
While the Sun Hangs in the Sky

@themercurialgirl / themercurialgirl.tumblr.com

I'm Jules. This blog is mostly about art, history, and music. Read my "About" page before following. Thanks for visiting :)

Gallery Tone   -   Jeremy Miranda, 2017.

American, b. 1980 -

Acrylic on wood panel , 30 x 24 in


Amulet with chicken feet and garlic against evil spirits, hung over a baby's cradle. Photographed in a Jewish home in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 1928.


the problem with autism is sometimes you want to do something (brave) but you need someone to gently walk you through each step so you know what will happen. and people don’t like doing that

i had to phone a taxi today, scary

every time i see this post i think of that person who posted on reddit that they wanted to go to subway for the first time but they were scared they would say the wrong thing so someone gave them step by step instructions for the entire process and what all the choices would be and when they would ask what question and i just think

someone will

someone out there will see you and say "yes. the world is scary. but let me hold your hand and show you how to do it anyways"

everyone needs that someone, and everyone can be that someone


take figures out of their boxes btw. sew patches on your favorite jacket. go to bed with your favorite plushes. wear the pants you usually save for special occasions. draw something cool on your wall. put a sticker on your laptop. dye your hair and pierce your lips. glass is meant to break, metal is meant to rust. items are meant to be used. that’s how the world knows that somebody loved them.

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