
The Slag Maker

@theslagmaker / theslagmaker.tumblr.com

"This Is Megatron, Leader of the Decepticons and Captain of the Nemesis II. Speak," (Indie Rp blog for G1 cartoon Megatron. Non-selective but read the rules and about sections first. Blog is occasionally NSFW. M!A: None.)

💍 (these are always fun.)


Send 💍 to be my Muses arranged fiance!

The blue femme walked the halls down the Nemesis as she made her way to Megatron’s throne hall. The fact that she was walking calmly and not speeding down the halls as if her life depended on it made her uneasy. This was more than a little unusual for her, but she took comfort in the fact that at least it wasn’t the Megatron from her universe, but she were to be bonded with a Megatron, which made her both nervous and intrigued.

The actions leading up to her current predicament were many and quite frankly, didn’t matter anymore. The suggestion of a peace offering had been thrown around for a while, but what made her volunteer she couldn’t say. Perhaps it was desperation or morbid curiosity, maybe this Megatron wasn’t as bad as the one she had fought against for endless cycles.

Walking into the hall, she walked up to the silver mech, not saying a word for the time being. She had seen him kill mechs for seemingly no reason, while life itself wasn’t too precious to her anymore, she didn’t wish to die here and be discarded among with the trash.

Seeing the warlord she walked up to his throne and knelt down. Was she supposed to kneel? She had seen the other Decepticons do it and it was better to show respect and submit than to be shot where she stood. “Lord Megatron- I’m sorry for keeping you waiting.” She said, her voice strong and unwavering. She refused to let any sign of fear shine through.

Spyder nodded and smiled, the legs on his back giving a little twitch. “He’s pretty interesting. I think, from what I gathered while working with him, he wanted to get a new frame AS the ship. Which is pretty cool, I’m not gonna lie. It’d make him second only to a titan in size. I don’t know enough about titans or anatomy to pull that kind of thing off but Scalpel does. She could probably help him out if he wanted to actually become the ship or to just get back to something close to his old self. I can tell that Shockwave pretty much super-charged the guy…which probably hurt.” he added with a wince. 

“Titans are rare in my universe, the few we have you could count on your servo.” The Warlord admitted as he listened to Spyder. “I think I knew a mech that had such ambitions to become a titan but I did not know him well.” He admitted, the mech’s name escaping him at that moment. “I may need to seek her out about that if that’s the case. As things are now, it’s no good for any of us, though your aid has significantly improved things.” He stated to the engineer as they walked back to the hall they were in before the had gone to see the Sparklings.

“Shockwave is a scientist and a brilliant one, but he completely logical and doesn’t really take things like feelings or emotions into consideration when he experiments like this.” Megatron admitted. For as much as he looked at Shockwave as a Sire figure, he was well aware of how cold and logically he was. The bond between them was a unique one but he knew much of the emotion was what he projected on to the guardian of Cybertron. Still, his loyalty was never in question.

send ‘⁉️’ for my muse to find yours masturbating and moaning my muse’s name.

The silver mech didn’t usually barge into Adriana’s quarters, but he could have sworn he heard hear call his name and she sounded in pain. The first thought to come to mind was Starscream managing to get inside the room and killing her. The door open and Megatron charged in. “Adriana! I’m here! I–!” He started be for flushing red at the sight before him.


Adriana panted as she ran down the halls of the ship, trying her very best to get away from Starscream. There was another brawl between them and she tried to get away from his sharp talons of scratching her paint again. There wasn’t much for her to hide until she found a room to hide him. Entering inside once the doors slide open did she hide safely within.

Unfortunately, she was not alone inside, inside a very particular room that belonged to a particular mech. Taking a moment to catch herself did she turn around and then gasped very loudly at the very sight of Megatron, self-pleasuring himself and even dared called out her name.

“Eeugg! Y-you disgusting…perverted creature!” She shuddered and rubbed her optics as if it were to erase the very sight she had witnessed. But to no prevail as it was now seeped into her processor. Despite her legs feeling heavy, she made efforts of standing back up again.

The Decepticon leader arched an optic ridge. “Oh? and I suppose you don’t ever self service then?” He mused as he watched her reaction. “More importantly you don’t come in here unless you have a reason.” He stated getting off the berth and approaching her to help her stand. “What happened?” He asked her seriously.

