
oh, poor atlas

@newtongieszlers-blog / newtongieszlers-blog.tumblr.com

"Every biologist has a death wish in his own way." Occupation: Scientist Rank: K-Science Officer Ranger number: S-NGEl_100.11-Y

[[ I can totally see Newt becoming this, like, weathered and jaded old man. Like. Major breakthrough in his field? Yeah, whatever, I once saw a GIANT FUCKING ALIEN CRAWL OUT OF THE OCEAN and everyone around him Yes, we know Dr. G, you tell us this every day.. but instead he’s still a kid at heart like you can’t kill his enthusiasm. and that’s just one thing i love about him.

equally so i love the headcanon that his father and uncle both worked like 3 jobs each to put him through MIT and supporting him 400% in every endeavor of his from guitar to science to that failed attempt at dancing and not pushing the sports, and trying their goddamn best when he brought his first boyfriend home. hey, they even bought him a dress when he expressed interest in experimenting with his look! (he still has his feminine side, and it’s their support that gave him the courage to become comfortable with it)

and yeah, things are tense with his mother, but he’s at the point where he understands that she had her reasons for leaving and for being distant. he had a great childhood and loving parents so he can’t complain but there’s still that little. something. yknow? things are never gonna be 100% between them. but that’s okay. at the end of the day, at least she’s in his life even if it’s just through emails and awkward phone calls and catching up at dinner once or twice a year. he loves her. she’s learning how to love him and not be afraid of being a mother. and when they both relax, they have a great time.

i just really love my smol hyper child ]]


“Don’t worry. I think your name suits you rather well. And, more importantly, you are not just a puny little nothing scientist, you are brilliant and my friend.” She poked his shoulder and grinned. “So you’d better stop criticizing my friend, or I’ll have to hurt you.”

Newt scuffed the ground with his heel, looking very much like a child. “I’m sorry. Sometimes I get a little.. overzealous defending myself. I’ve kind of had to for most of my life.”

He grinned, though, and poked her back. “Friend, huh? You’re gonna have to get used to my self deprecating humor, then.”


She looked at him with surprise. “Oh, no. Nothing that extreme. The universe naturally tends to iron out small paradoxes on its own. Besides the fact that our education revolved around the importance of non-interference, we also have the ability to see possible future timelines from where we stand, and we can work within those parameters.”

His excitement was palpable, and while she welcomed his curiosity, she hoped it wouldn’t be too overwhelming. “Gallifreyan time travel is powered by a black hole. Well, an exploding star in the act of becoming a black hole, suspended in a permanent state of decay. It’s a bit complicated, really.”

“A black hole?” he kind of half laughed in disbelief. “You- you can’t be serious, a black hole? How do you contain that? How does it work?” Overwhelming, yeah, but just a few levels above giant aliens crawling slash swimming out of a giant hole in the Pacific Ocean and destroying cities. “Your ship must be huge!”


“O-okay, first of all my name is Newton, anon. Not gecko. I was named after a very famous physicist. Maybe you’ve heard of him?” he said with an offended air. “And what- what business is it of yours why Andromeda wastes her time with me, huh? Let’s not bring her attention to the fact that I’m th-th-this puny little nothing scientist and she has better places to be. She’s.. like, the only friend I have..” I made myself sad, he thought to himself, slapping a hand to his face. Way to go.

Oh! Of course there are a good many humanoid species, but there are just as many, if not more, that are not. Each planet has their own flora and fauna, that developed independently of other planets. Just as you have birds and bears and fish, other planets have their own versions that fit into their own ecosystems in their own ways. [She grinned, thrilled by his excitement over this new information.]

[Newt’s head was practically spinning with all of this new information. Here he was, thinking he was one of the leading experts on biology in the country (or even the world), but now it turned out there was much, much more he couldn’t even fathom..]

[He scratched at the slight stubble on his chin and pondered it all before speaking again.]

So.. of all the places in the universe, why are you here? On Earth? 


This is so neat - I talk about the triple point of water in my classes, the one pressure and temperature where solid, liquid, and vapor can coexist simultaneously. Here in a sample of cyclohexane being pumped down in pressure they hit the triple point - all 3 phases form simultaneously, so it boils and freezes at the same time.

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