

@simbiko / simbiko.tumblr.com

Welcome to my Sims 4 blog! Here you will find pieces from one of my goofing-around-saves featuring Sims 4 versions of Kingston and Coyote, possibly guest starring some other random sims. (I'm slowly adding to the neighborhood.) When TS4 gets more interesting I hope to restart my random legacy.
I won't be on a lot due to life being busy and stuff, but I will try to keep up as much as possible.❤

I was playing around to see if there was any more Maxis matchy hair for them, and I didn’t expect to like Kijiko’s newest hair on Coyote as much as I do even if it’s a lighter than his actually is. ♡(ŐωŐ人) (I don’t know if it suits his character, but you can tell me, @simbows ! )

I also wanted to do a quick height difference thing of them for visual purposes because I like to draw them occasionally. :3


I edited Agent Pierce Connery closer to my personal current style because I really want to do a legacy with him and Domino even though the game isn’t where I need it to be to enjoy it past generation 1 yet. (Fingers crossed the next EP will do it for me.)

I tweaked Domino a tiny bit too and traded her evil trait for the klepto trait since I feel like it suited her better.


So, I learned what happened to my sim when her outfit disappeared. Whenever she visits Hare Square the game changes her outfit and what had really happened it the game had changed her outfit to one I was missing the mesh for, so it didn’t really disappear.

This is really odd. I don’t know if it has to do with the lot or the Garden Gnomes group she joined but it’s really annoying. :/

ETA: Something to do with the club outfit settings, but I’m further confused because no one else in the club wears anything different. ( ಠ_ಠ)


After playing with Bella and Mortimer’s faces a lot I rerolled Cassandra and Alexander, especially since it was an easier way than redoing them myself. :P

Doing these makeovers/face rearrangings made me realize how much EA is recycling the same meshes for clothing. I know they’ve always done it before, but it feels like it’s even more. I could be wrong though because I didn’t count.


Happy New Year everyone!☆

I hope you all had a safe and enjoyable one no matter what you did! And I also hope that 2016 will be good to each and every one of you.


Since there is one thing I don’t get bored with about TS4, which is the CAS, I got distracted and started remaking premades and townies, which also lead to some face rearranging.

I didn’t intend to change them as much as I changed Summer, but I really don’t like the “eyelashes” that come with some of the eyes, so I had to start from scratch with her eyes and decided to not stop there.


Playing with Leroy on a whim (not planning on doing much of anything with him) has made me realize that I need better eyeliner that isn’t all just wing eyeliner (which I love but it’s a bit overkill), skin overlays for kids through to adults that aren’t pixelated looking and fit my preferences, and I’m debating on weather or not to stick with “clay” hair only.


Leroy Scott as a romantic and whimsical disposition. Although he has creative talent his interests seem to waver between learning many more and different things. Life is too short to be wasting time on one thing, right?

But one thing his heart would like to focus on is finding that future special someone.

Aspiration: Renaissance Sim

Traits: || Quick Learner | Romantic | Music Lover | Athletic ||

Occupation: Leroy gets by working the odd job as a substitute musician wanting to learn every single instrument under the sun.

CC list

EPs and SPs used: || Get Together | Spa Day ||

Created for @ohmysims404 ‘s bachelorette challenge. Feel free to use him as you please. He can be found on the TS4 gallery under my Origin ID, Simbico.


If anyone needs/wants the new messaging thing on tumblr send me an ask/fan mail and I’ll help get you started.

I swear this website is nothing but a dumb social experiment every time an update rolls out. :/


I tried recreating Jun’s wife, Isra, again too. She was one of my favorite TS3 sims that I made in CAS. I’ll probably toss them into my Kingston and Coyote save, maybe play them a little bit too.


I wanted to try and recreate Jun Li, but I don’t think I’m gonna be able to be successful because I deleted my blog that had the random legacy I tried to doing with him, so I have limited pictures. I might have to take liberties with recreating him like I did with Kingston. :/

4 pics because I wanted to use his pouty looking face, but wanted to keep the rest too. :P

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