
The Great Blog O' Stuff

@rapscallionvawn / rapscallionvawn.tumblr.com

Art and odds and ends of Fred Stresing, cartoonist, colorist, writer and letterer of the comicky books.

fuck disney land…. Fuck status of liberty…. you Come to america… you see Costco.

i cant help but read this with a heavy russian accent


Progress report

We turned a huge corner a week or two ago, and suddenly all the disparate elements have begun to coalesce into something that actually resembles a game. 

About half the backgrounds are in now — Meg Casey and Fred Stresing continue to top themselves with their visual contributions. The biggest cutscene of the game has now been animated, and we’ve begun putting some voice tracks in. Matt and I went through the existing rooms and wrote a whole bunch of jokey descriptions for all the various things you can click “look at” for. And a hundred other tiny elements (mostly UI- and engine-related) have started falling into place.

There was little doubt that this thing was definitely happening before, but a burst of progress like this really provides a nice push to keep the ol’ momentum going. We’re still quite some time away from a completed project, of course, but I’m starting to get a really clear idea of what that’s going to look like. And it looks kind of amazing. 

We are still, technically, raising money to make this thing happen. So if you’re feeling generous, a donation would not go unappreciated.


Pixar there are a million wonderful ways to make human skulls look endearing and expressive, and you chose exactly none of them what the fuck


It’s like they decided to remake The Book of Life with none of the charm

lemme make it more pathetic and add that this dude’s head has exactly 15 polygons and he’s one of the most expressive, memorable, and relatable fictional characters of all time

jesus christ that is such a better looking skeleton

that’s manny calavera and he’s from 1998

We fucked up Manny we didn’t do right by you and yours


This gorgeous piece of artwork, by Fred C. Stresing and Meg Casey, is the first finished background for our forthcoming adventure game. We would love it if the entire game could look this beautiful. To do that, we need to be able to continue paying Fred & Meg for their efforts. Please consider donating, won’t you?


It’s that time again. Me and @itsrachelconnor did done another Regular Show Original Graphic Novel for @boomstudios. I do my own little promo posters for everything I work on, and often turn them into real prints for comic-cons. They’re almost always spoofs on retro videogame boxart and this time I’ve gone super obscure so good luck on the guesses! I’m exceptionally proud of this one as I went full tilt on videogame nerdery in it. You won’t read another comic out there that plunges the depths of game knowledge until one of my original series pitches gets picked up *cough*. @zeburnay did the art and it is plentiful wonderful throughout. It’s out on May 18th 2016. Americans and Canadians should have no problems finding it, but those of you in the UK and Europeland will have to order it in special in your local comic shop or resort to l’Amazon. This completes the trilogy of books me and Rach have worked on (we affectionately refer to them as ‘The Wormzo Trilogy’) and we both hope you all enjoy it more than anything else ever.


the only acceptable white dude casting for dr. strange is will arnett, and that’s only if he plays it like gob bluth as dr. strange and the movie’s theme song is the final countdown

“I don’t have time for your tricks, Strange.”

“ILLUSIONS, Director Fury. You don’t have time for my ILLUSIONS.”

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