
"Today the crumbs, tomorrow the loaf."

@hellsbells91 / hellsbells91.tumblr.com

This is Helen, also occasionally known as Hellsbells. This blog is dedicated to pretty much anything that takes my fancy. Fair warning to all I am Black Sails, Loki and Dean Winchester trash and will be talking about them probably forever.

not to just randomly talk about squid game on this blog but i just watched it a second time and noticed something insane that i completely missed on my first watch and it took me the fuck out so i thought i’d share because i haven’t seen any comments about it on here? basically, all the main players’ deaths were foreshadowed by how they spent their time after the first game (when they were sent home):

ali steals from his boss and runs away which is what sang-woo does to him with the marbles, deok-su jumps off a bridge which mirrors him being thrown off the stepping-stones by mi-nyeo, sae-byeok threatens to slash that guy’s throat which is what sang-woo does to her, and sang-woo is sitting in a bathtub filled with water while trying to kill himself, and in the end he commits suicide in the rain. that’s incredible foreshadowing honestly.


Also, Gi-hun swears on his mother’s life and Sae-Byeok makes a comment about how he would put his life before her’s. In the end Gi-hun survives but his mother dies. 


In Treasure Island, Billy Bones appears at the very outset of the story with a mysterious sea chest, looking for a wayside inn with a view of the sea but little traffic. Bones decides upon the Admiral Benbow Inn where he asks to be addressed merely as “Captain”. He pays young Jim Hawkins fourpence a month to keep watch for “a seafaring man with one leg”. 

When a blind pirate known only as Pew (one of Silver’s men) reaches the inn, Bones is plainly terrified. He slips a black spot into Bones’s hand and departs. Immediately, Bones suffers a stroke and dies.


So there’s a tonne of Loki variants, right?

More even than Mobius can fully recall.  

They’re a dime a dozen.

L1130, our Loki variant, may be a pussycat compared to his counterparts.

He may not have won the Tour de France.

Or become President.

(Or King).

Or tricked Thanos.

Or ran rings around the TVA.

But he did do one thing that no other Loki ever did.

He changed.

And tbh I think that’s pretty badass too.


Plot bunny/prompt that flew into my brain seeing all those long-haired Mobius pics:

While multiverse-hopping trying to find his way back to the right TVA, Loki travels to a timeline in which Mobius has longer hair. It’s the first time that Loki notices Mobius’s physical appeal, like really notices it. 

And it’s the first time Loki thinks oh shit I’m maybe-sorta-definitely attracted to him.

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