

@sanvers4eva / sanvers4eva.tumblr.com


Hi-res here 😊

I’m sorry this is the last edit I promise. I just thought this needs a bit more drama

I know I said I won't make more edits on this but you have to understand I really love this piece.

Anonymous asked:

supercat - missing not dead

also on ao3

my like three fans who actually like and note my work - enjoy

Cat swirled her wine around the glass while waiting for her date to get back from the bathroom. Truth be told she really didn’t want to go on this date, but Lois was incredibly persistent. It was when he hadn’t returned after nearly 45 minutes that Cat gave up. She huffed, rolled her eyes and pulled out her purse to tip the waiter a hundred, she was drunk and feeling generous. Throwing the bill down and grabbing her bag, she sauntered out of the fancy restaurant. The heavy glass door swung open under Cat’s angered shove, in fact it swung open so quickly it hit some poor woman in the face. She landed with a thud on the pavement.

“Oh god, I’m sorry.” Cat was immediately regretful of her anger and helped the woman up of the floor. “Are you okay? Where did I get you?” Cat watched as the poor woman scrunched her eyes and rubbed her forehead.

“I’m okay. The door got me here,” she thumped her palm on her forehead and opened her eyes. “The sidewalk got me on the back. I’m Kara, by the way.” Kara got a proper look at the woman who had knocked her down. “Wow.” Kara just stood for a moment, gazing at the beautiful woman in front her.

“Have I got something on my face? Is there a reason why you’re just standing there gawking at me?” Cat questioned the young woman who was still gawking at her.

“No! God, no! It’s just…you’re Cat Grant. You’re like a massive deal and you are so beautiful in real life.” Cat smiled at the rambling woman in front of her, then suddenly her phone sounds with a text alert from her driver. As she turned she sees Daniel in the Bentley across the road.

“Are you doing anything tonight?”

“No…I’m just on my way back to my apartment for a lonely night of potstickers and Netflix.” Kara grinned signalling to the bag in her hands.

“Well, would you like to perhaps watch Netflix and eat potstickers together?” Cat questioned her, while holding out her hand. Without saying another word, Kara nodded her head and took Cat’s outstretched hand.


Cat’s in the garden when it happens. A woman enters Cat’s garden asking for her.

“Hi, I’m looking for Cat Grant?”

“Mom? Mom!” Carter rushes from where he is bouncing a basketball and launches himself at Kara. Kara is visibly taken back from the rather large 22-year-old launching himself at her, nevertheless, she embraces him tight.

Cat drops the glass of lemonade she held and it shatters around her feet.


I think… you know, the biggest thing is fearlessness. I know for myself get so worried about being judged for who I am, what I do, what I don’t do, what I can and cannot do. And I think once we all realize how fearless that we can be and how many mountains we can move, when we really step into that strength and we really step into that understanding that we are not what we’re told to be. We are who we are, that’s incredibly important.

Happy 37th Birthday, Chyler Leigh! (April 10, 1982)

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