Send 💤 to cuddle with my muse.

A night of bliss and a morning of soft, soothing embraces. The soft sweet things His Starscream had promised him near the beginning of the war. Promises that were never full filled and had no intention of ever being so.

Now with this Starscream, one that returned his feeling he could feel that fulfillment. His servos were slow and deliberates as he stroked the red jet’s backstrut in a tender way. The embrace was loose as they lay in his berth. A large berth with fluffy blankets and several pillows. Other furnishings like the warlord’s desk was sparse with a computer. There was rows of wall shelves with weapons as well. The most striking was the wall that was itself a full window with blast shutters for when they entered battle.

“I wouldn’t go as far as to say skilled,” he said with a little laugh, before kissing Megatron again, “It’s almost always edible though.” It was clear, once he returned with the energon a couple of minutes later, that he was downplaying his skills. He made a selection of different gelled energon treats and rust sticks, as well as a very appetizing looking cube.

“Oh? This looks fairly skilled to me my love.” The Decepticon Leader stated lightly picking at some of the gelled energon and a rust stick. It was rare that he was cooked for so he savored the moment and the cooking of his lover. 


[ nude ] my  muse  walks  in  on  your  muse  accidentally  seeing  them  naked


‘Naked’ is a subjective term when one is used to being ornamental. Rung’s bared, certainly; his modesty panel detached entirely and left on the bench outside the washrack, along with his oculars.

The solvent is cold, but it’s a pleasure to have the choice to shower, and Rung’s ducked into the stream of the spigot overhead, unable to keep himself from shivering or from laughing at his shivering.

At the sound of footsteps, those seaglass optics turn up to Megatron. Big for Rung’s faceplate, and so terribly expressive…



“I think this is the first time I’ve seen you so bare... but no less beautiful my treasure.” The warlord hummed as he entered the washracks. “I was wondering what all that giggling was about... Your optics really are beautiful behind those Oculars you know.” Megatron purred moving to embrace the orange mech happily.


“You need to rest.” (for Redstrike)


Redstrike giggled and shook his head, before he twitched and let out a whimper, sparks flicking from his neck joints for a moment before he seemed to recover. He let out a small breathless laugh and smiled, "I'm fine, I'm- I'm really fine. Are-are you a gladiator? Or...or one of Cyclonus' friends? I should get you a drink!" he said, turning toward the kitchen and then frowning for a moment in confusion, swaying a bit where he stood. "Oh. Where...where did I?" he muttered, reaching up to rub absently at his helm.

Redstrike gave a wobbly nod, clearly a bit too out of it to argue with Megatron’s little lie. He reached over and picked up the cube, carefully lifting it to his mouth and drinking down every last drop. He set the cube back down, perhaps a little less carefully and then whined as he placed a hand to his head, sparks flashing around the seams of his helm plating. He shook his head and then turned and laid himself out beside Megatron once more, curling inward a little as his tail reached out to wrap around the warlord’s leg like an anchor. 
“Hurts...” he said in a small voice, his optics watering and a few tears squeezing loose despite the prime’s best efforts. 

Again Megatron gave Redstrike space when he saw sparking, but he was glad that the other complied. The Decepticon leader stroked his lover’s side as he let him curl up and rest. He took a microfiber cloth from his subspace and lightly dabbed the serpent’s optics, drying his tears gently. It was the best he could do at the moment.


❃(Ballroom dancing Waltz)


Optima was enjoying this. She was really surprised that Megatron has actually done something like this. She figured the mighty warrior would be an amazing dancer, because dancing isn't too different from fighting. It's has to deal with timing, and reaction. Optima had been feeling worried that she was more of a burden to Megatron, than she is in helping him. So for him to surprise her with taking her to a dance floor and waltz during one of their political gatherings. They were trying to do things in the way of the organics which is to throw a party while discussing trade matters. So Optima is wearing fabric over some of her armor, to help show that she and Megatron are the rulers of Cybertron. She blushes as she lets the Mighty Warrior lead as they show off their dancing skills. Granted Optima doesn't have much in that area, but she is a quick study. "You are full of surprises my dear. I mean I figured you would be an amazing dancer, but wanting to dance in front of others." She said while blushing.

