

@ahumblefrog / ahumblefrog.tumblr.com


Rafael the racist Immigrant, hater of progress.


The person that wrote this headline should win a national award in journalism. I’m not joking at all, I’m dead serious.

This headline says EXACTLY what’s important and doesn’t obfuscate anything.

I get that being frozen for 100 years is a tough thing to go through but honestly Aang should have used it for comedy more

Katara: wow so this is Omashu

Aang: back in my day it was called weed city

Sokka: I’m… pretty sure it wasn’t

Aang: that’s what the fire nation wants you to think

Bumi, the second they arrive: welcome to weed city

Sokka: what the fuck

can we get this post to 420,000 notes


Captions shouldn't be censored. If the video says fuck or cum or cunt the captions should say the fucking word.

Unless it's a slur! No one needs to see that.

If they say a slur in the video, the captions should reflect it. The disabled are not little babies who have to have life sanitized for them.


okay but I feel like ur forgetting that slurs don't just apply to the disabled... children don't need to be seeing the n-word or other racial slurs??

but children DO need to be hearing it? are you actually reading the post here?

Here's how it works when subtitles are done properly:

Audio: Let's BEEP go! Subtitle: Let's (censor tone) go!

Audio: Let's fucking go! Subtitle: Let's fucking go!

Removing swears and slurs from the subtitles without removing it from the audio is implying that deaf/HoH people need babying, unlike their hearing friends and family sitting right next to them. Which is frustrating.

The point of subtitles is to give the same experience to everyone watching, regardless of ability—not to be a more palatable version of what's being said.

The purpose of subtitles/captions is to be accurate, that's all.


should be able to leave kudos on scientific studies. i liked your paper dude keep at it

sorry, Dr. Dude


Dude et. al.


need y'all to know that most academics have publicly searchable email addresses and this not only makes their day but they can put nice emails in their giant packets for applying for jobs or tenure. "hi i read your paper for a class and it was very helpful, im at xyz college and the class is blah with professor blah" is sufficient and ENORMOUSLY helpful


the x files is funny because at the time it was “progressive” or whatever to have the ultra-rational, levelheaded character be a woman

but it’s also a show where all the fucked up alien shit actually is real, so she’s just constantly wrong about everything

What’s funny is how often they’re both wrong. Mulder will be like “the victims all had their livers scooped clean out this is obviously the aliens escalating from cattle mutilation” and Scully will be like “don’t be silly Mulder this is clearly just a serial killer who’s really good with surgical tools” and then it turns out the actual killer is an immortal sewer man who comes out ever quarterly century to feast on human liver.

I cannot stress enough that this is literally the plot of an actual episode


genuinely partially agree with the people on twitter

nobody NEEDS a pillow collection that says "live laugh love", especially when they are never used as actual pillows

it's like buying an off-road car as a farmer and keeping it in the garage to only be looked at and admired

having things with form over function in mind is a luxury problem that wouldn't be a thing in a not classist environment in which you constantly compete with everyone else about who has the perfect life

i also think that if you still disagree, you probably have lost control over your own life choices, or may have never had any


Hey man how's it going


Oh my fucking god


him: hey what's up with tiktoks and other short videos that are structured like dialogs even though only one person is talking

me: oh those are socratic dialogs. they're named after this old dude socrates. they weren't written by him though, they were written by his student aristotle who used socrates as a mouthpiece for his ideas

him: weird

me: the idea is that you basically have someone really smart and well-informed who's talking to basically a straw man that they can bounce ideas off to help you make your point

him: mmm okay i think im following

me: but the weird thing is that changing people's minds usually doesn't work that easily in real life. people who disagree and want to argue with you will have their own opinions, usually strongly held, that are often based on whatever they heard first, no matter how trustworthy that information is. and people are very resistant to changing their opinions. it's not just a matter of facts and logic but rather engaging with the other person's concerns and trying to get your point across in a way they understand. a socratic dialog basically dumbs down this process to the point it's no longer useful as a guide for talking to people about specific issues

him: whoa I've never thought of it that way before

him: you're like. really smart. can i suck your dick?

me: yeah sure

*15 minutes of the filthiest tgirl porn you've ever seen*

PLATO. His student Plato. Aristotle was Plato's student, Plato was Socrates's student. (This is a reblog because replies for the original post are restricted.)

you're like. really smart. ca-

*15 hours of the filthiest tgirl porn the world has ever seen*


As a former humanities student, I feel it is my duty to reblog this one.


A tech bro tried to convince me AI was amazing cause "you could make 30,000 screenplays in minutes" not realising that every single one would be shit, you'd have to sift through everything just to find some good bits, time wasted that could've been spent just writing a screenplay.

Technology Brothers know nothing about what goes into creating a work, other than the fact a work has been created to be exploited for cash. They see creativity as an investment opportunity, not a love for humanity.

Matthew Dow Smith: "Just remember: Arts & Humanities are so useless and pointless that Tech Bros were driven to spend billions of dollars to try and get a computer to do something that badly approximates something Arts & Humanities students could do half asleep and wired on coffee the night before the due date."


cracker being considered a slur on twitch is wild. such a harmless word but I guess some white people are soft and brittle.. reminds me of one of my favorite snack foods

I believe the preferred term is Saltine-American

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