

@fynndin / fynndin.tumblr.com

26, they/them. Mainly reblogs about social (in)justice, funny stories, cute things and occasionally I rant about something myself.

How to stop the flooooooow

Or as normal people call it: *Menstrual hygiene products* - A summary by me

Here are things I tested and maybe my reviews will help someone

**Pads** - A classic. They come in all different sizes and were my go to for the longest time. Application: Stick it into your panties. That is literally all there is to do. Pros: You can easily spot if you need a new one whenever you’re on the loo. Also, I have dry... basically everything. If your vagina gets dry as easy as mine, pads are a hell of a lot more comfy than tampons. When you’re done, you throw it away and get a new one. Cons: Take up lots of space in your bag, produce a lot of trash, not suitable for swimming or formfitting clothes. May slip and slide around while you sleep or during sports.

**Tampons** - The other classic. Applications: Stuff them up your vagina. Takes a few tries to get them in a comfy position at first. Also, if they are uncomfortable all the time, get smaller ones (Yes, there are sizes) Pros: You get them almost everywhere where you could get anything at all to care for periods. Great for swimming and sports in general. The ones without applicator (I never had any with) are tiny and fit in any bag or pocket. Also throw-away, which is handy in some situations. Cons: Still produce waste, first thing to cause dryness if that is an issue you have, without applicator, you have to at least somewhat put a finger up your vagina (meaning you need clean hands to apply), with applicator... I guess not? But more waste.

**Menstrual cup** - My go-to thing for the last years. Application: Fold it up, stuff it into your vagina and fumble around until you’e sure it’s unfolded. Pros: You get one, it will stay with you forever. Easy to clean, easy to store. Once you got the hang of how it fits, you only leak if you really left it in there for too long. No dryness. Fit for swimming and sports, sometimes (if rarely) you might feel it. I prefer rinsing it, but in a pinch just wiping it with toilet paper works fine as well. Cons: You definitely want clean hands for this and it’s a little awkward at first. For cleaning it out, you need at least clean napkins, running clean water is even better. After you’re done for the month, you have to boil it. Also, just to be very clear: If you are uncomfortable with literally stuffing your finger up your vagina and fumbling around in there, this probably won’t work for you. You have to feel around to make sure it’s positioned correctly.

**Menstrual sponge** - These are available as disposables or cleanable ones. I only ever used the disposable ones for getting it on during my period. Yes, that works. Use a condom. Application: Stuff it in there. That’s it. Pros: You can have penetrative sex. It doesn’t even feel weird. They are not as awkward at the beginning as regular tampons because they are soft. Also, the reusable ones don’t cause dryness because you rinse them before insertion. Cons: A bit messy to get out sometimes (no strings attached, hehehe), the disposable ones cause a lot of trash and usually a sponge won’t last you as long as a tampon. With the reusable ones that’s only a problem at night. Throughout the day, you just rinse it out frequently enough. You need clean hands for applying them and you definitely need clean, running water to clean it. Also at the end of your monthly business you have to soak it in diluted vinegar for a while.

**Fabric pads** - I only had fabric panty liners so far. They come with little buttons to attach then around the center of your panties. Pros: Reusable and you just throw them in the washer with all your laundry for cleaning. Also, they come in bright, nice colors. Cons: They don’t contain any plastic layer, so they soak through pretty quickly. They tend to slide around and I think disposable ones come with some fancy chemicals to prevent smells? These don’t. It’s not horrible, but when you pull down your pants, it’s a bit weird.

So overall I’m in love with the cup, sponge is a close second, disposable options are pretty much dead for me. I just end up forgetting to refill my stocks aaaaaand produce an additional little bag full of trash each month. Once I got used to the cup it even felt less like... anything than a tampon.

So yeah, this are my two cents. Feel free to use them or add your own experiences.


Time to Act - Net Neutrality is About to Die

The hell does that even mean, fynndin??? - Net Neutrality refers to the fact that currently internet providers (ISPs) forward requested internet traffic to you, regardless of where it came from. Not out of the goodness of their souls but because net neutrality forces them to do so. You want to acquire any kind of content from anywhere on the web? Great. They give it to you. That’s what you pay them for, that’s what law forces them to do.

