
it is an illusion!

@gerwigandronan / gerwigandronan.tumblr.com

mar. 23. infp. libra / pisces / libra.

Films Watched in 2022FRANKENSTEIN (1931) dir. James Whale

“Have you never wanted to do anything that was dangerous? Where should we be if no one tried to find out what lies beyond? Have you never wanted to look beyond the clouds and the stars, or to know what causes the trees to bud? And what changes the darkness into light? But if you talk like that, people call you crazy. Well, if I could discover just one of these things, what eternity is, for example, I wouldn’t care if they did think I was crazy. ”

When my 60 seconds came around I realized I had everything I ever wanted— but nothing I really needed. And I think what I need is here. And I came all this way to see if you maybe think so too.

LEAP YEAR (2010) dir. Anand Tucker

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