
Scaper of the Runes

@illuminate-rs / illuminate-rs.tumblr.com

Hi, I'm Kylie :)

Holy guacamole I really miss all of my old rs friends.


Yay for shitty screenshots but I got 99 div today. After almost a year break I jumped back on - thankful for the mobile app because that's probably the only way I'll be playing. Never thought I'd finish this skill.

99s dont feel the same anymore. Years ago when I was playing all the time and had dozens of friends each 99 was a huge deal and today it was like just another level. Weird how things change. Now to find something else to work on.


Wowzers. 1700 days. That's how long I'd been away from RS.

My husband saw old school was on mobile so we started playing that, then I jumped back on rs3 😂

Feels like forever. Not sure how involved I'll be, so much has changed! The biggest thing is I had a beautiful baby boy in June who takes up most of my free time (basically I scape during his naps 😂)

If you see me around say hey!


Don't worry I'm still alive! Working 3 jobs I had 0 time to work on rs, but I've slowed down on two of them and my husband bugged me every single day to play so I am back! Currently working on that shitty new vampyre quest that continuously kicks my ass. Cannot get past phase 3 of the boss! Glad to be back to the Tumblr world ❤


I've had a load of messages about party hats so here is a lump sum answer

No, I am no longer selling them. I will probably never sell them again unless I find spare time. Currently I am working 3 jobs, 1 of which is my personal business I started a few months ago. I had such an overwhelming order of hats that it was literally taking me 2 to 3 times longer than planned to get them done and shipped which led to people getting really upset with me (understandably). Besides, I started noticing that mass producing them really killed the fun for me. It became more of a chore than me making something that represents a game I really love. Not what I wanted to do! However, I will still be giving them out when I do giveaways. I've been wanting to do one like.. now... but I don't have a single idea on what to do for it! The simple like/reblog gets kinda lame after a while. So if you have any ideas feel free to send me a message! Sorry for anyone who didn't get a chance to purchase, I will give plenty of opportunity to win one though xo


Thursday, 12 hour day at work, go shopping to prepare for cakes over weekend. Friday, 12 hour day at work, go home immediately start working on cake to be delivered Saturday (it's just after midnight and I still have 3-4 hours of work left on it) Saturday, up at 9 to deliver cake then go to work Come home, immediately start working on cake to be delivered sunday. Sunday I think I'm going to take an extended stay in nap city at the don't fucking bother me hotel.


ok but are they ever going to add another meaningful skill

i mean.. the last few have been shit “filler skills”

can we just



I literally feel like there's a good chance I'm going to die this morning I have never felt this shitty before. Just 2 more hours until I'm off work and can take a nap


literally dont know anyone on my friends list anymore.. everyone has changed rsns and their old one no longer shows.


Goals n things

So a big reason on why I've been MIA from runescape, besides baking and work, is I haven't had a goal since quest cape. I don't scape unless I have a goal. It's boring as frick. So after a lot of thought and mind changing last night I settled on a goal and I'm super excited. 99 magic. My first combat 99! So on that note does anyone have any tips? Best things to train on? It has been a very long time since I've done any real combat haha

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