But why would anyone want to change this? - Many  arguments have been made to end this state, most of all that the end of net neutrality would make it a lot easier to end a lot of illegal transactions on the internet. That is not quite as easy as the proposers make it out to be, but that they won’t tell you.

What these people imagine (or at least tell you) will happen when you end net neutrality is, that ISPs will only stop you from accessing a web page because it contains or promotes illegal content.

First of all - what is illegal? On some things there is a very wide consensus, but the internet is kind of international. Where is “illegal” defined? By whom? Is homosexual content illegal? Selling weed? Resources for abortion? Selling guns? Promotion of religions or atheism?

Second - currently there is no other means of control at place or planned to stop ISPs from banning or in other ways not accessing other resources for you. What if they decide it’s too much of a hassle for not enough return to let you access anything that is not, say, content owned by Google, Amazon and Facebook? Corporate controlled internet access in every part of your life is not a mere Dystopian idea any more if net neutrality dies.

So the actual argument against net neutrality is, that offering only access to limited and controlled parts of the internet makes it easier for ISPs to “grant you security” (by keeping you inside their pre-selected race tracks) and that controlling what you do on the web is easier in general. Not that anyone would ever want to do that, amiright?

When and why is it about to die? - The FCC is going to put net neutrality to vote in Congress tomorrow. So it’s that time again. Call your congress representative, write e-mails and spread this on every channel you can.

So this is a US matter right now? Why would I (in the not-US) even care then? - Long story short: Because we are next, guys. Our not-US governments tend to a) copy-cat all kinds of control laws the US can push through and b) have a much easier time doing so if they can point to the US to show that it’s already working well. Even if it’s not, facts don’t matter here it seems.

So if you are not a US citizen, still spread this, understand this, get prepared for this shitstorm hitting us as well very, very soon.

From the replies to put it out here in people’s faces (thanks @lickyoulikealolli), here’s change.org petition for net neutrality.


Time to Act - Net Neutrality is About to Die

The hell does that even mean, fynndin??? - Net Neutrality refers to the fact that currently internet providers (ISPs) forward requested internet traffic to you, regardless of where it came from. Not out of the goodness of their souls but because net neutrality forces them to do so. You want to acquire any kind of content from anywhere on the web? Great. They give it to you. That’s what you pay them for, that’s what law forces them to do.

But why would anyone want to change this? - Many  arguments have been made to end this state, most of all that the end of net neutrality would make it a lot easier to end a lot of illegal transactions on the internet. That is not quite as easy as the proposers make it out to be, but that they won’t tell you.

What these people imagine (or at least tell you) will happen when you end net neutrality is, that ISPs will only stop you from accessing a web page because it contains or promotes illegal content.

First of all - what is illegal? On some things there is a very wide consensus, but the internet is kind of international. Where is “illegal” defined? By whom? Is homosexual content illegal? Selling weed? Resources for abortion? Selling guns? Promotion of religions or atheism?

Second - currently there is no other means of control at place or planned to stop ISPs from banning or in other ways not accessing other resources for you. What if they decide it’s too much of a hassle for not enough return to let you access anything that is not, say, content owned by Google, Amazon and Facebook? Corporate controlled internet access in every part of your life is not a mere Dystopian idea any more if net neutrality dies.

So the actual argument against net neutrality is, that offering only access to limited and controlled parts of the internet makes it easier for ISPs to “grant you security” (by keeping you inside their pre-selected race tracks) and that controlling what you do on the web is easier in general. Not that anyone would ever want to do that, amiright?

When and why is it about to die? - The FCC is going to put net neutrality to vote in Congress tomorrow. So it’s that time again. Call your congress representative, write e-mails and spread this on every channel you can.

So this is a US matter right now? Why would I (in the not-US) even care then? - Long story short: Because we are next, guys. Our not-US governments tend to a) copy-cat all kinds of control laws the US can push through and b) have a much easier time doing so if they can point to the US to show that it’s already working well. Even if it’s not, facts don’t matter here it seems.

