

@kafu / kafu.tumblr.com

'90 Liner. Crazy French girl in a world made of sugar, coffee, food, music, movies. I'm very talkative so don't be shy. Call me Kafu. My askbox is waiting for you.

I was high off my ass last night and had this dream where I was in this dense ass forest and sitting there was a tall woman. She was so tall I couldn’t see her face but she was wearing gold and I was like “uh…hi?” And she said “I made you, do you know that?” And I nodded and she was like “I hear your thoughts. Why do you hate my creation? Why do you try to destroy yourself? I made you perfect as you are. Please don’t break my heart”. Then she started crying and it flooded and I woke up with fucking heart palpitations like what does it Mean™️????


polar opposite of this post


inspiration struck and would not let me go until i drew this


Concept: The Earth is safe, it is our Creator. The Ocean on the other hand, that’s Satan’s fucking den.


Me: *posts chapter on a cliffhanger because I’m secretly not sure what to do next to make a good climax/exciting inciting incident to the current story arc*.

Poor, Foolish Mortal who leaves a review: oh man I sure hope (insert X wild/crazy/scary/horrible thing here) doesn’t happen, especially to X character!!!!

Me, the author who hadn’t even CONCEiVED that particular idea until the reviewer opened their mouth:


talents include: being unknowable to everyone including myself, being present yet unreachable, swinging wildly between two emotions at any given time, repressing everything and mistaking it for stability


someone: wow, you don't look a day over 25!

vampire who was turned when they were 25 (20 years ago) and really doesn't want anyone to know about it:


someone: wow, you don't look a day over 25!

vampire who was turned when they were 25 (200 years ago) and thinks that's the funniest thing they've ever heard:

someone: wow, you don't look a day over 25!

vampire who was turned when they were 25 (2000 years ago) and is getting really tired of hearing it:

plot twist: they're all the same vampire

they're onto us boys


vibing with someone who got the same goofy energy as u is so damn therapeutic


snatched yo “i’m not like other girls” ass real quick!!!


This movie had no business being as good as it was. Go watch it. 


The thing about this too is that both girls had seriously good points.

Bethany called out Martha for why she is judgemental (more out of fear of not actually being liked so she pushes away), but she also agrees with Martha’s point that Bethany and her friends are somewhat treated like objects by their peers. 

Bethany likes being on camera and taking pictures of herself because she is super confident in herself, she enjoys being social, and she enjoys connecting with her friends (as many of us do), but she also understands Martha’s point about how the reasons why she does these things is not the same as the motives of the responses her peers have. 

Additionally, this film shows how the Popular Girl character isn’t actually a bitch that has to be taught some sort of lessons before she has an epiphany and changes how she acts. No, Bethany is actually really sweet. Throughout the movie she tries to support and encourage Martha’s confidence, teach Martha how to flirt, etc so that Martha herself grows more comfortable in herself and confident. Additionally, when Bethany makes her point, she isn’t in her face about it or makes it into an argument, she is calm and has a reasonable discussion to get at the root of what Martha is facing and understand it so that she can help, which is why Martha is able to confront the idea herself. Bethany shows a complete flip of the popular girl character. 

Seriously this movie is actually so good, especially the dynamics between these two characters and their character growth based on each other. Please watch this. 

Also I forgot Jack Black wasn’t a woman while watching this so there’s that


hello, i know it’s like i’ve disappeared but i’m gonna start posting on this blog again and be more active!! xx if you wanna see more stuff tho, feel free to follow my instagram and twitter, my handle is the same , @/luunabao


My favorite trope is “janitor in headphones continues cleaning through extreme action”

I’ve been the janitor in headphones and trust me it’s an act we just don’t wanna be involved in the nonsense


this is literally how i dance


This went from “wow that’s pretty neat” to “WTF ITS ALIVE” real quick

she did that

Scenario: You are watching this puppet show, and then after the song is over, the puppeteer smiles at you as if to thank you for your support, then her and the wooden mouse depart in opposite directions. 


If this thought hadn’t crossed anyone’s mind watching this already, re-watch it taking into consideration that gravity exerts an unpredictable chaos on dangling objects, that the puppet’s own wobbliness is most of the movement we see here and this woman simply has that flawless of a feel for how physics will continue moving the limbs at the slightest single twitch of her finger. This is a real deal fucking puppeteer no matter what her background or how long she’s been doing it. That wooden mouse is an appendage of this woman’s soul.


That feel when a wooden mouse has more soul when dancing than I do


I love how this could be either am or pm and still make sense

back when I used to party (no, like, PARTY) me an’ the crew would be coming home at just after sunrise, and there would be all these people like, on their way to work, and we used to call them the Tomorrow People – because, for us, it was still tonight, but for them, it was already tomorrow.

To this day, I still think of certain kinds of people as Tomorrow People

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