
y / e / r / k / a / m / a / n / o / r :

@yerkamanor / yerkamanor.tumblr.com

all the news that's fit to crumple in a tiny ball and light on fire after blowing your nose and stamping out cigarettes in it.

My speech from Grandma’s memorial service, 2016

My Grandma Oji passed away 5 years ago this week. Tomorrow would have been her 101st birthday. Thinking of her a lot today.



I'm the only daughter of Mitzi's second daughter Helen. I grew up 3000 miles away. Summers spent in Yuba City as a child are the happiest memories of my youth. Growing up in New York City, I was not allowed out of the apartment unsupervised, was never out of the sight of my parents or caretakers. There is irony in growing up in America's most cultured city and having trips to Yuba City represent ultimate freedom! The exuberance of coming here, to suburban California, and getting to explore the streets unsupervised by adults for two weeks every summer was the highlight of my young life. Always present was Grandma Mitzi, whom we called Grandma Oji, although the title "Grandma Oji" has signified many a grandmother within our large family. She was firm and commanding at times, but playful when the time was right, and had a brilliant smile and a laugh that could ignite smiles and laughter in the rest of us. I never met my grandfather, but I spent many a time staring at his portrait in the room of the house Grandma spent the most time in: the family room. Above her giant TV with the double-VHS bootleg operation that she used to dub thousands upon thousands of episodes of her favorite Japanese and Korean drama TV shows, and to watch her massive collection of classic movies, his face always looked back with an air of stern kindness. Grandma spoke often of what a good, kind man he was, and how talented - he could pick up and play any instrument, she said. Any instrument! She could be stern with me, but also so sweet and kind and encouraging, especially later on in her life. When I was fourteen I came to stay with her for the whole summer. She drove me to a sewing class once a week, and at home she sewed for me some plaid pants at my request which were both grandparent-approved and in my mind, totally punk. It was 1996. She bought me my first portable CD player and headphones so that I could listen to the loud, raucous music I liked without her having to hear it. She let me use her karaoke machine to write and record my own songs on the electric guitar I had brought from New York. She made the best Japanese food and always had a large supply of candy in the cupboards and in a glass jar on the countertop. It is from Grandma that I get my sweet tooth. Grandma Mitzi's first language was Japanese, because her parents immigrated from Japan. Recently I had the privilege to see a folder of official documents including their travel papers. Sanzo and Matsuyo Kuwamoto came on a boat, the SS Tenyo Maru, which departed Nagasaki on January 27, 1918. They taught their five California-born children only Japanese language and customs, and intended to return to Japan when they could. Obviously I'm glad this never happened. Because of the anti-Japanese sentiment which permeated the United States through WWII and the 1940s and 50s, many Japanese-Americans took to identifying primarily as Americans and assimilating best they could. As a result, my mom and her sister were never taught Japanese by their parents, same as the majority of their cousins and peers. Later on in Mitzi's life, my mom Helen, whose artwork has continually been influenced by Japanese culture and aesthetics for her whole adult life, became dedicated to studying Japanese and would often practice with her mom on the phone. Recently I began to study Japanese myself. I get my joy of language study from my mom, and so I look forward to practicing with her the way that she would practice with Grandma. My mom was in her 40s the first time she went to Japan, and in 2007 my parents Helen and Charles, my Aunt Jane and Uncle Curt, and Grandma Mitzi traveled there together. It was Grandma's last trip to Japan. I look forward to traveling with my mom and practicing Japanese with her in the coming years. I feel like Grandma Mitzi will always be present in our lives, even though we can only see her in our memories and her house feels empty and strange. Her face is fresh in my memory, just like I can picture the portrait of Grandpa, I can picture Grandma smiling and laughing and it still makes me smile. Thank you all for being here today.

(Originally written April 9, 2016)


Scenes from a magical day. Ran into some old customers at the marina (Patricia took my photo) and then saw Cori, Erika & Harrison, Jeff and Bryana at Commonwealth for the happy hour that Jeff made happen. I miss the old Recession Haus days… I hadn't seen Cori in almost two years. More pics from the day over at my IG. I’ve quit FB and I feel so liberated.


Sometimes going to a march in the rain alone turns into running into your friend you haven't seen in three years who after an hour talks you into going to the castro on a packed muni train where you are sardined in with two rad babes (who just met each other at the march-- other solo march-goers!) whom you end up going out to the gay bar with, eating hella free pastries, and sharing your mom-crowns. I brought exactly three extra! So nice to meet you guys, Bonnie and Melissa.