So if you are not a US citizen, still spread this, understand this, get prepared for this shitstorm hitting us as well very, very soon.

People at risk for becoming depressed worry more about what others think about them than the general population. They are highly tuned in to body language, facial expressions, cadence of words, and often read between the lines of conversations, inferring hidden meanings. This propensity to be empathic can be channeled in healthy ways but people who become depressed tend to harp on the negatives. …People who become depressed are more worried about how others respond to them…They fear rejection and tend to regard small social slights as global proof of their deficits.

Michael Schreiner, Rejection Sensitivity (via neurodiversitysci)


The Matter’s Core

Idea for a play:

Germany, some time end of the 20th, beginning of the 21st century.

Six people, all looking very official and business-like, have a meeting with the goal of founding a club. They are very serious about it. One has collected source material as reference on how to write statutes for a club. They have met to agree upon statutes and sign the founding documents.

Throughout the meeting several problems arise, some of which are less important (maybe one of them doesn’t like the food someone brought along), some more (you actually need at least 7 founding members, ‘s German law, that’s why).

It is vital that while it starts out as the most boring, annoyingly slow paced play you could imagine, it ends in turmoil, disaster, probably something catches on fire, people get into a fistfight and someone is eating parts of the half-written statutes. There are in fact by now at least eight people involved.

In hindsight, the viewer should not be able to pinpoint how, why and when it went so utterly wrong. Also, it is completely unclear, what even the broad topic of the club was supposed to be. It was never mentioned. Maybe unconnected, obscure tools or regular activities were hinted or mentioned, but nothing solid enough to provide a tangible idea.

I am undecided if there should be a waiter/waitress involved. Probably not, it might ground the entire thing too much.

Act I

At a sushi bar. There is a circle of little boats running in a carousel-like arrangement on the back wall in a circular manner, each one visibly containing several pieces of sushi. There is no waiting staff to be seen, but the trail goes in a circle and never stops. There is a sign on the wall: “All you can eat - 15:00 to 18:00”. A wall clock on left wall is showing 1 minute before three o'clock. On the opposite site, there is a door. In the center of the stage there is a desk, around it 7 chairs, facing the audience. On the desk there is a stack of 6 dishes.

Nothing happens for a minute.

As the wall clock turns to three o'clock:

The door squeaks and opens. Enter MR. FRATELLI through the door. He is a nervous man dressed in an impeccable pinstripe suit and a pink fedora. In his hand is a suitcase. He dusts off invisible specks of dust off his suit as he closes the door. He proceeds to the desk, sits down at the chair facing the door, and gets several documents out of the suitcase.

Nothing happens for a while. FRATELLI nervously gets out a watch on a chain out of his pocket, double-checks it with the wall clock, stands up, goes to open the door (the door squeaks), puts head through the door opening and looks outside. He closes the door (the door squeaks) and sits down at the desk again.

Silence. Then:

FRATELLI: They should be here by now. (Pause). It said 3 o'clock in the invitation. (Stands up, paces around nervously). Maybe the wall clock is wrong. (Drags a chair to under the wall clock, attempts to reach it standing on the chair. The clock is too high. He drags the chair back and sits down). Maybe there was an accident on the way. Like…. like. Huhm. (Tries to think). A tire blew on the way. (Sighs, props head down on the table so he cannot see the entrance).

The door squeaks. Enter CHANDRA. CHANDRA is a tall person of indeterminate gender. They wear a black turtleneck, round glasses and a beret. Their pace is brisk, but not hurried. They sit down at the chair opposite to FRATELLI, with their back to the door.

CHANDRA: Good day, Mr. Fratelli. FRATELLI (taken by surprise): Chandra! Am I glad you are here!

CHANDRA nods. Silence.

FRATELLI: Would you care for some sushi? CHANDRA: No. Thank you, Mr. Fratelli. FRATELLI: Well. (Pause.) I sure would. (Pause.) I shall go and get some. (Pause).

