

@howonism / howonism.tumblr.com

♡ ifnt, winner ♡
♔ sistar. exid ♔
“i’d like to introduce myself, i’m dokgo sunghyuk
Source: hoaegi


❝My beloved second son Howon, are you surprised? This is my first letter I’m writing to you. Although it was the past, you who studied well decided to drop out from school to become a singer. That shocked the whole family and my heart broke. I was very angry at you during the time and it still takes up a corner in my heart but I could only do that during that point of time. And now, even if the people around you objects, you haven’t given up and still continued to work hard to become a singer. That’s really great. During one winter when you attended music school and wore that heavy hoodie tee drenched in sweat, I felt that although you were my son, you wanted to be a tough guy. When you first won on the music broadcast and cried while calling me, I actually cried a lot too. To acheive your dream you worked harder and seeing that side of you I became happier. Do not forget that. And let’s meet often. Remember to take the tonics I sent you and take care of your health. Let’s meet next time. I love you and I love you.❞ 
Source: hoaegi
sg: lately, there’s a friend who is having such a hard time that it pains me to watch him. with his overflowing passion for the stage, he’s the friend who quit school to come up to seoul and he, more than anyone else, practiced intensely. the person who came up with the scorpion dance, feeling proud. he is also such a talented dancer that all of INFINITE’s choreography has to be approved by him first. but recently, because of his leg injury which keeps worsening against his will, it has been harder for this friend to dance on stage like he used to. even if he clamped his teeth down to dance on stage, he would only hear criticisms in return about how he chooses not to dance when he is able to. it must have been so frustrating for this friend, who dances more passionately than anyone else, to perform while sitting at a concert where he’s with his fans and in his own words, it must’ve “felt like hell.” chingu-ya, it might not be much, but all of the INFINITE members understand, so please don’t push yourself. trust in us and just concentrate on getting better, got it? 
get well soon hoya ♡
translation credit to togetherinspirit7
Source: hoaegi
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