
Cupcakes Coffee Books 'N Bones

@cupcakescoffeebooksnbones / cupcakescoffeebooksnbones.tumblr.com

30-Something, quilter, comic book reader, tight-lacer, knitter, spinner, hoop dance extraordinaire. LOTR nerd by day, Harry Potter geek by night. All around bibliophile. Bookish Account for Cherry Sprinkle Instagram: @cherrysprinkle @cupcakes_coffee_books_n_bones Find me on GoodReads Wishlist: Amazon Wishlist For review inquiries email: cherrysbookblog@gmail.com Some of the photographs on this site are my own, some are reblogged for inspiration. :)

positive things i associate with the Hogwarts houses


  • the friend that always has gum, but when they take a piece they automatically give you a piece so you don’t have to ask
  • the friend that mocks the sound of the THX logo in older movies
  • the friend that always wants to be in charge of the aux
  • the friend that drives like a maniac but has never gotten a ticket
  • that feeling when you tell a joke and everyone laughs and smiles back at you
  • that feeling when you change something really small but it’s such a big deal but you don’t tell anyone because they won’t understand so you just have a small victory for yourself 
  • that feeling when you try a new food and you’re extremely skeptical but it turns out to be delicious
  • the feeling in your stomach at the first drop in a rollercoaster and you’re screaming with a big smile


  • the friend that laughs at your joke when no one hears it or it’s not very funny just so you don’t get embarrassed 
  • apologizing to the cashier for the rude person that checked out before you
  • roots for the villains in Disney movies but cries whenever someone dies in the movie
  • the friend that always has a perfect response when you text the group chat pictures of the conversation you’re having with someone you’re flirting with
  • the friend that texts good morning at 1 pm
  • that feeling when you and all of your friends are in on a secret and someone brings up the subject and you all know that you know the answer but you keep it to yourself 
  • the friend that talks and comments all through the commercials and trailers for new movies at the movie theater but will ‘literally end you’ if you talk during the movie
  • the feeling when you first think you might like someone. that nervous excited feeling
  • the friend that knows a bunch of really random useless facts


  • the friend that brings comfort food during sad times and listens to you talk, or not talk if you just need someone
  • the friend that gives great advice but still does stupid shit constantly
  • the friend that gives excellent relationship advice even though they’ve been in few relationships
  • the friend that lets you copy their homework the morning before class because you forgot about the assignment
  • the friend that you can text at all hours of the night and you always get a response
  • the friend that always finds new books and music before they’re overdone
  • that feeling when you’re happy that the characters are happy but sad because the book has ended
  • that feeling when you lay down at the end of the day
  • when you really stress out over something like a text you sent or a test you submitted and the response you get is better than the situation you created in your head


  • a casual wave or nice smile when you run into someone you kinda know but not well enough to strike up a conversation
  • burning your mouth on coffee but drinking it anyway
  • the friend that takes a lot of naps
  • that feeling when a teacher or authority figure asks the group a question that you know the answer to but aren’t certain enough to volunteer it out so you keep it to yourself but it turns out you were right
  • when you catch something that someone tosses something to you and you brush it off like you knew that you would catch it even though on the inside you’re celebrating
  • the friend that sings what they’re doing
  • meme master
  • the friend that asks really random questions when theres a lull in the conversation

My miniature Terry Pratchett Discworld novel library!

Made from an Altoids tin, Popsicle sticks, cardstock, copy paper, and a whole lot of patience. All of the miniature books open and have real printed pages you can leaf through. And the insidevof the lid has a sort-of-3D scene of the UU Library.

Contains the novels from The Color of Magic, all the way through Raising Steam

I’m sorry, what? This is so well done!


Let’s face it, we bookworms tend to put a lot of pressure on ourselves, when it comes to our reading, because we’re weird like that, but in a good way. And, the truth is that reading should always be fun. Guilt free. ALL THE FUN SO MUCH OF THE FUN BECAUSE WORDS ON PAGES *insert screech* You know what I’m talking about. So I thought that compiling a list of the reasons that bookworms feel guilty and why they should just stop would be a great idea

  1. Not reaching our Goodreads challenge/lowering our goal for the year

In the past few years, the Goodreads challenge has become a staple of measuring achievement when it comes to reading. It has become insanely popular and it’s honestly such a good tool to keep track of everything you’re reading. But it also adds an immense amount of pressure. I’ve been there. When December rolls around and you see that you’re to the Goodreads challenge what Pluto is to being a planet in the Solar System (a.k.a. not even close; also VIVA LA PLUTO because Pluto deserved better smh), the panic sets in. You’re left with two options: lowering your goal or not finishing the challenge. Both make you feel like crap. But honestly, life makes us feel like crap far too many times, thank you very much, so let’s not let reading add to the ever growing pile of crap, am I right?

There’s no reason to feel guilty. If you read one book that year, you’re still a bookworm and it’s still a HUGE achievement. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t reach your challenge. It’s just a stupid tracking tool on the internet, it’s not something to measure your worth as a reader or as a person. You’re still awesome, even if you read just a page. Even one page counts. We’re busy, school and work get in the way 99% of the times. Unexpected life events occur. Shit happens. It’s normal and it’s expected, because life is fun and all that jazz.

