
Feminists Tearz

@lady-of-anti-feminism / lady-of-anti-feminism.tumblr.com

Once a upon a time feminism was a great thing, not anymore. It's been hijacked by idiots who use it to spread hatred and fear. Not A MRA. Not a Egalitarian. Not Man. Just a Unapologetic Anti Feminist who happens to be female.

trying to prove a point to 95% of the world

reblog this if its ok for men to wear:

  • makeup
  • dresses
  • nail polish
  • hair extensions
  • perfume
  • jewelry
  • dye their hair
  • dress like females
  • be feminine
  • do anything feminine

where is your proof?


Women, Men don't owe you shit Men, Women don't owe you shit

No gender owes the other shit. No gender is entitled to the others shit.

Just respect people unless they’ve done something disrespectful.

I think that it’s important emphasise that Men don’t owe Men shit and Women don’t owe Women shit as well. Because a lot of gender based problems are internally perpetuated. 

No one owes anyone anything. Unless they took a loan or are paying taxes or doing a favour or something like that.


“I want to be a positive male influence in their lives. We’re big on building foundations. I tell them: ‘There’s not going to be a switch that flips once you become an adult, and suddenly you start acting right. Every decision you make matters. Because once you’re older, you’re going to revert back to the same behavior you have right now. If you have a foundation of rudeness, dishonesty, and not caring, that’s what you’ll fall back on when you’re faced with a challenge. So we need to build a foundation of character.”


I love this account, do you have any other "labels" that I could call myself? I think everyone should be treated equally and I'm pro choice( I think the father has as much say as the women) so is there anything I could call myself besides? (btw I love this blog even though I just like found it.)




Human Rights activist


You can call yourself what ever you want.

Anonymous asked:

"Not all feminists are like that!" That may be true, but the "good" feminists aren't doing ANYTHING. If the only active members of the movement are hateful misandrists, don't be surprised when the movement is labeled hateful!

Very true


At first when I saw your name and a glimpse of your blog I was like "wtf is her problem!?!?!" But after actually reading your responses I was like "k you're pretty cool and you stand for what's right in general :)"

Anonymous asked:

I am WoC and a feminist. I am curious about your beliefs and what they are supported by. I want to know why you think women in first world countries have all the same rights. I want to know why you seem to think that feminists are overweight, bra less and hairy lesbians. And overall just why you don't support the feminist movement

Women by law are equal to men. It’s illegal to rape, abuse, kidnap, harass, stalk, force marriage, deny pay, deny equal pay, deny work and deny just about anything to women because they women. If there are any rights that women do not have please list them. It is a crime to harm women in any way. All women all over the world are not that lucky. 

I do not support the modern feminist movement because its corrupt and it has loss its true meaning. Feminism was once a great thing (even even it was flawed) but not any more.


I agree with most of what you wrote though we are coming from different perspectives. I am glad to see some women see the movement has become a fraud that does not advance the causes of women too



Anonymous asked:

Hey, I was just wondering about solutions and if the west believes feminism is important in 'other' countries which oppress women, how else are we going to prove it works to them if we turn it on its head and depict it in a bad light?

Feminists depict themselves in a bad light.

Honestly, these “certain” countries are going to view women’s rights as a bad thing anyway. 

We could stress that feminism starts off good ( women’s education, voting, driving, control over their bodies, pants, Domestic violence ), once women get all their rights, feminism probably should be replaced with egalitarianism. 


The implications of the title "Anti- feminism" alone make you sound misogynistic; unless you're really into the whole submissive wife kinda thing (which, I guess, is good too?)


Do you feel superior and enlighten, my poor insecure child?

Going around telling people they are misogynistic because they disagree with you or refuse to identify with your corrupted movement. Does it make you feel better about yourself?Smarter? Stronger? more right?

No, it does not.


I see so many posts saying “looking through the anti feminism tag makes me sick” etc

When literally the anti feminism tag is filled with people pointing out the flaws in feminism, the flaws that are obviously there.

The anti feminism tag is filled with people saying they support equality but don’t support the way feminists go about it.

The anti feminism tag is filled with people who are standing up for equality for both sexes.

The anti feminism tag is filled with people who stand up for the men and women who are being bullied by feminists.

It’s not against equality. It’s not against women having rights It’s not a horrible tag

You’re just hurt that your movement isn’t getting the “they do nothing wrong” vibe that you’re trying to give off.


If you are a neo-Nazi, please do not post in the anti-feminist or anti-SJW tags. We do not support you or your views/behavior.



Well, only women can now organize anti-sexual assault marches. If you’re a man, you’re unqualified and probably sexist, racist, homophobic, ignorant trash.

In all seriousness, what this student fails to take into account is that men can be victims of sexual assault and rape as well and marches like these are not gender specific, but rather meant for all victims.

omg is this real?

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