FRATELLI proceeds to the back of the stage and starts to load up a dish with sushi from the running trail.

Meanwhile, the door squeaks, to which CHANDRA does not react. Enter two women in (obviously fake) police uniforms, holding hands. They are BATHSHEBA and ANGELIQUE. Both are in their late thirties. BATHSHEBA has short colored hair and several piercings and tattoos, whereas ANGELIQUE has long blonde hair and wears a lot of makeup.

ANGELIQUE: (looks around, loudly): Well, that is quite an appropriate location. Good morning everyone!

CHANDRA (turns around): It is hardly morning. Good day, ladies.

BATHSHEBA greets them with a handshake. ANGELIQUE extends her hand for a kiss on the hand, which CHANDRA performs after a moment of hesitation. BATHSHEBA and ANGELIQUE sit down at two middle chairs. Silence.

ANGELIQUE (to BATHSHEBA): Is the waiter not coming?

BATHSHEBA: I wouldn’t know either, would I, dear.

CHANDRA: I believe you are supposed to help yourselves.

ANGELIQUE and BATHSHEBA: Extraordinary!

They hurry to the back and begin to load up their respective dishes. On the other side of the stage, FRATELLI returns with a full dish of sushi.

FRATELLI: I heard voices.

CHANDRA: Madame Angelique and Madame Bathsheba have arrived.

FRATELLI: Excellent! Where are they?

CHANDRA: I believe they are getting food.

FRATELLI: Ah. Hm. How impolite. (Pause.) To be this late, I mean.

When CHANDRA does not react, FRATELLI props his dish onto the table and begins to eat the sushi with a fork.

The door squeaks. Enter BARON OF STACHELAU AN DER OLPE with his spouse, BARONESS MARIA OF SAXONY AND OLPE. The BARONESS is in riding gear, including a rather large riding crop, whereas the BARON is dressed in a beige suit and is fiddling with his car keys all the time.

BARON: Well, what an excellent day for registering a citizens’ association! (Looks around critically.) Although the location is a tad inappropriate, of course. Nevermind!

BARONESS: Would you get me some food, dear.

BARON: Of course, dear.

The BARON hurries to the back, while the BARONESS sits down and slams her riding crop on the table, startling FRATELLI.

BARONESS: Good day, gentlemen.

CHANDRA bows their head slightly, while FRATELLI stutters something unintelligble. BATHSHEBA BARON and ANGELIQUE return to the table with food. BATHSHEBA gives the BARONESS a curt nod, whereas ANGELIQUE goes for the triple cheek kiss.

BATHSHEBA: Looks like Big G is running late.

BARONESS: Well, then we shall begin without him.

BARON: Yes dear.

FRATELLI: I agree. (emphatically) It did say 3pm on the invitation.

BARONESS: We will start today’s proceedings - as soon as we have all eaten.


the concept of our teenage years having to be the “best years of our lives” is so toxic lmfao? especially for people who grew up with mental illness that caused a lot of stagnancy in those years…it just blows my mind that some people will really try to convince younger people that this small portion of their lives should be the best rather than encouraging them to see life as years and years of opportunity

Really needed to see this! Now that I’m an adult I keep looking back and thinking “gee, I wish I’d been able to make the most of my teenage years and not been so serious/depressed/in the closet” but like they don’t have to have been the best years of my life. The best years of my life could be that bit when I’m 40 and I’ve saved up enough to take off and travel the world or when I’m, like, 154 or whatever the retirement age will be by that point and I get to move into an all-queer retirement home or whenever. Maybe every year will be better than the one before. Who knows?


I feel like there is a whole lot of bs mixed together in that statement. First of all, the past looks brighter the longer ago it is. I know that when I was younger, I had a lot of trouble going on that was really serious for me. Over all, what I remember is nice, though. A lot of stuff that bothered me greatly back then now seems laughable, but it still had a very much negative impact on how I felt back then. So my teenage years seem a lot nicer to me now than they actually were.

