
Amy Poehler


Dedicated to *My Queen Forever* Love her so very much

“True Power comes from ambivalence. If you can find a way to be truly ambivalent about what people think about you as an artist you’re completely freed up because you just end up doing things that turn you on creatively, and then as a person you really try and drown the noise. It’s a lot of noise, people’s opinions about you, whether or not you’re a public person. A regular person in life has to deal with everybody’s opinions about them: what kind of mother are you, what kind of wife are you, what kind of daughter, are you a good sister?

That feeling of being watched comes from a lifetime spent under the male gaze. We [as women] are used to being watched. And if you can tap into that feeling you had when you were a kid and doing things and not caring that you were being watched – that freeing feeling of living just the way you want – it’s almost getting back to that. Not that you always have to be having a joyful time, just: what was that feeling like for you? Without the judgement of others.” [x]


After her performance at the #WWOGala, #FunHome’s Ali Baldacchino snapped a picture with Amy Poehler! by funhomemusical

SISTERS Movie Clip - Police Arrive
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