
✨stormpilot trash✨

@cutiepoedameron / cutiepoedameron.tumblr.com


Why in the literal fuck do social media designers think we want to see posts out of chronological order……what real human person on the planet earth wants to see that…..I’m so tired


Anyway, I think I have a better explanation for the actual meaning of the whole imagine how is touch the sky picture.

So my Facebook friend pointed out that it’s actually a direct translation of the Spanish phrase “Imagina cómo sería tocar el cielo”

Which means “imagine how it would be to touch the sky.” But a literal translation of it would be “imagine how is touch the sky.”

Meaning the picture wasn’t just a meaningless jumbled mess of English, it was just a case of bad translation.

Allegedly, “imagina cómo sería tocar el cielo” is a Hannah Montana lyric so it’s probably why it was written aesthetically on the paper and the paper was held up to the sky.

Alright folks, case closed. You can all stop pretending “imagine the sky, how is the sky, touch the sky” makes that much more sense than:

The end of an era. The discourse is over.

First my immortal now this. 2017 is the year old memes die

Another seal of the apocalypse broken


I love how he just catches her

i love how he did what he was supposed to do. i love how he didn’t powerbomb her through the ice and smash her spine into several pieces. i ship it.


god i dumped the mouthwash in the cap and then when i went to put it in my mouth my body was like “ur doing a shot” and i just let the mouthwash slide down my throat


back in freshman year of high school we had this teacher who was really fucking annoying and HATED cell phones with a fucking passion. at the beginning of the school year he had us sign this goddamned “contract” that we wouldn’t have it in class or he would confiscate it.

so this annoying douchebag kid was on his phone and the teacher went “you have to give it to me now you signed the contract” and the kid didn’t even look up and said “contracts signed by a minor are not legally binding” and continued to text. and i hated that kid but…..dare i say iconic

anyway he got detention for it but i just found out he got into law school this year


an episode of Chopped where the basket ingredients are all viewers’ Depression Meals™

your ingredients are…… a pack of gum; a liter of pepsi; saltines; and a two pound bag of swedish fish


English: It fits like a glove. Spanish: It fits like a ring on the finger. Italian: It fits like shoes painted on with a brush.

Finnish: It fits like  a . FiST.   iN.   the  EYe .   (ง'̀-‘́)ง

Ronan: at aglionby i had a crush on a boy in my class and didn't know how to deal with it so i wrote him a letter that just said "get out of my school"
Adam: that was YOU?!
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