
hurr hurr I'm a human body hurr hurr I'm gonna solve all my problems using mucus

"i require more fluids" well what did you do with the fluids I already gave you. hmm? did you make more mucus with them? you made more mucus with them.


I dunno maybe I’m way way off base and I’m gonna pay for it later in life but I just don’t think that letting my kid dip a few pretzel sticks in Nutella an hour before dinner should be considered morally unconscionable.

When I say my closer to three then two year old will eat anything I mean the only 2 things she refuses to eat are carrots and a peanutbutter. She eats soup, she eats all of her food touching, she eats salad and sushi and peas and chili and any form of potato available, and I think it’s because I just refuse to have food rules. She gets to have eggs and fruit snacks for breakfast if that’s what she asks for. We usually have baby charcuterie for lunch. We always have dessert. Sometimes we have dessert and then dinner. Sometimes we stop dinner in the middle of the meal for some cake and then we go back to dinner. It drives most people in our life insane. Even the most open and understanding people.

I spent so many years with such insane food rules and thinking certain foods were good and others were bad and I still fight with it and hatred towards my body that we’re fed from the youngest age and I refuse to let that happen to her.

So no she doesn’t have to finish her plate to get ice cream. She doesn’t have to eat all her veggies to be excused. She’s allowed to enjoy food as it comes to her as she learns and experiences it. And so far it’s paid off she’ll literally eat anything.

Except peanut butter

We do have a weird distrust issue where she does not believe we are all eating the same thing for dinner (we literally always are) and she has to go around to every bowl like Goldilocks and take a bite from everyone’s before she is satisfied

Like girlie we’re all eating chili. Idk what to tell you.

She was poisoned in a past life

Stop it this is the funniest addition to my post because she truly investigates like a queen who her people are trying to poison her


I love it when people use "shrimp" to mean "beyond the human range". like "shrimp colors" but applied to other things. "shrimp emotions" "shrimp sounds" "shrimp morality", as if shrimp are living some kind of transcendent existence that humans can never comprehend


I like to come up with horrible video game mechanic ideas designed to piss off certain subsections of gamers without effecting the gameplay experience of the average player.

For example, what if I made a completely normal action adventure game, but the final boss is inaccessible by any means until the in-game time reaches 3 hours? If the game had an average play time of 10 hours, this would not effect the average gamer. It would, however, piss off speedrunners. If I wanted to rub salt into the wounds, I could make that three hour limit have a variable of up to five minutes late or early. I think the runners would come after me with pitchforks



  • Do NOT. Do not. DO NOT buy fake leather
  • Pirate everything. Burn cds. Fight the cloud
  • Tip food service workers crazy style
  • Smile at yr bus driver
  • Wear more eyeliner
  • Read superhero comic books
  • Paint more blood and gore
  • See saw xi in theaters
  • Draw messy
  • remember that old panic at the disco is good truly
  • Tell people you love them
  • Stompy boots
  • My Chemical Romance
  • Assault a customer at your retail job
  • Write that weird fanfic
  • Watch every vampire movie ever made
  • Wear that crop top
  • Start a fire
  • Listen to music made by angry women
  • Remember that you are fucking alive and do whatever you want

♡ sea bunnies! what a vast range of colors, shapes, and sizes these guys have!!


First one is a Goniobranchus geometricus, third one is a Jorunna parva, and the fourth one issss!! One of the many near identical hypselodorises!! Normally I'd study the types to identify it but I am a lil tired rn, so it's either a hypselodoris bullocki or one of the others. And then IIIII don't know how to identify the others on hand. Sixth resembles a Phyllidellia pustulosa but I'm pretty sure it's not one

Veryvery pretty


I was meant to be a character in a low budget horror movie in 2005 wearing a short sleeved shirt over a long sleeved shirt to signify to the audience that I am an enjoyer of music

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