It's come to my attention that I forgot to share this on here. It helped a lot to make!


my top song obsessions from 2016, according to spotify

1. Twin Sister - Meet The Frownies

2. Santigold - I’m A Lady

3. The Kills - Black Balloon

4. Gnarls Barkley - Crazy

5. Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit

6. Elle King - Ex’s & Oh’s

7. Screaming Females - Laura and Marty

8. The Kills - Tape Song

9. Agent Ribbons - Family Haircut

10. Charly Bliss - Ruby

11. I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness - If It Was Me

12. Aimee Mann - That’s Just What You Are

13. Metric - Raw Sugar

It’s true. These are all songs I listened to on repeat this past year. They’re good!


I drank the night coffee; now I want you to know

When I was 17 and 18 I had this recurring ongoing fantasy that I was actually Dana Scully and that I had been placed in the witness protection program. It was because the aliens were trying to get me again, and I went into hiding for years and not even Mulder knew where I was. It broke his heart because he was of course in love with me. In hiding I spent a lot of time thinking about my life and dreams and decided my dream was to become a performing musician. I learned to play the cello over a period of five years and became quite good because I didn't have to work or ever interact with anyone. I wrote songs about all kinds of historical events and otherworldly occurences, many of which were based on my work on the X-Files. In the fantasy I had become Melora from the band Rasputina, and when I would listen to the Rasputina album How I Quit The Forest, I would be totally immersed in being former Special Agent Dana Scully-turned-Melora Creager, performing the songs on a stage in a large venue with many round tables and seated audience members. On this night, which was always the same, Mulder accidentally came to see me perform and suddenly recognized me, and knew all of my songs were about him and our work together, and my heart was beating a mile a minute.

Until last night I hadn't ever told anyone this. It was one of a number of alternate lives I used to live - I can't remember any others specifically, but I'm hoping they will resurface the way this one did. After reading the article I posted the other day about daydreaming verging on mental illness and hearing a few friends' deep fantasies from the past and present, I am extremely interested in other people's versions of this sort of thing. Please share yours!


We were at Vinyl and you were the only one dancing. A band was playing on floor level, everyone stood there, at most tapping a foot, bending a knee to the rhythm. Arms folded, that kind of crowd. You were up front, weaving around the band, a grin on your face. You wore overalls, hair loose, curls lit by stage light. One of the other audience members tried to stop you. They said over and over, frowning, gesturing palms up, "Stop making it about you!" At one point they even physically held your arms to your sides, eventually letting go, yelling some more. But you loved the music. You wanted to celebrate, you kept trying. Eventually we were out on the deck, and you were confused. That was clearly an angry person, we said. Angry at life. Not like you. You are beautiful, powerful, in the right. We leaned on the wall, confident in our opinion. You smiled.

I never spoke with you again for longer than a brief hello, but I would see you around from time to time. I always remembered you dancing, when no one else would.


Looking forward to the next time I see my best fweeeend and we get to do this face <3 @midnightlaundromat


The first time I met Denalda she was living with my drummer Mikey at the squat on 27th Street. We hung out in the sunny kitchen in the late afternoon. I hung my feet out the window, and a giant pot of curry was cooking on the stove. The second time, she was living at The Boat and I was there to retrieve a mic stand that my band had left behind. She let me in, and told me she was working on a new song. I felt welcome in her space, invited. I asked her what her project was called and she replied, Van Fantom. I wrote it on my hand so I would not forget. I told her I hadn’t been working on my own music, but that once I started again I would love to play a show together. I never made that happen, and I never got to see this band play either, but I am happy that her recordings exist because they are beautiful like she was.


Kiyomi was more than a person with a bubbly personality. Although we weren't regular-hangout friends, we were always on each other's radar and in a lot of ways cut from the same cloth. I felt a deep kinship with her not only because we liked most of the same things, but because I felt we had a similar sensibility about life, finding not only joy in coincidence but also deep beauty in sadness. If there's a word for laughing while finding joy in sadness I think that's what we shared. Also, we are maybe some the only people in the world who bonded over a love of cheap moscato champagne. Here's a pic of her mixing up something delicious for a party at our place, in the same kitchen I probably met her in, the first time.


My God, little 26-year-old me and Annabelle Zakaluk are so awkward and cute. "Tales of love won, lost, spurned, withheld, and denied, sweetly sung without taking a single breath. Is it self-loathing antifolk? Is it jangly indiepop? Is it swaggering riot grrl? Does it fucking matter?"

I can't believe how many other awesome people I like did this show. Phoning It In!


Two showers later, this message from last night still bold and clear. It was a hit at work today, when someone noticed and I had forgotten it was there. The worst part was that I found out one of my crushtomers voted for him. Big ol' wtf. The accent is no longer cute.

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