
a colossal waste of adulthood~

@hoshinotaima / hoshinotaima.tumblr.com

Hi, I'm Jessica. 24 years old. Trans. Pansexual. Feminist. Agnostic. Nature lover. In a relationship with the wonderful nerdcredred to whom I owe everything. I watch way too many cartoons, play way too many video games, and smoke way too much weed, but I try to have intelligent stuff to say in between all of that. I'm a pretty big introvert but I'm super friendly once we're close so feel free to say hi! ^_^

This is from a show called Detective Conan, where a little boy routinely tranquilizes his detective caretaker. The boy then uses the unconscious body as a dummy to solve murder mysteries in his place. So the reason this grown man has a little baby hand is not because “quality” animation. It’s because that’s a literal baby hand.

Oh my god that’s even better

Telling an oppressed group that they shouldn’t be nationalist is like telling a worker to give their boss all of their money in order to prove that they’re anti capitalist

did you reblog the wrong post or uh


Just a heads up, I've been in one of those moods recently where I'm just itching to change a bunch of shit, so in the next few days I'll probably be redesigning my blog to be less blindingly green and/or changing my username. FUCK YEAH ARBITRARY CHANGE TO DISTRACT MYSELF FROM LIFE'S PROBLEMS!

(oh yeah, and I have projects in mind and I'm gonna be more active here in general but I'll explain all of that when it happens)


Running seems like a great idea until you actually start running

Sex seems like a fun idea until your bent over a bar stool in the back if a club your too young for about to be plowed by a tall dark man named Mike

i feel as though we’ve had different experiences


You know I always wondered where the gems get their money? Do you think Greg pays child support? OR maybe after all these eons they have some investments? (Gems own a nice multiproperty in town I'm so boring)


The Gems always struck me as not really understanding money at all, so I’m not sure if they have any kind of income themselves (they could always sell some of Amethyst’s antique trash, though)

I think Greg probably moved into his van when Steven went to live with the Gems, so that most of his money could go toward taking care of Steven. So I’d wager they get most of the money from Greg and some from Steven combing the beach for change


Maybe Pearl holograms up some money?

maybe, but if its a hologram its fake money so I’m not sure if that would work (Holo-Pearl remained for a long time while she was gone but was dispelled pretty easily by Steven). I used to think she could conjure objects, like the police tape in “Lars and the Cool Kids”, but after she used the same method to produce the mirror in “Mirror Gem” it seems that she’s likely just transporting an already existing object through space (since the mirror was Lapis and she couldn’t just ‘create’ her).

I’m thinking she either has a dimensional pocket of sorts to store these items that she can then pull out via her gem (the whole temple may count as this dimensional pocket) or she just needs to know the exact location of the item. It seems that she does at least need to know -where- it is at least because otherwise she could’ve just summoned the shard from “Frybo” and her sword in “Together Breakfast”

But yea, either way, she’d need access to real money in order to transport it.


Now I’m just imagining Pearl doing that weird dance in the middle of the convenience store just to pay for some chips

I have decided that this is now canon until proven otherwise.

Cashier: How would you like to pay for that? Cash or charge?

Pearl: Oh, cash… Just a moment *jumps up suddenly and does that summoning dance, including the screaming. Produces cash out of her gem which falls loose, causing money to rain all over the cashier* There we go :D

Cashier: (ಠ_ಠ) …okay…

Make it rain, Pearl.

I love this



I’m planning a test film based on my project Brain Dead, and I’m looking for VAs to help give audio life to two of my characters, Bridget and Sophia.  And what’s a better way to do this than with auditions!

Both female around their 20s, Bridget can be voiced by anyone, while its best for Sophia to be voiced by a black woman. Don’t want a white VA to voice a POC character, its just not right.

Bridget sounds like a wise-guy, happy-go-lucky sort of girl, optimistic and is not afraid to be a goofball in order to get some laughs. She gets over-dramatic sometimes, often aiming for the most absurd plans and executions. And she has some major confidence to bring out the best animated performance she can. Bridget does it all for some quality entertainment and that she and her friends put on a great show.


BRIDGET: (Confident) With our history, we can give these meatheads a lesson or two about entertainment! In fact, let’s see if we can try to snag a guest spot on the most pathetic show ever! We can put our magic on it to make it good and use our cameos as our meal ticket!

BRIDGET: Relax! Being flattened like a pancake is pretty much a regular Tuesday afternoon for me. If anything, whatever comes my way and mess me up, I’ll bounce right back up like nothing even happened. I got bones of rubberhose and I’m proud of them!

BRIDGET: Hey, its better than doing nothing.

Possible Voice Aims: Amy from Futurama, Wendy from Gravity Falls, Peacock from Skullgirls

Sophia is not as wild as Bridget, but can bring out a good joke . She shares Bridget’s wise-guy mentality, uses them more that Bridget does to get out of the troubles they get into. Though can get annoyed more easily than Bridget and isn’t afraid to call out anyone’s BS. Sophia sticks by her friends and make sure they come out of bad situations without any hassle. Even if Bridget’s plans goes haywire, Sophia can take it all in stride and just uses it as another piece to put on her resume.


SOPHIA: (Annoyed) If any of those fan mails are conspiracies about our lives being some dude’s coma dream, just throw them right into the furnace.

SOPHIA: (Surprised) Look at this, there’s about a thousand TV networks here! How are we supposed to make it big in this over-saturated sponge of a venue?

SOPHIA: Man, Bridget, you’re such a wild card sometimes. But that’s what’s so great about ya! Even though I lie awake at night thinking about what in blazes just happened today, I’m just glad to be a part of your chaotic plans nevertheless.

Possible Voice Aims: Angel Dynamite from Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorperated, Vella from Broken Age, Huey from Boondocks(or close to Regina King)

If any of you guys are up for voicing any of these characters, or know someone who does some VA stuff, send me an ask if you are interested about voicing either Bridget or Sophia, read off the test lines and send them to me, make sure the quality is good, by the way. Once its all done, I’ll contact the people who I feel are perfect for these characters, and if you need info about how these characters work, read up on the character descriptions or the Brain Dead page linked earlier in this post  to know more about these characters.

Interested to see how this turns out, and can’t wait to see how this all turns out! Again, if you are interested in this or got any questions, send me an ask! Or give this to any VA friends you guys know and see if they want in this thing. I’m having this open for a while so you got all the time in the world to do this. Have fun and I can’t wait to hear the results!

NOTE: Voices aims are just there to give out a faint idea about how they should sound. You guys can do whatever you want with their voices to see what fits best!


I meant to signal boost this a few days ago, but I forgot, so hopefully it's not too late! Are you more talented with voices than I am? Do you wanna be involved with a REALLY COOL show? Then please, check this out! ^_^


(No, but seriously, if any of you guys are getting Smash 3DS, WE TOTALLY NEED TO PLAY TOGETHER SOMETIME AFTER I GET IT OH MY GLOB)


Another Thursday, another evening of staying off Tumblr to avoid Steven Universe spoilers till nerdcredred gets home because there's no other way I'd rather watch it~

But I'm gonna make up for my recent stunning lack of activity (here and especially on @thatsgoodrigjuice) in the coming days! Thanks so much for being so sweet and patient, all of you! ^_^


sometimes if i’m having trouble drawing certain head/body shapes of animals i practice by drawing over photos of them…..

i never share them though because i think it’s kind of silly….


I should so try that


Wow thats a really cool trick!


oh man I never thought of doing that!

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