the most wholesome people, this story brought tears to my eyes originally and I am crying once more learning from Jamal's social media that Lonnie has sadly passed away.

Rest in Peace, Lonnie :(

Whenever I lose faith in humanity, I remember these four lovely folks and feel a little better 🥺


Apparently a part of the reason why farmed bees stay in the beehives that humans build for them is because the farm hives are safer and sturdier. I don't know how a busy Discord server's worth of bugs that only have one brain cell each would logically conclude that the humans protect them from outside threats, illness and parasites, but if I understood right, the bees would be free to move away and build a new nest somewhere else any time they'd want, and they simply choose not to.

You know how in almost every culture, people have some concept of "if I sacrifice something that I made/grew/produced to the Gods, they will ward me and my harvest from evil"?

So, in a way, don't the bees willingly sacrifice a part of their harvest to an entity not only far greater than them, but nearly beyond their comprehension, in exchange for protection against natural forces wildly outside of their own control?

So tell me, beekeepers, what are you to your bees, if not a mildly eldritch God?


also much as i hate to mention the solo movie when chewie introduced han to the wookie they found in the mines his first reaction was to pat hans head like you would when you meet a new dog

To further the analogy of Han is the Dog, According to various canon sources, a Standard Human in the Star Wars universe has a life expectancy of roughly 100-120 years. A Wookie has a life expectancy of around 400 years. So, caring for Han for Han’s whole life is a commitment of less than a quarter of Chewie’s life. It’s like having a dog that lives to 20-22. A long term companion, but one you know you’re probably going to outlive.

When they kill your dog

oh my god


and what is “translate truthful to the time it was written” even supposed to mean like there’s no way a translation now in the US could be read the same way it was a couple thousand years ago in Greece when english didn’t even exist yet


Yep, in the original Odyssey, in the scene where Telemachus murders the slaves who were “sullied by” Penelope’s suiters, he refers to them with a word that roughly just means “the female ones”, however most translations will use words like “whores”, “sluts” and “creatures”, these were all choices of the translators. The original text did not refer to them that way. Dr. Wilson refers to them instead as “girls”, to highlight their age and the brutality of the action. She also fixed all the times the previous male translators dodged around the existence of slaves in the text. Where they call slaves anything but slaves (housemaid, nurse, cook, ect.) Dr. Wilson’s translation correctly calls them slaves as in the original texts. It’s really a great translation, it doesn’t soften anything, and lays bare the reality of the story. One thing she did too, was she refused to make the descriptions of the women in the story more palatable to modern western beauty standards. The original text, for example, describes Penelope’s hands as “thick”. Most male translators change this to “steady” but Dr. Wilson’s translation calls them “firm, muscular hands” to correctly portray the original intent, that Penelope, as a character who weaves every day and every night undoes her weavings, has strong hands, as weaving does make one’s hands more muscular, and that was clearly what was originally intended to be said given the context of her character and the weavings. Of Odysseus himself, the original epic calls him “polytropos” poly, meaning many, and tropos, meaning turn. Some male translators used this to say the story itself had twists and turns, other ignored the word completely to write in a way that made Odysseus seem as though a straight up hero, a man “skilled in all ways of contending”, but Dr. Wilson uses it to mean “complicated”, because Odysseus isn’t a straight up hero, he does some really shitty things. So her translation got a lot of men very very mad, because they said that her being a woman has caused her to translate with bias since her translation is so different to others. She pointed out that perhaps people should have suggested that bias in the inaccurate men’s translations. Anyway, go read Dr. Wilson’s version of The Odyssey. It’s very good.

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