The next thing is that our western society has a very clear picture of how you have to appear and behave to be a Real Adult. To the surprise of absolutely no one, this picture contains a lot of aspects that keep you from being happy. Let’s face it - if you want to be a sophisticated adult, you have to be serious, a little brooding, have a sarcastic sense of humor and be hard to impress. Also, you have to be able to find negative points of criticism in everything. If you can’t find them, you’re obviously not educated and critical enough.

When I was a teenager, I didn’t do any of these. Well, I tried to be broody and sarcastic several times, and I have to admit, I DO have dry, dark sense of humor, but all the rest of these traits I adopted to be more serious and more adult. But now, that I try to let go of them little by little, I realize: They do make me unhappy, because that’s not who I am, and yes, suppressing any reflex to laugh and smile, just because you want to be sophisticated makes you unhappy. I’m sure kids don’t do that, but adult you doesn’t have to do that either.

With all these things considered, I think a majority of kids has more careless teenage years than the average tumblr user. Tumblr is practically made to collect social misfits, oppressed/ridiculed minorities and all kinds of people who don’t do too well IRL. So while for the average person, teenage years might have been not much better or worse than their adult and later senior life (but rose tinted by nostalgia), I think for a lot of us here the self agency to pick our social bubble more carefully and our ability to cut off ties to dysfunctional families or “friends” we made only because schools are small means that our future years have high potential to be so much better than our teenage years.

My “future” that is happening right now, definitely is. I have fond memories of many events in my high school years, but right now I’m learning how to take care of myself, how to be happy and how to live among people I actually want to be with.

Your teenage years may be the best time of your life, but only if you let them.


No. Just no. Ok?

So I used to make this joke all the time. Now I have chronic tinnitus. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s nerve damage in your ears which often comes as a result of being constantly exposed to very loud noise for a long period of time. The nerve damage results in a constant ringing/buzzing in your ears. So far there’s no cure. The severity of it varies, and I’m lucky to have a mild case, which I can barely hear during the day and is easy to block out at night. That said, loads of people with tinnitus aren’t so lucky. Severe tinnitus can’t be blocked out. Those who suffer from it also suffer from severe loss of sleep, depression, anxiety…. the list goes on. Tinnitus also comes with a degree of hearing loss in most cases, making it even harder to ignore. In fact, some people with severe tinnitus kill themselves just to make the ringing stop. Tinnitus can be so severe that it drives a person to suicide. Chronic tinnitus used to mostly be prevalent in older people who worked for years with loud machinery etc, but all of a sudden it’s becoming more common in our generation. Why? Because of people, like me, who listened to their music too goddamn loudly through their headphones.

Deaf by the time you’re 20? Please. That’s the least of your worries.

Please reblog. This post reminded me to move my music further away and turn it down. Someone else may need to be more cautious of their shit too.


Chronic mild tinnitus here, too, due to too many metal concerts in my youth.  Turn your headphones down a little.  Wear earplugs at concerts.  Protect your ears.


Your eyes have an iris that can shrink down, and eyelids that can squint shut, to protect them from light that is too bright. Your ears have NOTHING to block out sounds that are too loud. It’s up to you.


Tinnitus sufferer from drumline in high school checking in. These days I wear earplugs at concerts, rehearsals, clubs, and even movies sometimes. Get yourself a set that look like these ones:


Etymotics Research was one of the first companies I’m aware of to widely market with this sort of ear plug, and they’re great, because they reduce noise fairly evenly across the spectrum, and so you hear everything accurately, just quieter.  While they’re certainly more expensive than the foam earplugs that you see everywhere, they also are washable and last for months and months, and sound great, if not better than without  for live music.  Please protect your ears.  There is no way to recover lost hearing.

