

@librocubiculrst / librocubiculrst.tumblr.com

"I have always imagined Paradise will be a kind of library." -Jorge Luis Borges

Photo dump of stuff I love! (at Orange County, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKUqwmmHSZr/?igshid=1wi5hc0anbl40


The longer this goes on, the more sure I am that I'm just worthless.

I wonder if this is worse since I don't really feel depressed anymore just numb. Or maybe I have awakened a new layer of depression. Who knows.


terrifying your own child into submission makes you an abuser.

watching your child cry and screaming at them to stop and invalidating their pain and reasons for crying makes you an abuser.

staring at your child in disgust and contempt after they displease you makes you an abuser.

threatening to your child to take away their basic resources if they don’t give you exactly what you want makes you an abuser.

forcing your child to feel ashamed for not living up to your ideals makes you an abuser.

using slurs, hateful names and insults on your own child without any regard to what it does to their mental health makes you an abuser.

forcing your child to chase impossible expectations and making them feel like they’re worthless for not achieving them makes you an abuser.

acting like your child is a burden and a waste of space and blaming their illness/disability/depression on it makes you an abuser.

behaving like your child will never amount to anything and isn’t worth any resources and nurturing makes you an abuser.

making your child feel like they’re never good enough makes you an abuser.

if your child’s heart is hurting because they know no matter what they do and how hard they try they will always be a failure in your eyes, you are an abuser.

if your child can’t look at themselves without self hatred because they had to look at themselves from your perspective and all they saw is disgust and hatred, you’re an abuser.

If your child is struggling to believe they have the right to live and to be cared and loved, if they can’t stop hearing your hateful voice putting them down and using their every action to prove they’re worthless, you’re an abuser.

If you watched your child in pain and ensured them they deserved it, you’re an abuser.

If your child can’t love themselves from how badly you hated them, you’re an abuser.

Guys, this NEEDS more reblogs.

People go through this all the time regularly, I can hardly name a family in my town whose children don’t tell me stories like the ones above.

Emotional abuse is a real problem these days and the children in those households don’t know that it’s not normal, or at least it shouldn’t be normal, until they are older. If they ever find out at all, that what they went through wasn’t right.

It is not a tool of effective parenting.

And to those children and teens who are going through this today, you are not alone. I know feels like it but you aren’t. You have to do what is best for you sometimes, if distancing yourself from your parents makes it better, do that. If talking to your best friend about it makes you feel better, please do that. This won’t last forever, you will grow up and move out and see that the world loves you.

You are beautiful and strong and I believe you can make it through this.

0h my God, things are snapping together…

My parents do some of those things but its not abusive… sure they’re dicks sometimes but it’s not like that.


To everyone reading this and going “oh.”

I’m truly, truly sorry. If you ever need someone to talk to, my inbox is open.

I have been thinking about this since seeing a post about a mom punishing her daughter and she then posted it to facebook and it went viral. The daughter's face kills me.


when u know the way ur dad acts is because of his own unresolved issues/trauma but at the same time u know u dont deserve to be treated the way ur being treated but u cant do anything abt it


the whole “i’m an evil monster because i have to kill and eat innocent people to survive :’(” angst in ‘regular human gets turned into supernatural monster’ stories is so stupid. like how is that even a problem??? there are also plenty of corrupt billionaires, abusers and cops out there for you to snack on

everybody’s like “eating the rich is the only ethical consumption under capitalism” until they actually have the opportunity to actually eat the rich 🙄 smh

what we do in the shadows is the only one that Gets It


Toxic Traits

Today I will try not to lose my temper. Today I will learn to better bite my tongue against the poison I want to spit out. I will keep from infecting those around me with it.

I will cry if I need to, stopping it has only made the anger worse and the edge I have sharper.

I will try not to get mad when I am spoken over as if my words don't matter. I will try not to get upset when the things I love are mocked. I will focus on things outside myself that make me happy and try to keep a sense of peace even when provoked.

I feel like these are all false affirmations right now and that there is a meanness in me ready to come out. Like that Gillian Flynn quote.


Why is Microsoft literally illiterate



A lot of people are being very confidently wrong on this post so let me clear up a few things

1) There is not a space between the apostrophe and the s.. idk how y’all are seeing a space there but this is what it looks like if I ACTUALLY put a space there


2) Red squiggles are for spelling errors and blue squiggles are for grammatical errors. It’s not a suggestion it’s telling me I’m wrong, and I’m not.


3) I am, and I cannot stress this enough, NOT WRITING HOMESTUCK FANFICTION

Im in tears Holy shit


It’s weird what smells and sounds are triggering.

Sounds that are over the top of each other and competing. And when people say to start something when you pause because the sounds give you stress but then talk louder over it. Or certain sharing situations.

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