
Purple Mushroom Android Sludge Creature

@khan-crete / khan-crete.tumblr.com

they/any. i tag the posts i make as #ssss, so feel free to blacklist that/block me if you'd rather not see them. pfp by @mattibee!

not that i've seen too much Discourse(TM) around this lately but. i always feel weird calling myself trans, not in that i don't want to or don't think it's appropriate (i think i actually would like that!) but in that it almost feels like crashing a party i wasn't invited to

i remember seeing a poll awhile back wherein some 75% of enbies don't consider themselves trans. there's no singular non-binary experience, of course, but i don't know if that number comes from transphobia (internalized or blatant), discomfort with the label, being unsure/questioning, or anything else. labels being descriptive rather than prescriptive, there's no reason someone can't say "i'm not the gender i was assigned at birth, but i'm not trans either" or "i can't be trans because i don't have a gender at all". but seeing that as an apparent majority opinion has made me second-guess myself a number of times, thinking that i shouldn't want to use that label, or even that my experience makes my decision to call myself enby incorrect

having a lot of trans mutuals (hi! i love you!) has made me think more about what gender and the word trans actually mean for me. i know i don't need permission to consider myself trans, and that i'm not invading the community or anything, but i think i need to sit with my gender for awhile longer before i can confidently say what fits me best

for now, hi, i'm [name pending, scott for now], my gender is somewhere between boy, girl, and some faggy other thing, and i'm non-binary and probably trans. trans love forever, mwah


Theodore Herlz, father of Political Zionism: Yeah, it's colonial

Ber Borochov, father of Labour Zionism: Yeah, it's colonial

Ze'ev Jabotinsky, father of Revisionist Zionism: Yeah, it's colonial

David Ben Gurion, founding father of the Settler state: Yeah, it's colonial

Small bean fandom Zionist: Umm, lol, it's literally not colonial???

Relevant quotes:

Herzl wrote to Cecil Rhodes, "It doesn’t involve Africa, but a piece of Asia Minor; not Englishmen but Jews… How, then, do I happen to turn to you since this is an out-of-the-way matter for you? How indeed? Because it is something colonial...

Theodore Herzl's letter to Cecil Rhodes from unpublished letters by Theodore Herzl (11th of January 1901)

"The Jews could in short time assume the leading position in the economy of the new land. Jewish migration must be transformed from immigration into colonization"

Poale Zion, Our Platform, B. Borochov (1906)

"We cannot offer any adequate compensation to the Palestinian Arabs in return for Palestine. And therefore, there is no likelihood of any voluntary agreement being reached. So that all those who regard such an agreement as a condition sine qua non for Zionism may as well say "non" and withdraw from Zionism. Zionist colonisation must either stop, or else proceed regardless of the native population"

Iron Wall, Ze'ev Jabotinksy (1923)

If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”

David Ben Gurion, quoted in the The Jewish paradox, Nahum Goldmann (1973)


...on the other hand, this is not how the word "colonialism" gets used today. Those "small bean fandom Zionists" operate in a paradigm where the desire of a people to return to the land from which their ancestors were forcibly driven out would NEVER be referred to as "colonialism" - unless it's the Jews, and Israel. That's what they mean when they say "it's not colonialism".

Likewise, Ben-Gurion was 100% right that most non-Jews don't care, and arguably no non-Jew SHOULD, that their god has promised them Israel as their homeland - but that doesn't mean there are no good arguments for why the Jews should be allowed to live in Israel. (See: it was the land of their ancestors, long before the Arab expansion.)

This doesn't excuse the methods used to take and keep control of the country - which do owe a lot to colonialist methods - but saying it's exactly the same thing as white Europeans subjugating African nations is ridiculous.

Oh, and the person who was saying "this one Jewish dude said the Jews were the master race and the Palestinians were slaves" - please. Just because there's no opinion so stupid or horrible that you can't find one person who'll gladly offer it up, doesn't mean it's something you get to plaster over an entire group of people.


The “colonialism” that Herzl & co. were referring to is exactly the same kind of “colonialism” that refers to the displacement & oppression of indigenous people(s). Zionist founders literally said it themselves:

“We can be the vanguard of culture against barbarianism.” [Max Nordau believed the Jews would not lose their European culture in Palestine and adopt Asia’s inferior culture, just as the British had not become Indians in America, Hottentots in Africa, or Papuans in Australia.] “We will endeavor to do in the Near East what the English did in India,” he said at an early Zionist Congress. “It is our intention to come to Palestine as the representatives of culture and to take the moral borders of Europe to the Euphrates River.”

— One Palestine, Complete: Jews & Arabs Under the British Mandate, by Tom Segev.

The fuller quote, from another source:

"We would endeavor to do in the Near East what the English did in India—I mean the cultural work, not the domination—we propose to come to Palestine as the emissaries of civilized behavior and to push the moral boundaries of Europe up to the Euphrates."

Max Nordau, who said this, was the co-founder of the Zionist Organization along with Theodor Herzl.

