

@cnmcn / cnmcn.tumblr.com

Multimedia Artist & VTuber | She/They [COMMISSIONS OPEN / LOOKING FOR LONG TERM WORK] Live Tag: #streammachine | Art Tag:cinemartchine

The mascot of linux was almost a cool foxgirl, just remember that.

The world that could have been 😔

we were robbed, truly

Alan Mackey’s original art, pictured above, was intended as a fox*boy*, didn’t win out as the mascot but years later a twitter user cathodegaytube posted her interpretation https://twitter.com/cathodegaytube/status/1197227512075411456?s=20 as a girl

This reached the original artist detailed in this thread who fully supported the interpretation https://twitter.com/cathodegaytube/status/1269405917700710400

Xenia is the cool transfem foxgirl Linux deserves


I'm playing Stardew again because of the update. Time to kiss Shane in record time.

"Everyone who dates Shane are those 'I can fix him' Types" Shut Up. Shut Up. His whole arc is him realizing he's depressed and taking his own actions to find professional help. I like him because I've been there in that same headspace and I can tell he has passions he can't enjoy fully because of capitalism so I am GOING to make him my Ranching Trophy Husband EVERY time.

I hate it when people reduce him to just An Alcoholic who's Mean.

Also giving Shane shit for drinking while giving Pam a pass because her drunkeness is played as comedy most of the time is... kinda shitty?


I'm playing Stardew again because of the update. Time to kiss Shane in record time.

"Everyone who dates Shane are those 'I can fix him' Types" Shut Up. Shut Up. His whole arc is him realizing he's depressed and taking his own actions to find professional help. I like him because I've been there in that same headspace and I can tell he has passions he can't enjoy fully because of capitalism so I am GOING to make him my Ranching Trophy Husband EVERY time.

I hate it when people reduce him to just An Alcoholic who's Mean.


I'm playing Stardew again because of the update. Time to kiss Shane in record time.


i hate when i send someone a meme in another language and they're like "uhm... translate? 😒" fucker i sent you a meme where 90% of the words have an english cognate and/or you don't need to know what they're saying to find it funny. can you at least TRY

i sent this meme to 7 people, and 4 of them asked me to translate for them. i legitimately do not think that was necessary.


joji was forced to be the worlds gayest rapper for years as punishment for making filthy frank and now that he's freed he's been reformed into the worlds greatest poster where all he does is buy cartons of newports and throw it at an old white guy in gucci flip flops and mw2 preorder nightvision goggles thats moaning on camera


I know it’s not hard to point out reactionaries hypocrisy when it comes to like safe spaces or hug boxes or whatever but genuinely how much of an echo chamber do you have to exist in for you to think this is a reasonable thing to say

reblog if attacking fascism is really the hill you want to die on

this is literally like one of the most justified and honorable hills you could die on??? lol??

Quick someone reply with the gif™️

Always reblog this if you are cool


man I wish I could get a gig doing gatcha work

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