Also, may I suggest a great idea: set your goal to one book for the year. Boom! Pressure off. You’ll still be able to see what books you read, how many pages and all that jazz, with the bonus that you don’t feel like hyperventilating every time you open your Goodreads account

  2. Not finishing books (the dreaded DNF)

Let me tell you something right off the bat: life is too short to waste on books that you’re not enjoying. Yes, I know, if you’re like me, you die a little on the inside every time you are at that point where you want to scream at the book you’re reading: BUT WHY ARE YOU NOT GOOD WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME WHO DID I OFFEND IN A PREVIOUS LIFE FML FML. It’s a reality. But let’s face it: you’re not going to enjoy every single book you pick up. It’s just not written in the stars. Which is why it’s perfectly acceptable to just…stop reading it. Put it down. Hug a kitten. Contemplate the universe. Leave it be. Maybe pick it up at a later time, maybe not. But don’t feel guilty. You didn’t disappoint the book, yourself, the book gods or literature as a whole. It just wasn’t meant to be and you should never force yourself to read a book you’re not enjoying. In my case, every time I force myself to keep going with a book I’m not enjoying, I tent to end up in The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be-Named a.k.a. the Book Slump™. Just…no.

  3. Not reading classics

80% of the classics I’ve read have bored me to tears. I mean. I want me some dragons, magic and lost princesses. There are no such things in most classics (a huge oversight on the part of the writers, but I’m not pointing fingers). I’ve stumbled upon some that I really enjoyed, but too few to really make me actively pursue reading classics. The trouble is that a lot of people cringe so badly when you tell them that you don’t read classics.

“So yeah, I don’t really read or like classics” “OMG HOW DARE YOU I AM OFFENDED” “Um, I just..don’t really enjoy them/relate to the stories/want to live while I’m reading them” “BLASPHEMY. SACRILEGE. BEGONE HEATHEN. SHAAAAME”

Whenever people react like this, it puts me off reading classics even more, because I hate judgy people. But I digress. My point is, the amount of classics that you read or don’t read doesn’t indicate how “good” of a reader you are (fyi, there are no good or bad readers imo). It’s just indicative of the genres you enjoy reading. That is all. People who read classics aren’t THE BEST BOOKWORMS™. They’re just people. Like you.

  4. Rereading books

I will shout this from the rooftops: I LOVE REREADING BOOKS. It’s something so refreshing and comfortable to go back to a book universe you fell in love with. To revisit favourite characters and go on adventures with them again. I reread at least a few books every year. Last year, I actively tried to reread at least one book each month. It was so much fun!

Rereading books can get you out of The Slump™. Rereading books is an excellent alternative for when you can’t afford to buy new books because stupid life costs money booooo. Rereading can be so insightful, because you notice so many things you missed on your first (or second, or third or…you get my drift) read. Rereading can be a whole new experience years after reading that book for the first time. Rereading a certain book can be the best for you at a certain time, because everything is familiar and safe. Rereading is absolutely no reason to feel guilty – people usually say they’re wasting time when they’re rereading (um, no), missing out on new releases (they’ll still be there a week later when you finish rereading your favourite book thank you very much), they fear not liking it as much the second time around (fine, I’ll give you this, it’s a possibility, BUT I ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE). Long story short: reread more books 2k17.

  5. Neglecting books because life

We’re bookworms, yes. But we’re also People Who Need To Live and Function in Society. What does this mean? That we sometimes don’t have that much time to read (I know, it’s just so rude). Days may pass when we don’t read at all. Weeks. Sometimes months. Years? (all my college years were spent reading almost academic books exclusively; it was a dark time in my life). But that’s okay. There’s no reason to feel guilty for doing our best to live out lives. Doing that sometimes implies giving up certain things, because we simply don’t have the time or energy to do them. That doesn’t make us bad people or bad readers. Your books will still be waiting for you when you have the time to devote them your full attention. Books don’t judge.

Surprisingly or not, this is just part one. I have many feelings about this particular topic, because I really really want people to read books guilt free. And live the bookworm life to the fullest

I’d love to hear your thoughts on these points. And if there was ever a time you felt guilty for something book related

Happy reading, bookish people <3


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2018 Journal Challenge Writing Prompts Part 3!

There you go, everyone! An entire year’s worth of writing prompts just for you!

Hope you enjoy your writing this year!

Feel free to tag: #Journaling-Junkie, and #2018JournalChallenge

if you post any entries on your blog and would like to share your writing with us!

Wishing you all a very happy and successful 2018! :)


2018 Journal Challenge Writing Prompts Part 2!

Happy New Year, everyone!

Tag: #Journaling-Junkie, and #2018JournalChallenge


2018 Journal Prompts part 1

Happy New Year, everyone!

Tags: #Journaling-Junkie #2018JournalChallenge


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