Optima blushes as he spins her, and shows her off a bit. She is so not use to being flaunted. She is use to being pushed aside and basically forgotten. So she blushes as she moves closer to him. She is in sync with Megatron. Mostly because she can easily read his moves. “I am not much to flaunt around.” She admits while not looking at him, because she is shy, and nervous. She isn’t sure how to handle him wanting to flaunt her around. 
“Maybe you could tell me more about some of those allies? I love hearing about your past.” She did love hearing him talk in general. She loves hearing all of his stories, and how he has over come so much. It makes her spark break in certain stories, but so far it has reignited her admiration for Megatron. Because before she was a Prime, she had admired Megatron of her verse. The mighty Gladiator and sister to the Prime. Because their Ratchet was basically their adopted Carrier. Ratchet took care of the Gladiators and minors. 

“You down play yourself my dear Optimus. Why?” He asked her as they danced. He’d noticed the lack of confidence his mate seemed to have and it was dis heartening to him. What made her feel so unimportant? She was leader of her people, leader of the Autobots and a prime! She should think higher of herself but he often got this feeling that she felt under apricated. Was it something he had done?

“There are many from Nebulans to the Renegades. It matters little these days as we are in your universe now and they are not apart of this one to my knowledge.” He replied with a chuckle. “There are even allies the Decepticons made before my creation that still stand in my universe, though none of that matters now that we are here. We will be forging whole new alliances.” Megatron told as they ended their dance and he escorted her to a table to rest a bit as they were applauded.


(Not a meme but...) He places a glitch mouse in the middle of his coiled snek. >.>


Redstrike glances down at the glitch mouse and carefully, very carefully, uncoils, slides from his berth, and picks up the glitch mouse before tilting his head at Megatron and giving him a smirk. "....you know I don't eat these things right?" he asked, snickering a bit.

Redstrike chuckled and played lightly with the mouse, tilting his head as he studied her. For a moment his gaze was almost TOO intense. “Hmm, I do. But I think I shall ask Batgotti to assist me in housing her. This may surprise you but I’m not very adept at glitchmouse care. I was never as adventurous in my pets as most believed. I’ve had a few voltaicats and turbohounds. The most exotic pet I had was a Rust Runner. A type of bird common to the Rust desert back home. They have copper and gold feathers and are very sturdy with long legs. They’re quite smart birds and can sing many different melodies. They were common pets in Tygerpax and Kaon.” he told Megatron, running his finger carefully down the glitchmouse’s back as he pet her.

“I’ll make a note of that. Glitchmice are easy enough to care for and are affectionate little things.” He smirked as the Roomba-like mouse squeeked at Redstrike, enjoying the attention. It had a cute blue visor with digital display optics that were big and expressive of her mood. “housing? We usually just let them run around for the most part. Cleanly little things like to lick dust off floors.” He explained though they had to give them a system cleaning treat on occassion to keep them healthy.

Anonymous asked:

👉✊ - completeoverhaul

Send ‘👉✊’ for your muse to find my muse bent forwards and handcuffed to someone’s desk.

The gunformer lightly tugged at the restraints as he came to. Too much energex last night. Well, that was a poor decision, now he needed to get out of it. There was a click from the door, someone was coming! Frag! He didn’t know if they were friend or foe. He struggled more but the restraints wouldn’t budge. “Who’s there?!” He demanded to know, not being able to get a look at the door.

Trepan’s smile was a bit stilted at the mention of the Decepticons and he moved closer to Overlord. The big bot looked confused but relaxed when he felt Trepan’s hand on his chassis and he leaned down to gently scoop his lover up.
“Noope, I’m afraid that he’s always been all mine.” Trepan purred, a note of possessiveness in his voice that had Overlord shivering in delight.
“We had.. more than a few drinks last night.” Overlord looked abashed, happy but not at all shy with the details. “And at some point it came up that you weren’t sure how we uh.. fit together. So Panny wanted to show you, but he wanted to make sure you couldn’t reach out and grab. So we set you in place there and uh.. I sat down in the chair over here.” He gestured to a large comfortable chair  behind the desk that would have given Megatron a decent view with how high it was currently placed. “And Trepan showed you how well he can handle me.”
The orange bot chuckled and reached a delicate hand up, cupping Overlord’s cheek and drawing him down so he could steal a kiss. “But I’m afraid we both got a little too into it and retired to bed I guess. And left you here to fend for yourself.”

