
I metabolize caffeine into words.

@theprofessorstrikesagain / theprofessorstrikesagain.tumblr.com

Just a silly little Time Lord stuck on Earth. This blog is pretty exclusively Reylo and Sarah J. Maas. I write fanfiction.

why this dog look like an nvidia tech demo

High spec animal


Oh, I KNOW WHY! Rare video game tech knowledge to the rescue!

Animation of fur is really really hard, it’s effectively trying to animate, in real time, a few billion little strings. Noone can do that. Most consumer gaming computers would just burst into flame so that isn’t something people will do when modeling fur or hair. Instead, what animators and 3D modelers do in order to get around this is they form the fur into many layers of sheets or interlocking flexible bodies. Notice this animal has stiff fur, matted maybe from sweat or water. So when we watch the fur move our eyes and brains notice something we don’t notice on purpose. The fur isn’t moving individually, it’s moving in sheets and flexible bodies. There’s some slight movement and flexing, but it’s not “fur” like our brains want it to be, it’s “fur” in the way that fur is commonly animated! layers and flexible sheets! Also, light angles like this are common in animation to show the light being calculated across the body when it moves, so it looks familiar in the angle of the light too!


I don’t think I’ve ever gotten such an excited happy reply to an info dump hehehe


oh cool i found someone explaining the thing


current mood: 🎃🍂🍂🍂🎃🎃🎃🎃🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🎃🎃🎃🎃🍂🎃🎃🍂🎃🍂🎃🎃🎃🍂🍂🎃🎃🍂

next mood: 🎄🎅🏻🎄🎄🎄🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎄🎄🎄🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎄🎄🎄🎅🏻🎄🎄🎄🎅🏻🎅🏻🎄🎄🎄🎅🏻🎅🏻🎄🎅🏻🎅🏻🎄

Sooo you just gon go against the grain and skip thanksgiving? 😕🤦🏾‍♀️

Thanksgiving mood:

👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿 only good thing about that day is the food other than that its all a bunch of bullshit


If you would report an undocumented immigrant to ICE you would have reported me to the Nazis and I don’t fucking trust you

A note:

I live in a state where you “have to” report anyone you suspect of being undocumented (that wonderful hellhole of Arizona). Now in practice this law has fallen far short, thank goodness. But if you live in such a place and they start enforcing it, here is how you get around it:

Assume everyone who doesn’t speak English is visiting.

Never ask about their job, because if they tell you they work here then you know they’re not visiting. You see them a lot for several weeks or months? Hm. Someone in the family must be ill. That’s terribly tough. They always dress in old, ratty laborers’ clothes? I feel you, my dude, I can’t afford new clothes either, and my dad has the fashion sense of an aardvark, so sometimes it’s not even about “affording” them. They say they’ve been here for years? You must have misunderstood. Spanish isn’t your first language, after all. First and last name? It never came up, or you don’t recall–you meet a lot of people.

And then, if you’re asked: no, you haven’t seen anyone residing illegally in the United States. Just people visiting.

Very good very important addition

Essentially, this is the civil society version of a work-to-rule strike.

Don’t do more than is expressly asked of you, and do what you are asked with such an intense attention to protocol that not asking you at all becomes more effective than even bothering.

In this case:

“Have you seen an illegal immigrant?”

“Could you describe an illegal immigrant, officer?”

*officer describes a person who is in the country without appropriate paperwork, or who has crossed the border illegally*

“No, sir, I haven’t seen any illegal immigrant.”

And this is correct. You have NOT seen an illegal immigrant, because you have no way of knowing if Jose Fulano is here legally or not. And since you can’t see his paperwork (or lack thereof), and did not personally see him cross the border illegally, you are only answering precisely the question asked.

I’m not American, and I have like, three followers, but this is important.


