
I would take a bullet for garlic bread

who would shoot a garlic bread

1D Edit Challenge » Harry + tattoos
"There are a few that mean something to me. We get to meet a lot cool people and they say stuff that sticks. Some tattoos are just reminders of friends I’ve made—whether it be lifelong friends or those I’ve made in the past four years. It’s nice to have people impact you in different ways."
Source: slutzouis

       So on February 1, will make year two I had this blog , I really can’t believe it. Time went by so fast, I remember when I first time I made this blog it took me a year just to finally make it. I just want to say that I love being here and I love all the people that I have met in these past two years, and I mean every single person all the ones that are here and the one that left. All of you guys have a place in my heart and you always will. That goes to the people that I follow and my lovely followers. To my followers if you are reading this, I want to say thank you to you all; it doesn’t matter if you followed me yesterday or two years ago. You guys been with me threw the darkest time of my life and you guys help me pick up the pieces so I owe you every. I love you all to bits, i wish i could message every single one of you and say thank you and how grateful I am. I’m sorry i didn’t want to make this emotional lol. But i just want to say thanks and i love you guys to bits, heres to another year <3 


alfiebutlers, asschlin, astronautika, bbradford, craics, dirtsbag, drunkmalik, drunkonlilo, drunkrunaways


eathoran, enchantedskys, endtochange, feelobrien, flawlessirish, harry-zayn, hazwards, heyniam, hoechllin, hookermalik, horanblog, h8styles


indna, irishfucker, irwashton, itsmalikz(izzyjohnston), jasondilaurentis, javaddempire, kinghoran, kneeyum, liamsmohawk, louisassyqueen, louisownme


malikayne, malikplanet, monteefs, mrholmez, narreyh, nialledwards, niallking, niallslaugh, omglouis, omgzarry, ondirction, paynegron, paynerr, paynut(obriun), prezhoran


runlouisrun ,samclafilns, starksfell, selenaur, spinbieber, stiles2014, styleharrys, sunshinehoechlin, thebieberbanana, the1dblog, thirstyniall, toopaynez, turntogrey


vosapninboys, whiteskimos, wolverdaddy, xhrryx


yeahniall, yesniall, zaynjavabs, zaynner, zaynsfruity, zeins, zmalik, zouihs ,zouist


1. Life is made up of so many moments. Don’t let a few bad ones ruin the rest. Whether you’re five or sixteen or twenty-two, you have many years ahead of you. There are going to be bad days and horrible nights, but they make the good times all the more worthwhile. 2. You’re going to have thousands of firsts. Your first concert, first kiss, first F on a test, first roller coaster ride, first broken heart, first job, first thing you crossed off your bucket list, and so many more. You’re always going to remember the first time you did something, but you never know when it’s going to be the last. Don’t bullshit or half-ass anything. Full ass it, and turn the bullshit into actual shit that is going to benefit you. Put effort into the things you do, it’ll pay off. 3. Cry. Let a few tears spill down your cheek or sob like you don’t know how to breathe. If you’re embarrassed to cry in front of someone, that’s perfectly fine. But if they make you feel bad for crying, then why do you want them in your life? If someone isn’t going to let you cry, what makes you so sure they accept you the way you are? Don’t change yourself for people. Show them who you are, what you’re like, and if they aren’t happy with that, then drop them. You don’t need any more negativity in your life. 4. Don’t make homes out of people. Home is not a pair of arms wrapped around you or a building with four walls. Home is a sense, a feeling of self-assurance and comfort. Be your own home. 5. There are 24 hours in a day and 12 months in one year. Stop wasting time on things you don’t like. Don’t drink black coffee if you don’t like it. Don’t finish books you don’t want to read. Don’t be friends with people who hurt you.

"Five Small Pieces of Advice for the Lost and Confused", Elsie Gonzalez  (via idioticteen)


people who are glad @ justin’s current downfall are literally the worst people ever he’s made some dumb choices and he has terrible friends and he really needs to shape up and get some help on certain aspects of his life yeah but in what way is it so funny that people feel the...

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