Apparently I had this. I just thought silence was a ringing sound

you also might have even been “born” with this. a lot of people with sensory issues (especially autistic or ADD/ADHD people) experience this when it’s silent around them but havent actually hurt their ears with music at all.

so its also a sensory processing thing and you can be “born” with it (aka develop with it in childhood) like i have


Wait I thought that ringing was normal?? I hear ringing when its dead silent are you seriously saying my ADHD causes this???? I thought everyone had that???!!??!

normal people dont have that ringing noise. while it’s minor in cases of sensory development issues from developmental disorders, it can be severe if a person with a developmental disorder listens to loud music. i know that sometimes during a sensory overload from autism, the ringing will become terribly loud

Oh lord ok. Be careful with loud noises. Gotcha. I didnt realize not everyone hears that ringing. I thought it was normal so I never asked if anyone else heard it too. Thanks for the warning about loud music! Ive always tried to avoid going to concerts because of the ringing but I thought it was a thing everyone put up with and that I was being a wimp. Im glad I have an explanation!

Born with tinnitus problems and it’s no fun. Bring your earplugs to the movie theaters, they’re just as bad as concerts.


Tinnitus can be caused by many NSAIDS as well. The two I take both cause it!


“Straight Men, Step Up Your Game”  DeAnne Smith Winnipeg Comedy Festival 2017


Video transcript:

I don’t know how to speak to straight women. But! I do have something important to tell you guys. You guys have been accepting too little for too long. You’ve set the bar in your relationships too low. How would I know that? Why would I know that? The girl I’m dating now, until now, has exclusively dated men. It is sooo easy to impress her. Oh my God, guys. It’s ridiculous. 


I know that German word worms are epic, but sometimes I just have to insert a hyphen. I know it shouldn’t be there, but I gotta. Greater forces want me to, I just...

Look, three lower case L in a row just look fucking ugly, okay?


things that have happened to me in the past ten days:

we’ve been given a letter to vacate pq my son’s service dog

discovered i have an unidentifiable mass outside my uterus which is causing me extreme pain

my son’s bike was stolen

my phone’s touch screen is now just doing whatever it wants and is p much unusable

my older son’s phone was stolen

idk wtf is happening

oh, and our fallback house, the one we have no choice but to move to, is infested with bedbugs.

so i have 20 days to completely clean and pack this place, and the same amount of time to also (between raising three kids with varied special needs and working 45 minutes away) somehow get rid of all the bedbugs/clean/gut the other place.


Hey, if yall have some extra cash laying around and want to help my best friend and her family survive, her paypal is masliliporfavor@gmail.com. 

Also Hannibal fandom, if anyone is interested I can write you a gift fic in exchange for donations. 


This is both entertaining and really important.

Yo if you’ll reblog the boob campaign, you can damn well reblog Deadpool discussing bollocks.



And testicular cancer has an EXCELLENT healing rate if caught reasonably early. Maybe we should mention that! So IF you feel a lump, it might still be nothing, but if it’s something, it might be very very treatable.

Please check yourself it could save your life.


Well, and the importance of the fact that he became Deadpool due to having cancer. Deadpool doing cancer exam vids for men and women was excellent, and was the first time I’ve seen it urged for men to check themselves regularly.



Libraries are free, mostly. Pretty much everything millennials are “killing” costs money.


Plus, unlike half the stuff we’re killing, libraries actually have a practical use


we out here

Not to be *that* millennial, but as a librarian I’d just like to say that the greatest thing you can do to support your local library is to understand how they are funded and to support their funding with your vote. Libraries can do a lot all on their own but quite often they cannot legally “toot their own horn” so-to-speak when it comes to advocating for sustaining or increasing funding, getting levies or bond issues passed, etc.  Libraries need you to love them not just with your checkouts and attendance at programs.

We can do that too.

build libraries on dead golf courses.

We Are Dewey’s Army X3

Friendly reminder that many Libraries double function as free schools and other free resources, sometimes including otherwise inaccessible technology, like 3D printers.

The libraries in my city host ‘English as a Secondary Language’ classes, cooking classes, classes on how to use that 3D printer, local history classes, responsible naturalistic gardening classes, beekeeping classes, and all sorts of other fun topics. Plus the plethora of clubs that use the library conference rooms as their meeting place. 

All for free. 

Support and visit your local library. Ask about their services and classes. VOTE TO KEEP THEM FUNDED


ok universe, i’m ready to feel good things. make me feel good things.

whenever i post this it works  reblog if u want to feel good things & the universe will bring u something sweet 

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