
this tragedy destroys

@noelsbooty / noelsbooty.tumblr.com

{ H I A T U S }

unrelated; bts highlight reel theory

This is just an idea I had after watching the recent highlight reel, it may be wrong it may be right, it’s worth trying! I just wanted to share my ideas. Feel free to comment your opinions.

My theory is that the girls represent their conscience. Whether it be burdened one, a guilty one, etc. The girls play a vital role in teaching the boys to love themselves, the overall theme of the comeback. You’re probably confused, allow me to explain further. 


He murdered his father, broke the law, was a troubled kid all together. The girl (his conscience) represents his guilty conscience. He tried to get rid of it, but doing the right thing (paying for the stuff she attempted to steal) but the girl still kept following her. 

Tae then realized that the only way to get rid of it, the only way to forgive himself, the only way to love himself, was to fess up to what he done and take responsibility. 

This is Tae, before he goes out to the cops to turn himself in, the girl doesn’t stop him, doesn’t talk him out of it, doesn’t chase him. Tae is letting go of his guilty conscience, he’s forgiving himself.

After he surrenders, we see no sign of the girl (his guilty conscience), its all relieved.


As we all know, the poor baby got into a horrid car accident. He seemed upset at that fact, mad at himself almost until he met the girl (his burdened conscience). 

We see him walking to a hospital room with flowers in his hand, and completely healed and happy. 

The burden the accident caused his physical body is relieved. He goes to the hospital room…

No more girl, no more burdened conscience. He forgave himself. He loves himself.


His mother abandoned him, which already weighs heavily on his conscience. He lets it out through dance, his passion, hence why the girl dances with him frequently. He’s struggling to forgive his mother and himself for the trauma.

This scene represents him on the road to accepting, thats why her eyes are closed and her body is limp, hes on the road to relieving the burdened conscience, but he isn’t completely there. 


We obviously see him oogling the girl a bit yeah? Well, what if he is trying to relive Hobi’s burden? We see him learn the dance they practice; maybe he wants to be there for Hobi. That’s why Jimin looks at the girl a lot; almost keeping Hobi’s conscience in check. When he injures her, It’s symbolism for him relieving Hobi’s burden, but he hurts himself in the process. 

Jimin sees Hobi running with the girl, and sees that he didn’t completely relieve it. Hobi is still suffering, he’s still carrying the weight of the incident on his back. Jimin probably blames himself for it, probably gives up, that’s why we see him turn back.


Surprisingly, his concept is a bit different but still plays into the story. Not a burdened conscience, but a reflection of whom he wants to be, what he strives for. He sees the girl and follows her, probably comparing himself to her. He carries a hair tie, now idk what this symbolizes really, but we see that he leaves it with her and leaves her alone. 

He gets off the bus, and hear we see him staring at the “im fine” writing. He realized hes good enough. He loves himself.


We see Yoongi with his piano in the first video, calm, with his conscience. He struggles with an addiction, smoking. The girl guides him through it, picks up his instrument, and holds a lolipop. The conscience telling him to focus on what’s important, music. 

Until that phone call.

We see Yoongi struggle, almost trying to run away from the girl. He probably recieved news of Jungkook’s accident, and refusing to believe the truth, or possibly feeling guilty for not being there for him. They were close, we saw their flashbacks. The conscience is almost trying to get him to accept the truth, that’s why we see Yoongi fighting with it.


This one I’m the most conflitced on, but it is a theory, so its okay! We see Jin struggle the least in these videos, therefore causes the lack of the girl’s prescence. That is, until he gets into the car and slowly is reminded of his friends, and becomes more and more unhappy as he reaches the girl (his burdened conscience). Jin reaches her, and when she attempts to come…

He is confronted by his burden. His guilt. Probably for not being there for his friends? For Jungkook especially. Not visiting, talking, or whatever. And  he’s completely reliving the guilt. 


In conclusion, all these stories are different ways and journey’s for people that come to love themselves. There is no, one path or one way, there are many ways and journeys you could talk. Lemme explain.

Taehyung- Whatever bad things you have done in the past, it is never too late to forgive yourself, to change, to love yourself.

Jhope- Even if people have done you wrong, even if people have betrayed you, you need to accept it in order to love yourself, ultimately not blaming yourself for their actions.

Jungkook- No matter what horrible things happen to you (accidents, you get paralyzed, injury, etc) You have to accept and forgive and love yourself in order to gather strength. 

Yoongi + Jin - Do not destroy yourself over not knowing something, not stopping something in time. You need to forgive.

Jimin- You can’t relieve someone’s pain, no matter how much you try. Their journey to acceptance and love is only for them to go on. 

Rap Monster- Comparing yourself to someone will only impair your path. Accept yourself for who you are. 

That’s my theory! Hope you enjoyed. Let me know what you think in the ask.

- Admin Nubbie’s friend


Could you just imagine? An epic, yet bittersweet theme playing as you fought Stella aka: the perfect star princess/queen. Too bad that no longer will be, and will only remain a what if.

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