
Talking Is Hard

@howl-the-moon / howl-the-moon.tumblr.com

black weirdo

You can identify a fake redneck by their passionate support of “blue lives matter.” Real rednecks have been in at least one physical fight and/or high-speed chase with police officers and would do it again


“redneck” is a valid culture, not a euphemism for “bigot”

So this has probably already been said on this post but I dont wanna scroll through 66k notes to find it.

The term Redneck gain prominence with striking coal miners in Appalachia. They wore red bandanas around their necks to express union solidarity.

And they fucking FOUGHT police and Pinkerton strike breaker forces. It was a period called The Coal Wars.

The poor and working classes have a long history of community support and rejecting police authority.

If you’re pro-cop, you’re not a redneck, you’re a bootlicker who based your personality on a played out Jeff Foxworthy caricature. Get bent. Your ancestors are ashamed of you.


the mangolorian. is that anything

if id bought into current trends and phrased this as some “mandolorian is a fruit (gay) call that mangolorian” joke youd all love it. youd reblog it. you sicken me.


Not to get political but my philosophy is fundamentally that all people should suffer less. That it’s everyone’s responsibility to try to make the world a little better for everyone else. And anyone trying to do the opposite is an asshole who needs to stop.


straight people will never understand how therapeutic it is to hear the words “her girlfriend” or “his boyfriend” or how I ascend to heaven when I hear “her wife” and “his husband”

Female customer: “I don’t have a rewards card but my partner might.”

Me, ears perking up: “Great! Can I have their name?”

Customer: “It’s Stephanie ____”

Me: stupidly wide smile and faint twinkle in eyes because holy crap I’m not alone

These two women came up to my register with their twins and they called each other honey and their kids called them both Mom and my soul ascended to the heavens i was so happy


SpongeBob, where’s my order?

Did you look under the tray?

Oh. No I didn’t, sorry.

my favorite part is, there’s two equally enjoyable and in character ways to look at this, he either

  1. humored the suggestion sarcastically to express to spongebob how stupid it was
  2. humored the suggestion seriously and hates himself for it

Speaking of Hamilton, it’s super fucked up the reputation it gets because of some of its more immature fans. Like, yeah, okay, there are people out there that are treating the founding fathers like “uwu cinnamon roll characters” instead of the actual real life people they were but that’s….not the show’s fault? The show does a better job of showing them as flawed human beings than MOST historical media, which tend to glorify them and completely ignore all flaws and shortcomings.

But more than that, it’s fucked up that the show is starting to get a bad reputation or be regarded as “cringey”. This is a show that shattered records and set milestones in theatre, and it is a show that is like 99% non-white. It’s a show that was written BY a man of colour specifically to CREATE more roles for performers of colour in an industry where he always felt there was little to no room for them. Can we not discredit that or its importance just because some teens on tumblr don’t know how to be normal about a musical they like?

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