
cannot emphasize enough how good it is for you to make something with your hands. whether it’s cooking or knitting or drawing, it will nourish your soul. every time i cook i feel so much more energized and present, no matter how complicated or simple the dish is. and to hold the thing you made yourself in your hands, even if it didn’t turn out perfect, is even more beautiful. i promise that whatever you choose to make, it will help you in so many ways


Things that matter in life:

-wearing soft clothes that flow in the wind

-eating freshly baked bread

-poems about love, nature, and/or the moon


i think these go hand in hand <3

— “small kindnesses” by danusha laméris

— ross gay, from the book of delights

“We’re the cure for hatred caused by despair. We’re the good morning of a bus driver who remembers our name, the tattooed man who gives up his seat on the subway. We’re every door held open with a smile when we look into each other’s eyes the way we behold the moon. We’re the moon. We’re the promise of one people, one breath declaring to one another: I see you. I need you. I am you.”

— richard blanco, from declaration of inter-dependence


the idea that humans are a garbage species is so obnoxious no one talks about the peaceful parts of history and prehistory because they aren’t as exciting as us killing each other but um homo sapiens have been doing awesome things all over for a long time….we survived the fucking ice age…we made it through the sinai desert….we shared the savana with big cats before we ever made a weapon, we wove baskets from literal plants and halved blades from flint to handles we made, carved harpoons from bone and fought megafauna for our loved ones, cooked food and took care of the elderly and buried our dead, painted pictures and shared stories, built homes from clay and mud and straw, made instruments so we could dance and sing…it is so easy to focus on the negative and i get it ok we are in the middle of a mass extinction event that specific humans are at fault for but listen: they don’t want you to remember it hasn’t always been like this…we were and are so much more than evil

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