“Interesting, most universes I know the two of you, I your never together. I doubt your alternates even know eachother. It good you two seem to have found happiness together.” He replied, wondering if they had this conversation before. He really didn’t recall any of it, though it wouldn’t be the first time he got so overcharged he blacked out. At least he hadn’t interfaced with anyone he hadn’t intended to.

He gave a nod at the explanation. “So it would seem. I don’t remember any of it. I must have been completely tanked.” He muttered with a shake of his helm. In truth, he didn’t even remember their meeting. “Where... are we anyway?” He asked not recognizing their location. They weren’t on the Nemesis II, he knew every inch of his ship.

Oh gosh what was he getting himself into? His bratty tone seemed to always bite him in aft later on.. But then again.. not like anyone had to know about what he had been doing.. Bumblebee tilts his chin back and blinks at the warlord. “..Probably better if I hang out with you..your ship..I rather keep this on the low if thats alright.” The exscout replied.
“..Dunno about your universe but in mine, I’d make heads turn for screwin’ a Decepticon..er’ respectfully..” Those door wings twice.

“Perfectly. Not everyone can seperate buisness and pleasure.” He stated with some understanding of the exscout’s position. “It’s a little more common in my universe. More like... and open secret if you will. It happens but no one admits it does.” Megatron admitted it made things complicated while at war, but it didn’t prevent it.

The gunformer merely made note of it and worked around it. It would have been hypocritical of him to try preventing it when he thirsted after a few Autobots himself.

The warship he showed Bumblebee to was massive. It looked like the Original Nemesis of his universe for the most part. “My Quarters are on the upper level and require flight to reach, Can you fly? or do you need me to carry you?” He asked as they entered the docking bay. There were five different halls into the ship on the ground level and five on a balcony over looking them.


A fully formed Caedis Prime very carefully taps the outside of the Nemesis. "Uhm, Megatron? I know you said you'd like to practice sparring with me at my full capabilities but I'm realizing a slight size issue that I think, perhaps, you did not take into account and it has me concerned."


The warlord flexed a little, rolling his shoulder joints as he exited the Nemesis II. Normally they would spar in the arena inside but Starscream's latest attempt on him had left a horrid mess all over the arena. It was currently being cleaned and repaired.

"I'm aware of it. There is more to combat than size. I can take on Devastator on my own." He reminded the Prime, smiling at the sight of him, the gunformer immediately trailed a servo up Caedis' chassis and kissed him on the dermas. "I'm more worried your sheer beauty will be a distraction." He teased, but did not linger. They weren't going THAT today, at least, not until later.

Caedis lifted a brow and made a rather disbelieving hum at Megatron’s comment as he tilted his head and looked down at his now much smaller lover. As he was kissed and felt those hands wander his tail twitched behind him and he smirked playfully leaning down to grin and gently nudge Megatron’s helm with one of his talons. “And I was able to pin you as Redstrike, when I’m only at one third of my full strength...so...don’t get too mad at me when I win.” he mused. 
He stood once more and turned toward the cleared bit of space they’d chosen for their arena, the spines running down his back rippling as the large mech prepped his systems. “I have capped my fangs however...no reason to risk THAT in a spar.” he drawled, his five optics watching the other with a knowing smile. “But don’t think that gives you an advantage...it means I don’t have to hold back.” he added with a little growl, flashing his rather sharp fangs at the warlord as he took up his position in the new exterior arena they’d set up. 

“You act as though I didn’t want to be pinned by you back then.” He replied back with a smirk but had still leaned into his lover’s touch. That wasn’t to say he was underestimating his lover. Even as Redstrike he was skilled and he was sure he had more as Caedis Prime. He wanted to see how much of a power gap there was between him and a prime of this mech’s universe. He and Optimus of his universe were equals but these primes seemed to have the backing of a god behind them. 

Up until now they had been lucky. He had been able to face any multiversal threat to his Decepticons and make it out with minimal damage... but should Caedis prove too much for him, then that would be a problem for his Decepticons as there maybe others like him that he could not best.

“I would dream of it. Anything less than giving you my all would be an insult my dear Caedis.” The Gunformer replied as the prime took up his stance and Megatron did as well. He started off the battle by opening fire with his fusion cannon, not pulling any punches. As a prime, He was confident the other could take it. Optimus had taken far worse from him.

