
Pursuit of Happiness

@poly-for-you / poly-for-you.tumblr.com

A polytriad relationship blog. We are a married couple with girlfriend and this is our detailed blog about our relationship, the good, the bad, and the crazy. We are just starting out our relationship and we want to share our experience with you. Ask away, BUT keep it positive please. -Mel- -The Husband- -The Girlfriend-

The Good and The Bad

So yay! Finals are over! No more stress (from school at least). A schedule shall be mandated in this house and hopefully it will calm the three stooges and things will be somewhat predictable--my goal--

All in all things are difficult, but being of a strong nature we are pushing forward in spite of the hard times.

How will we truly know what good times are and appreciate them fully if we do not experience hard times? Both are a requirement of life in my opinion.

I am happy that both of my loves who are open minded enough to listen to each other. We may not seem like we are communicating when the dispute is going down, but looking back I can say we really are all trying to swallow our pride and have compassion.

Everyone's feelings are valid.

A dispute if minor should be handled in a timely manor and when at all possible come to a quick compromise.

I am proud of everyone in my relationship, because it can be complicated and yet we are all still truly in love. I am blessed to have my big dysfunctional family, I know no matter what they will always be supportive. 



Poly struggles

The struggle is real. People's toes get stepped on, people's feelings get hurt, and everything seems difficult to handle sometimes. Arghhhh. And it mostly has to do with not knowing each others mood or triggers yet. I'm having difficulty and I'm sure everyone else is in the relationship but we have to pull together and talk for things to get better, as uncomfortable as that may be it HAS TO HAPPEN! it is harder than it looks. On top of everything we have 3 young children who make it even more interesting. Finals week and I'm stressed af! Sorry for the rant. Send me. Positive vibes full of peace please.

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