There’s also this quote from Jabotinsky:

And it made no difference whatever whether the colonists behaved decently or not. The companions of Cortez and Pizzaro or (as some people will remind us) our own ancestors under Joshua Ben Nun, behaved like brigands; but the Pilgrim Fathers, the first real pioneers of North America, were people of the highest morality, who did not want to do harm to anyone, least of all to the Red Indians, and they honestly believed that there was room enough in the prairies both for the Paleface and the Redskin. Yet the native population fought with the same ferocity against the good colonists as against the bad

— Jabotinsky’s The Iron Wall

Even if these sorts of quotes did not exist to explicitly confirm the colonial intentions of zionism, the actions and relations of zionists is damning enough. Theodor Herzl wrote Cecil fucking Rhodes a letter, referencing as well as expressing admiration for his colonial projects in Africa (Rhodes is the man who headed the colonization of Mashonaland and Matabeleland— today known as Zimbabwe— dispossessing thousands of Africans of land in order to found his settler-colony Rhodesia), and asked Rhodes for his “stamp of approval” upon the zionist project. Herzl admired European settler-colonial projects in Africa and, as his intended communication with Rhodes demonstrates, was directly inspired by their “success” & methods.

operate in a paradigm where the desire of a people to return to the land from which their ancestors were forcibly driven out would NEVER be referred to as "colonialism" - unless it's the Jews, and Israel. That's what they mean when they say "it's not colonialism".

Settler-colonialism is defined by what you do, not who you are or what your “ancient history” in that land is. It is the process and project of replacing an inhabitant group with another people. This is precisely what was done in Palestine. Whether the settlers committing displacement & ethnic cleansing “have a history” with the piece of land they are doing it on is irrelevant; having ancestors from 2,000 years ago be from a place does not mean your violent conquest of that place now is given a free pass from being considered “settler-colonial” when all your actions follow the paradigm of the settler-colonial process, in particular forcefully displacing the populations living there to take their land for your own settlers.

It’s also disingenuous to act like the Israel project was just “people returning to the land their ancestors were driven out of”; Zionist early leaders (including first Prime Minister Ben-Gurion) described ethnically cleansing Palestinians from the land— and replacing them with Jewish settlers— as important to creating Israel. Israel is correctly identified as a settler state because that is the process of its creation. It seeks an exemption from being considered a settler state— arguing it’s magically different from every other state who does these same things— through appeals to antiquity & bullshit "blood and soil" nationalist logics.

but that doesn't mean there are no good arguments for why the Jews should be allowed to live in Israel. (See: it was the land of their ancestors, long before the Arab expansion.)

What the fuck are you talking about? Firstly, whether your 'ancestors' were in a given place or not has no bearing on your right to be there today. Everyone should have the right to safely immigrate and live anywhere. If Jewish people wanted to live in Palestine, they should have avenues to safely immigrate & do that-- same for anywhere else. Jewish people and non-Jewish people alike should have the right to safely immigrate and live anywhere, because where you should be 'allowed' to live shouldn't be constrained to where your fucking ancestors were. And just because your ancestors were supposedly in some place doesn't give you more of a "right" to live there than other people whose ancestors 'weren't'.

Secondly, the concern isn't whether Jewish people should be allowed to live in Palestine, it's about the state of Israel and its actions since its founding.

This doesn't excuse the methods used to take and keep control of the country - which do owe a lot to colonialist methods - but saying it's exactly the same thing as white Europeans subjugating African nations is ridiculous.

Why? Why is it 'ridiculous' to compare one situation of a group displacing & violently oppressing a population to steal their land, to another instance of just that? Why is it 'ridiculous' when Herzl himself even admitted he looked to Rhodes and his settler-colonialism in Africa as inspiration for what he wanted to do? You acknowledge that Israel literally used colonial methods in making and maintaining its state, but still hesitate to refer to it as 'colonial'? Why? If it had been non-Jewish European settlers that founded their own state on the ruins they made of Palestinian society, had done exactly everything that the Jewish settlers had done to make Israel, would you hesitate to call it 'colonial'? Why is ethnicity what stops you from identifying it as colonial? Does race trump actions when it comes to identifying wrongdoing-- do some people get a "pass" from being identified as settler-colonizers because of their ethnicity, in spite of their actions being that of settler-colonizers’?


DeepLeffen is a Twitter bot trained on r/smashbros and Tweets from professional Smash player Leffen. It randomly generates Tweets based on prompts it is fed.

It’s probably the best account on the site.


He is doing a very good job of being a convincing smash player

OP where’s the gamer goof of the century post

You’re actually so real for this, it’s easily one of the best and I can’t believe I didn’t put it in

"Here are your tortured poets. All from Mahmoud Darwish to Dr. Refat Alareer to Khaled Juma, these are tortured poets. Tortured by longing for a home they can never return to, tortured by the world they were born to for BEING BORN. Palestine, home to the tortured poets department." [@/folkoftheshelf on X. April 20th, 2024.]

Hey can we queers please remember that the rural queer experience has unique challenges thanks

Coming out is different when you know if you come out to one person you risk the whole town knowing. Coming out is different when religion is entwined in your entire community. Being queer is different when you can't trust that your doctor or therapist will stay confidential. Being queer is different when conversion therapy is subtle and normalized. Transitioning is different when there aren't gender clinics or gender therapists for 50 miles. School is different when other kids are put at risk by being seen with you. Can we stop acting like there aren't queer people living in rural areas and start supporting them


what i love about mlp fim is that the power of friendship is not a symbolic thing it is a real and tangible force so potent it can be channeled into killing people

friendship beam. explode


NEVER ever forget to plan for the Minotaur. ALWAYS factor the Minotaur into your plans DO NOT FORGET THIS


NEVER ever forget to plan for the Minotaur. ALWAYS factor the Minotaur into your plans DO NOT FORGET THIS

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