✫-The feline was still in a bit of a low mood due to having lost the relic, a quiet location this was until this ‘Megatron’ showed up. Her arms cross as he speaks and questions her possible motives. It could be possible that the artifact was causing this, but it wasn’t something she could guarantee, at least not until the relic was captured.
The femme could feel his glare throughout her EM field, yet she huffs with the rotor blades on her back flicking upwards for a moment, “That I cannot confirm, but I will say that there’s a teleporting relic that I’ve been tracking for months now. Maybe it’s behind your little problem, however I’m not stopping my search until I get it.”
Nor was she going to let this mech hinder that progress. She would have to admit a slightly growing peak in curiosity as to how he got here, and she was tempted to ask, yet, unless he was either willing to help or get out of her way, Fasty didn’t see a reason to continue being in his presence.

“I care little for your search but if this relic is the cause then perhaps we can aid each other. I’ll help you retrieve this relic and you can disable it so that my ship can leave. Do we have a deal?” The silver mech asked, if it couldn’t be disabled he would simply destroy it, but she didn’t need to know that. He was sure that this femme would only become a thorn in his side if she suspected he might steal or damage her precious artifact.


(Pick whoever you like :3) ’ i am filled with a hunger to consume and be consumed ’


Cyclonus here, intercepting this ask before Galvatron sees it. “Then I can only assume that’s why the Unmaker saw such potential in you,” he responds.

His tone is carefully neutral, his optics wary as he watches the silver mech. Cyclonus doesn’t hate Megatron, not in the reflexive way that Galvatron does. Galvatron’s discomfort around Megatron(s) is rather unique in its quality; born of having detailed, first-person knowledge of everything his predecessor ever did, but not feeling the same emotions or motivations that justified it all at the time.

But Cyclonus does know that Megatron is old and cunning and much more than meets the eye, and he’s not letting that knowledge slip his mind. He’ll talk, if Megatron wishes, but he’ll tread carefully.

The mech whom Galvatron now calls his consort and beloved was used as a shield by our Megatron to let him kill Optimus Prime. Rodimus still shudders at your name, and the thought that Galvatron was in any way to blame for that moment would break both of them.
It’s Cyclonus’s first thought, but he can’t and won’t share that particular trauma with Megatron. It’s clear enough that this silver stranger wants to worm his way into Galvatron’s favour, seemingly even into his berth - notwithstanding the Unicronians’ collective revulsion at that idea - and Cyclonus won’t give him anything he might be able to use to cause harm in the service of that end. Nobody ever went broke betting on their own Megatron being a self-seeking manipulator, and he won’t take the risk of assuming an alternate version will be any different.
But there are other, wider issues that it’s safer to discuss. “While I understand that in many timelines the two of you are somehow the same person, for us it’s not so, and it’s been to Galvatron’s benefit to make that clear. The coming and fall of Unicron changed the balance of power, here, because it changed what there was to fight over. The Autobots and Decepticons would have torn each other and Cybertron apart down to the last nut and bolt in the end, if the old war had continued as it was. Unicron’s disruption gave them a chance to break away from that fate with at least a handful left alive, and to learn that there was more to the galaxy than just one war.” He watches Megatron as he speaks, optics slightly narrowed.
“Given which, reminders of the past are the last thing many of the survivors want, on either side. Those who follow Galvatron most loyally, do so precisely because they understand that he won’t lead them back to the same doom - and the Autobots respect our truce because Galvatron has made it clear to them that he’s prepared to do likewise. I’m not sure that either our Megatron or our Optimus Prime could have ever stepped back from their personal grudge match far enough to do the same.”
He tilts his head slightly. “Perhaps you and your Optimus are different, but that’s how it was with us.”

Megatron took in the what knowledge Cyclonus supplied giving it consideration. “And What was the Autobot Decepticon War in this universe, Cyclonus? I have known the reason for the war to differ by universes just as mine and Galvatron’s relationship does.” The Warlord replied, having no clue about his alternates actions against Hot Rod, action he have taken himself one day. For now he was simply thinking on similarities and differences.

“In my universe, after driving out the Quintesson, My ancestors and that of the Autobots went to war over whether or not to allow Organics on to Cybertron. We lost initially but I did renew that war to ensure we would never be enslaved again. The Autobots of my Universe like their ancestors wanted to welcome those that once own both of our races to Cybertron.” The silver mech explained. “I don’t know if this differs from your universe but the war for me and my Decepticons has always been about more than just us. I won’t claim that I was looking at the broader galaxy, I was more focused on the wellbeing of my Decepticons and Cybertron itself. Even the Autobots to an extent.” He stated with a mild shake of his helm.

