
on your left

@fcrceawakens / fcrceawakens.tumblr.com

this is space. it does not cooperate

Sassy HYDRA agent

*deep menacing accent* “How did you take down Captain America?” *matter of fact European accent replies* “We shot him in the legs because his shield is the size of a dinner plate and he is an idiot”

sassy hydra agent: hello mr. barnes were going to take your arm off bucky barnes: i think i just need help sassy hydra agent: give you cool robot arm

@garnier-fx there’s another one! 


sassy hydra agent: well if it isn’t captain america…

captain america: but it is me.

sassy hydra agent: no, it’s, an expression.

captain america: your nazi tricks won’t work on me!


it says shaggy has absolutely no ambitiom whatsoever. even ghe damned dog has some sort of life goal and he wants to eat dog treats for the rest of eternity. shaggy doesnt give a Fuckk. fun Scoobe-Doo™ trivia for the whole family: shaggy is a fucking nihilist

Scooby Doo is middle aged.

anyone gonna acknowlege that scooby’s real name is canonically scoobert

scooby doo doesnt have that much time left

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