

@youcancallmechriss / youcancallmechriss.tumblr.com

Wishing I will one day get a book published. Or become a member of the Avengers.
Harry’s childhood affects him enormously, setting the stage for huge swathes of his behaviour throughout the books. It doesn’t start and end with exceptional reflexes and the ability to go for long periods of time on not much food. For example: Sirius Black is the first adult in whom Harry Potter willingly confides before he’s beaten the bad guys and taken care of the issue on his own. This happens in book four of seven. Look, Harry has trust issues: he lets very specific people in and they stay there. End of. Everyone else spends a lot of time bashing their heads against the brick wall that he throws up around those people he loves.   But noticeably, all of the people he loves in that way are teenagers like himself; all but Sirius. Never in five books does Harry ever confide in an adult other than Sirius. He accepts guidance from adults when it’s offered to him, but he does not take his troubles to grownups of his own volition. Ever. This character trait drives the entire plot of the first two books - Harry, Ron and Hermione solving mysteries on their own even though they are in a castle stuffed with teachers, among whose number is the man the Wizarding World acknowledges as the greatest wizard alive. They tell all, of course they do. But only when it’s over. Only when they’ve already won. Harry Potter does not trust people who are in a position of power over him. This isn’t a result of Snape, or Umbridge, or Skeeter-induced Ministry ridicule. This is a result of the Dursleys.



You know what I love about A Knight’s Tale?

The director, during the director’s commentary, makes a point of informing the audience that the female blacksmith character is historically accurate, and that widows of blacksmiths did in fact take over their late husbands’ blacksmithing businesses in medieval Europe and it was one of the relatively rare circumstances wherein women were permitted to legally run their own businesses in medieval Europe.

This is literally the only historically accurate detail in the entire movie.


You’re telling me they didn’t play We Will Rock You at jousts? Well, now I’m disappointed.


i want a relationship but i want them to be like a friend to me, i dont want the relationship to be all about kissing, making out and sex i just wanna hang out with them, and go places, and just have fun wherever we go

This post is surreal because that is exactly how a healthy relationship should be yet we’re convinced this is a weird and unusual thing to ask of our partners.

Reblogging for the second comment.

6) Tolkien’s hero was average, and needed help, and failed. This is the place where most fantasy authors, who love to simultaneously call themselves Tolkien’s heirs and blame him for a lot of what’s wrong with modern fantasy, err the worst. It’s hard to look at Frodo and see him as someone extra-special. The hints in the books that a higher power did choose him are so quiet as to be unnoticeable. And he wouldn’t have made it as far as he did without his companions. And he doesn’t keep from falling into temptation. A lot of modern fantasy heroes are completely opposite from this. They start out extraordinary, and they stay that way. Other characters are there to train them, or be shallow antagonists and love interests and worshippers, not actually help them. And they don’t fail. (Damn it, I want to see more corrupted fantasy heroes.) It’s not fair to blame Tolkien for the disease that fantasy writers have inflicted on themselves. […] Fantasy could use more ordinary people who are afraid and don’t know what the hell they’re doing, but volunteer for the Quest anyway. It’s misinterpretation of Tolkien that’s the problem, not Tolkien himself.

Here are all 12 pieces from my E! News exclusive illustration series!!!

I’m super happy with how each piece turned out and that each character has managed to stay themselves despite being thrown into new surroundings and costumes. (My inner feminist wouldn’t allow Merida or Mulan to have their weapons taken away lol) Pocahontas still loves animals, Cinderella is still dressing tiny creatures, Tiana is cooking, and Belle fell asleep reading! I hope you enjoy the princesses you know and love, with a twist!

Check out my page for process work and phone backgrounds!

I’m thrilled that I get to do this because I love doing it, but there should be more women directors because the imbalance is just too great right now and there’s no real reason for it. I’m slowly getting to a position where I can possibly hire directors, so I want to try to get as many female directors working as I can, but the whole industry needs to catch up. The goal for me was not to be the only guy who gets to do female-led comedies. I’m happy I get to, but the excuse for Hollywood shouldn’t be, “Oh that’s what he does, and so he’s the only one who can do it.” That’s silly.
- On the set of Spy + Paul Feig talks about female-driven comedies

what fucks me over most about James Potter is how he felt about Peters betrayal like we don’t know what James thought, he could have 100% just instantly assumed that they tortured or killed Peter for information because we know James would never even think about one of his friends betraying him, James might have felt guilty for putting Peter through that, James might have been begging Peter for forgiveness in his final moments

‘If the Secret Keeper wishes to do so, they may divulge the information at any time (although the secret cannot be forced, bewitched or tortured out of a Secret Keeper who does not wish to give up their secret; it must be given voluntarily’ -JK Rowling on Pottermore

Lowkey one of the most heart wrenching things posted on Pottermore imo, because James and Lily knew. I’m sure James’s mind scrambled for an excuse or reason or alternate explanation as to why one of his best friends would voluntarily gave up their whereabouts, because thats just in his nature, but I honestly think that deep down he had to have known the truth. That there was no other explanation other than Peter, his best friend and fellow marauder, who he had grown up with and joked with and pulled pranks with sat through hundred of detentions with and teased and comforted and trusted with his life had, for whatever reason, wanted to divulge their location. And I think it makes James Potter’s final moments 1000x sadder.


me: they could’ve made Ariel a poc tho…….

white person: UM????? there were no mermaids of color living in that part of the ocean during that period of history they were just trying to be REALISTIC

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