“Is that what it was for my alternate and your universes Optimus? There is a rivalry between us in my universe for sure, but I wouldn’t have called it a grudge match.” He chuckled. “I liked him. My prime. Perhaps in a way that you like yours? but my Optimus... He’s... frustrating. Even for those on his side I suspect.” Megatron stated, putting it lightly. His optimus was sexual and romantically oblivious.


[ bed ]  my  muse wakes up in  the  same bed as your muse with little  recollection  of  the  night  before


"'s warm."

He's a cuddler when he sleeps. And by cuddler, he means he's plastered against this one's chest, happily burying his face in whatever plating feels best.

He sighs, taking little steps towards waking up, and looks up.

That is not the face he's used to.

Which is a polite way to say he just leapt from the berth like an infuriated cat, plating fluffed up and optics thrown as wide as they'll go.

"-- you're not my Megatron!" he snaps, reaching for his taser. "I don't know you!!!"

    “So you put me in your bed?”
Nope, he’s got the taser out. He knows he doesn’t stand a chance against this one, because he has no chance against any soldier, but damn if he’s not gonna show that he has some bite to him. 
    “I-- I remember nothing of this.” he remembers drinking a bit, maybe, and maybe he remembers this being the best Cosmo he’d ever had, but... is he the sort to get so black-out drunk that a stranger brings him home to safety?
    ... actually, in all honesty, if he were to go home with anyone, it’d be one of these (ie, a Megatron). That makes more sense. 
     “Where am I?” he asks next, still biting. 

“It was safer than anywhere else.” Megatron answered before his hand snaked out and disarmed the clerk, forcing the taser out of his hand. “That was foolish.” The gunformer told him. “If I intended you harm, Orion Pax, You would be being tortured in the brig of my ship right now. This room is the safest place for you at the moment.” The warlord stated seriously but did not move to strike or harm him beyond taking the weapon from him.

“Not surprising, I think your drink was drugged.” The gunformer stated before answering his next question. “My ship. It’s called the Nemesis II and it travels through the multiverse. These are my personal quarter. Don’t worry, I didn’t take advantage of you, I merely brought you were I knew you were guaranteed to be safe.” He added, knowing that was likely a concern.

Send “appease the monster” for a starter where your muse has been left out as a human sacrifice for my muse.
Send “sacrifice” for my muse to be the sacrifice to your muse.

Bound and gagged on the elaborate alter. This was not the way the gunformer expected to go. The statue of the Tank at the towering over him. A Decepticon Shrine to his alternate. He wondered briefly if the DJD made it? The Craftmanship was perfect. He might have admired it more if the situation was different.

When he asked the Decepticon masked natives to see his alternate, they had over whelmed him. They decorated him with gold and platinum plating to draw attention to his hips chassis, shoulders and legs. There were Energon crystals and diamonds that were embedded into the addons and little white sheer cloth that draped his helm, aft and navel. The was them laid out on an alter and bound there with a gag in is mouth as a gong was sounded. The warlord was not amused.

Ah. What an interesting tidbit, that. His optics flare red, briefly, before dimming in consideration. This one is either more than a fool, completely out of his processor, likely crazed by hunger or lack of rest-
Or he was telling the truth, and there existed a multitude of.. hims. Megatrons. The concept sent his own processor swimming.
“And why, perchance, were you looking for me, specifically, if there exists a different me?” That was certainly the question- why him? Surely, if there existed another reality, then there existed many, and with them, perhaps, existed a version of himself that hadn’t been turned into this.. This. Certainly, he supposed, from his double’s position, he seemed the powerful thing, but Megatron in truth was trapped here, both in frame and cavern. While he was free to roam the inside, the outside world was a mystery to him.
He had not been beyond the mouth of the cave in a long time.

“Because I feel a bond between us and all Megatrons. It calls to me, draws me to you. And because my ship travels erratically. We appear and leave realities at random. It does not stop the need I feel to seek out my alternates however.” The gunformer replied. He did not know his alternate’s plight but he did know the bond he felt drew called to him, told him to find this one. That he was needed, somehow.

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