Norwegian prisons are nicer than my apartment.

holy shit dude

I was really shocked by this and dubious, so I decided to read further. There’s a great article about this here: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-35813470 As it turns out, this is more like a halfway house. Prisoners usually begin their term in a prison more like one we’d typically recognize - bars on the windows, locked in their cells. But the emphasis there is on successful reintegration into society.  As their sentence progresses, with good behavior, they can move into a facility more like this, where their freedoms are still restricted, but they can do things like network with people outside of prison, search for employment, cook and clean and look after themselves, and begin making plans for their reintegration into society.  As a result, Norway has one of the lowest rates of recidisvism. 20% as opposed to America’s 76%.  It seems like a shocking idea to us because of where and how we live, but apparently, Norwegians are addressing the real problem. When you take people who can’t function well in society, and then…help them do that?…they….do. Without the crime-ing. 

Turns out treating people like human beings makes them more likely to act like human beings….

But won’t that incentivize some people to go back there since they get treated so well and get a nice room versus the streets?

If you read the post above, it says Norway’s recidivism rate - that is, the rate of released criminals who go on to be arrested again - is 20% versus 76% in the United States, so for the most part, no.

Isn’t that white-lined black cross on a red field flag a Nazi flag? Are we going to talk about how wonderful it is a Nazi gets a nice halfway house?


Y'all really gotta stop throwing ya boyfriend’s video game systems in pools and cuttin up they shoes and lighting they clothes on fire just because you mad or you want his attention bc if he responded by throwing them $100 eyeshadow palettes in the pool or cuttin up a brand new lace wig you gon be pissed as hell, as you should be. It’s not cute, it’s abusive. And you need to fuckin stop


Say it louder for the parents who think it’s okay to destroy their kids stuff as retaliation for disrespect


Also it doesn’t matter if you bought it

Before anyone asks, this doesn’t mean to say that parents can punish their kids. By all means, take away video game privileges if you’re looking to punish your kid. Destroying the game system, however, sends the message that you don’t value your child’s interests, hobbies or happiness. It’s also a pretty violent, aggressive act that communicates anger and rage. Punishment doesn’t last forever. -V


My cat: comfortable, hasn’t moved in 3 hours

Me: gives one (1) pat

Cat: my rest……… it has been,, disturb ed……..I ………..can no longor……lay here…. must go…..


I honestly hate how art and media have kind of romanticized the idea of like “going off your meds and being your true self again” because like I started taking antidepressants and like immediately got a new job, found a place to live, improved my relationships with people in my life and completely reconciled with my sort of estranged ex-girlfriend?? Medication can be rad and while I realize that it’s not for everybody I don’t think anything should be trying to convince anyone that being on medication inherently makes you less of who you are


(Most) Medication is for helping you to be you again. The real me isn’t tired by just walking to the train station. The real me is not my anxiety or depression. They don’t define me.

The real me is who I am when I’m not anxious and feeling worthless 24/7.

Medication is supposed to be the chemical equivalent of glasses or a wheelchair, depending on the severity of impairment. It tries to help you compensate for what has been taken, been broken, or is missing.

In particular, i always hear the myth that anti-depressants give you “artificial happiness”… no, no, no. They give your brain the ability to be happy. You won’t always be happy, and sometimes you’ll be sad. But the happiness you’re able to feel when you’re on meds is your own, real, happiness.



I mean this is important for neurotypicals but it’s honestly more important for people who struggle with mental illness and hate being on meds for a variety of reasons (aka me).

Take away med stigma! Don’t deny yourself something that can help you live a more fulfilling life and don’t shame people for their choices!


Particularly if you live in Texas, please vote, just for the schadenfreude. Can you even imagine if Texas goes blue. Can you even imagine Ted Cruz losing. I’m getting giddy just thinking about the conservative meltdown. There is literally zero path to the Presidency for Republicans that doesn’t include Texas. If they have to sweat bullets for the next forever thinking that Texas might be a left-leaning state… guys, this just sounds like a fun time.

Vote for Beto for the schadenfreude.

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