
To the One I Hurt

I broke the bond we made, and broke your heart, A fool who chased a moment, not the truth. I let you down and tore your world apart, Then left you mourning love lost in your youth.

I'm so sorry—for the pain I made you bear, For every tear that fell because of me. You gave me grace; I met it with despair, And ruined what was never mine to flee.

I do not seek redemption or return, Just hope you've found a peace I never gave. That joy and love surround you as you learn To heal from wounds I failed to help you save.

So may your smile shine bright, your spirit free— And know I'm sorry, endlessly, for me.


Misguided Ghosts


I was a fool. I cheated on you, and I will carry the weight of that regret for a long time. You deserved better—so much better than the way I treated you, and better than the way things ended between us.

I wish I had been the man you needed back then. At the very least, you deserved a proper goodbye. But instead, I left behind damage and silence. And now, you've blocked me on everything—and honestly, I deserve that. I understand.

Still, there's so much I wish I could say, and since I have no way of reaching you directly, I’m posting this here. Maybe it’s more for me than for you. But either way, I just want to say it plainly: I am truly sorry.

I am so sorry for the pain I caused you, for the betrayal, for the confusion. No, it wasn’t worth it. I was selfish, immature, and blind to the love you gave me. I can’t undo it. I can’t take it back. But I can tell you with every ounce of sincerity in me: I wish I could have done right by you. I wish we could have talked things through instead of letting everything crash the way it did.

You deserved honesty. You deserved care. You deserved someone who would have fought for you, not someone who threw it all away. And even though it’s too late to say this to your face—I hope, somehow, this message finds its way to you. Or at the very least, that the energy behind it reaches you.

I don’t want anything from you. I don’t want to reopen wounds or rewrite the past. I just hope… you’re happy now. I hope you’re safe. I hope you’ve healed and found peace. I hope that, wherever life has taken you, someone out there is loving you the way you should have always been loved.

I hope you’re surrounded by light, by laughter, by the kind of love that never falters.

You’ll probably never read this. But if you do—just know I’m sorry. Deeply, truly sorry. And more than anything… I hope you have the most beautiful life.

Take care of yourself, always. T


I love how Howl and Sophie’s relationship developed, it started from him being the charming prince, seemingly perfect, until she gradually finding out the inner side of him, fragile and lonely and afraid, and then she came to his rescue.

See more of my art on Patreon / Twitter / Instagram


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The Game Giveaway for The digital copy of Sonic Mania (not plus) has been extended until 7/31 at 6pm EST. To Enter do the following: 1. Follow CaptainStarLord @ Twitch.tv/CaptainStarLord 2. Go to the chat window on the Twitch Channel and type in (!enter) or go to the following website and get a ticket manually : https://streamelements.com/captainstarlord/giveaway/5b564f92dc994856d97389f6 Thank you everyone for your support the give away for 300 Followers will be a digital copy of Rocket League! Good Luck Have Fun! #PlusUltra #SonicMania #Twitch #GameGiveaway #GameGiveaways #TwitchStream #SupportSmallerStreamers #Sonic #VideoGames


🚨This is a Red Alert for net neutrality 🚨

Last December, the FCC voted to to kill net neutrality. If we do not take action, this will kill the free and open internet as we know it. The internet needs you—all of you—to make sure your voices are heard NOW.

We need all hands on deck for this one. It may be our last chance. If you’re feeling under-informed and overwhelmed about why net neutrality is so incredibly important, we have this handy guide just for you.

Here’s what you can do to save the internet:

  • In mid-May, the Senate will vote on a resolution to overrule the FCC using the Congressional Review Act (CRA). We only need one more vote in the Senate to win. Write or call your Senators or Representatives. You can also text BATTLE to 384-387 to get more information on how to write to your reps. You can do this, Tumblr.
  • Join us and dozens of your other favorite companies like Etsy, Vimeo, Reddit, and GitHub to raise awareness with the Red Alert campaign being run by Battle for the Net. Just add this small widget to your Tumblr to let your followers know how they can contact their reps. It’s as easy as copying and pasting the small line of code right into the customize theme page on the web.

This is important. This matters. It’s up to you to help. 


Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope. But, Dad, don’t we eat the antelope? Yes, Simba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass, and the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life. - The Lion King (1994)

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