
New Stickup Kid tour dates with Major League


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FYPP Interview: Stickup Kid

Stickup Kid have become increasingly more popular and more popular as each day passes by, and even though they’re out on tour with Real Friends and Candy Hearts right now, the guys were able to take some time out and answer a few questions for us.

FYPP: Who are you? 

I am vengeance. I am the night. I am Batman. But really i’m Tony Geravesh and I sing for Stickup Kid.

FYPP: Your new album, Future Fire, comes out on July 9th. Did you approach writing this album differently from any of your last releases?

  Tony: Completely different. Bo and I wrote this record ourselves and brought it to the other guys, when it used to be Jonathan (bass) who did the bulk of the writing. 

FYPP: Recently, you guys opened up for Green Day. That is HUGE. What was that like? 

Tony: It was a little surreal, but we took it in stride and it felt like any other show. You can’t let that kind of thing get to your head so we approached it like we would any show, and we went out there and killed it; cool as the backside of a pillow. It was a great time and we’re grateful to Green Day for being rad, genuine people, and for giving us a chance to show Austin, Texas what Stickup Kid is all about. 

FYPP: You guys are out on tour with Real Friends and Candy Hearts. How has that been going?

  Tony: The tour has been fun and successful. Everyone on the tour are true homies and its totally drama free. I’m going to miss this tour a lot when it’s over. 

  FYPP: 2. Now that Future Fire is out, how has the response been with playing new songs on the tour?

  Tony: The response has been great and all positive. Since the record only came out recently we thought people haven’t had the chance to really grasp it, but we’ve been surprised by people knowing the words already. Mixed in with our old stuff, the new songs blend well and we absolutely love playing every night. We all wake up and look forward to playing every night.

FYPP: How has being on Adeline Records changed your band?

Tony: It’s put the power in our hands to make records more on our own terms creatively and it’s like a family. We all look out for each other and care for each other. There’s nothing better than working with people you trust/trust you. 

FYPP: I saw you guys are selling your guitarist, Curtis, for $1,000,000 on your BigCartel store… what happens if someone actually buys him? 

Tony: We’ll actually knock him out and ship him to you for free, but once you receive him he’s free to do as he pleases. Which means he’ll probably pickup a flask of gin, smoke a few cigarettes, disappear randomly, reappear randomly, then ask you for a ride somewhere. 

FYPP: What bands should we keep our eye on this year? 

Tony: Citizen has a solid new record out, Heart to Heart, as they will be touring buck wild on their self titled record which is amazing, Daft Punk because that new record slays, our friends in Forever Came Calling, Leer, Point of View, The Story So Far, The American Scene, Hear the Sirens, Till I Fall. 

Check out the band’s latest album, Future Fire, in its entirety by clicking Read More.

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